Was this guy the british Hitler or something? Why is he in every britbong meme saying he wants to drink aryan blood? Did he hate aryans? Was he a good leader? Did he hate the jews too?
Redpill me on this Mosley guy
Mosley is the guy I point out when a LibShit says that Fascism is Hypercapitalism. H
e, like Mussolini, stared in the left (Labour Party) and went to "the centre of politics" as a response of the working class becoming communists
it's like some cognitive dissonance memetic campaign. I think they're scared of british people discovering his ideas.
>Was this guy the british Hitler or something?
He would have been but (((they))) and their fat alcoholic puppet Churchill want him and King Eduard in office.
He was a key figure in the British fascist party. Basically a Reich proxy in the UK.
I literally have not read about this guy at all in the history books until I visited Sup Forums , he looks based af
>The only Anglo in ww2 who didn't want all Germans dead
>Becomes posterboy for hating Aryans
This is some Caligula tier punishment
He thought that the best way forward was:
- Avoidance of war with Germany, since we might not even win, and if we did it was likely that the whole of Europe and the UK would be smashed in the process, with countless dead. He fought in WW1 and had a keen eye for technical progress, mechanisation, and automation, he saw those things as making WW2 even more horrible than WW1.
- He predicted everything would become somehow specialist and technical, and that all of trade and commerce would follow this route.
- He thought that the election of unqualified politicians, rather than industry professionals, to positions of power (such as trade and industry secretary) was dumb. What would (say) a medical doctor know about heading up the Navy as defence minister?
- He thought that Britain would not be able to hold on to, or increase, its standard of living as the rest of the world "caught up", and that the best way to secure that was self-sufficiency within the Empire as a trading bloc.
- He was not anti-semitic, but he did argue with certain particular jews, and he allowed his movement to become anti-semitic.
You should listen to his wife's interview on radio with Sue Lawley, and to his own video interview with Sir David Frost. Then you will know.
"Use the source luke". Dont rely on 2nd hand information.
>i ve read scott adams blog for trumps election so now i put "cognitive dissonance" in every other sentence
oh to be 15 again
Did he have any views on Ireland ?
Fascists have nice uniforms. But unless they're actually part of the government or military they're just cosplaying.
>Was this guy the british Hitler or something?
If you mean the premier nationalist in his country, then yes. He led a group of 40,000 Fascists and National Socialists up until the war.
>Why is he in every britbong meme saying he wants to drink aryan blood?
Are you a newfag or just forgetful? Do you not remember the "Anglo BLOOD" German Turk poster who posted how much he hated English people and how they weren't Aryan, almost in every thread relentlessly? He'd always post this one photo named "beady" and it's pic related
>Did he hate aryans?
Nah famalam, part of the meme.
>Was he a good leader?
I'd say so. Incredibly charismatic, very principled, all round a pretty great guy.
>Did he hate the jews too?
No. He was critical of the Jews as an entity, but never hated them for being Jews alone.
He fought Lloyd George’s campaign to use the Black and Tans to crush the IRA. You can read his own words first hand in Hansard.
That is the great thing about being alive today, you can watch interviews, listen to recordings, and easily access precisely what was said in parliament by him. Makes the campaign of disinformation by the mainstream parties all the more obvious now....
They never foresaw the access we would have to genuine source information.
He condemned the Black and Tans when he returned from the war. He was pretty content with an independent Ireland, as far as I know. I know that many of his party members like William Joyce, who happened to be Irish, wanted Ireland back in the union, but I don't think Mosley ever announced similar.
Basically the Hitler of Britain but he dindu nuffin significant
>never hated them for being Jews alone.
nobody does, but because of their nature.
>Anglo poster
kek wasnt that guy the Iranian dude who shot a bunch of Turks in Germany a while back, that poster vanished after the shooting and the shooter was a Sup Forums user
>critical of jews
>not anti-semitic
Nobody hates niggers because of their skin colour, or Jews because they are Jews. If that is the impression you have, you are still bound by the narrative the Lügenpresse is shilling, lurk more.
here's a mosley speech
I haven't declared anything of my own views, leaf. I'm simply posting about Mosley.
Well then I am in stark contrast to Mosley's words. There is that one cool image of him and his blackshirts walking towards the camera that is pretty cool, though. Makes me rethink it.
I doubt he'd align against anti-Semitism as he has if he lived under a ZOG as overt as the ones in the US.
>Nobody hates niggers because of their skin colour, or Jews because they are Jews
You're projecting
nobody does, there are arguments behind the claims. Listen to the goy's guide to history if you're interested:youtube.com
based mosley
I get that there's obviously an argument behind the claim, but it's usually based on a very small sample extrapolated to an entire group based on skin color, so it might as well be just hating someone for their skin color.
British Fascist. The Aryan stuff is a meme. He wanted to side with Hitler on the war, he wasn't as anti-Jew as Hitler but was obviously still woke to them. He was actually a good guy who wants sto improve living standards all across the British Empire.
Only just discovered this looking at this thread.
Accurate for every word.
>Did he hate aryans?
Of course, he's an anglo, it's genetic
He always looks like he's holding a shit.
>but it's usually based on a very small sample extrapolated to an entire group based on skin color
Literally #NotAll___
You think that is a good argument?
What moral obligation is attendant upon white Western nations to take droves of these #NotAll___ into their lands? Once the argument you just made is stated, that is the next logical conclusion to arrive at, that it would be bigoted to deny them this right. My rhetorical question to you (in order to invoke appeals to emotion "muh altruism, you should feel bad goy") is based around the (lack) moral obligation attendant upon immigration of Muslims (who are not all explosive) or niggers (who are not all dindus) or Jews (who are not all rats), etc.
i think stereotyping is natural because humans categorize, but extrapolating to all on an individual level is retarded.
>humans categorize
That's evolution, hyper-egalitarian Marxist fanboys do away with this natural distinction. Of course it is natural, hierarchies exist. Not all men are created equal.
My rhetorical question answers: extrapolating to all on an individual level is retarded.
There is no moral obligation attendant upon this mass immigration. Of course there are good and educated chimps, but niggers are criminal animals who are not worth the risk of associating. Wow, your black bull Jamal doesn't make you prep him, doesn't mean niggers are virtuous because outliers exist. It is dependent upon the nation to take them in, and if they choose not to, then they will rot in their own nations.
Take that tripfag shit off, btw. Makes you look ridiculous, why would you do away with your anonymity, unless...
I have just been informed that bigotry is illegal now. We must open our butt-borders to the tolerant and peaceful Muslims. North Africans are truly kind and Jews are certainly not rats, we are all humans and racist bigots need to be removed because they are xenophobic meanies. We must be diverse and appreciate differences, also affirmative action means we are all equal, too. We must become multicultural and homosexual because that's the only way to do away with bigotry.
Truth is, every single person wishes to remove those that they disagree with. Even the hyper-egalitarians who praise tolerance and diversity will, when faced with opposition, grow wishes to remove them from society.
Difference being, the system they wish to implement. See how far Swedish Somalianism gets you compared to NatSoc or non-Jewish capitalism.
Wtf are you talking about? You're going off on a strawman tangent about immigration when I was talking about human nature and stereotyping and how racism is basically extrapolating a stereotype to an entire race despite new information that does not fit the stereotype.
I didnt even say stereotyping was bad
Mosely din du nuffin wrong. He is a better face for fascism than Hitler who was overly fanatical.
Strawman? If I was misrepresenting your argument, then the borders in Germany would be restricted. But the natural consequence of sophistry like #NotAll___ is what I have described. Swedistan is the future, when they denounce racism and make it their goal to do away with it by doing away with their own ethnic lineage/national identity.
>racism is basically extrapolating a stereotype to an entire race
dude racism lmao