Is it true that jews control the world or is it just a meme?
Is it true that jews control the world or is it just a meme?
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(((Jewish traits))) control the world. Jews are disproportionately successful because of this.
Essentially high-IQ people with fierce subgroup loyalty at the expense of the national group.
You can gas the Jews, but you can't gas Jewish traits, really. They are too advantageous.
All you can do is keep people with subgroup loyalty out of power.
It's like with niggers. You can lynch them all and there would still be niggerness in the world.
Ethnonationalism is a great way to separate out the BIGGEST sources of problems, but really it just takes away all excuses and will reveal the need for internal racial eugenics to get rid of the Jewish and Nigger traits in each group.
Oy vey this again, shut it down goyim.
We have a wall and greater fences on our borders, your jews suck donkey dick but send money so is ok.
Wow. This post is excellent.
Thanks user, you just enlightened me.
This is quintessential Judaism my possibly LARPing friend.
>advocate for ethnic state
>get state
>leave rich and powerful members of the subgroup in multiethnic states
>siphon resources from the multiethnic states to the Jewish ethnostate
Thank you, Schlomo.
Thank you Ben.
And I'll bet this wasn't even planned. It is just what Jews do. Whites should learn from you. We evolved to be INSANELY altruistic and giving because it was fucking cold and only those that helped each other survived the ice age.
Not the case in the Levant.
Our altruism is a major evolutionary disadvantage in a multiethnic world.
IQ black and brown people think that 100 IQ whites control the world.
IQ whites think that 115 IQ jews control the world.
Why don't you stop being such a kike leech?
He can't, it is genetic.
Like I can't walk by a homeless person without feeling guilt even though I know intellectually I've contributed more than I've taken from society.
This is why we can't live together. Jews will ALWAYS end up on top because I can't just walk by the bum and they can.
I see him as essentially the same as me. To Jews he is just faceless goyim.
Jews don't even control all of Israel
This really explains a lot.
>To Jews he is just faceless goyim.
Jews dont control the world. Rich people do. There happen to be rich jews. There also happens to be rich muslims and christians and athiests.
Inb4 oy vey jidf.
What is that?
Serving in the army 3 years, while getting 300 bucks as salary.(before 2016 i would get 200 bucks)
Getting ass fucked with prices on everything.
Constant backstabbing from israeli arabs.
So please fuck off you cunt.
So according to your idea, Hitler Nazi-German was an attempt to (paradoxically) jewify Germans ? Make them more Jew-like ? (fuck altruism, care only for your own group)
Hitler copied this from the "chosen people" and tried to apply it to Germans because he saw Germans are too altruistic / cucked
JIDF pls go
>130 IQ anons understand that we're just monkeys reacting to stimulus according to our genetics, environment, and experiences.
Morality is a meme. Can't beat the Jew if we are mad at him.
>Serving in the army 3 years
I hope you die in battle.
(((central banks))), (((mass media)))
Thank you. At least i would die while killing shit like with my m4.
Not quite.
It's more like "Semitic Religions" are in charge than mere jews. There's dozens of high rank christians and following orders that nobody knows anything about.
If I were a German in 1941 I would follow hitler to the gates of Hell. He had the right idea of national group loyalty and prioritization. The problem is he lost and discredited the idea because he did a number of dumb things I won't get into so the Stormfags don't come.
We need a Hitler-lite in the West. A VERY strong version of Trump would work, but he would have to acknowledge racial differences and attempt to address the problems.
Make Alabama and Mississippi black states, deport the beaners, restore the tenth amendment, and we're good.
Yes, gassing everyone we don't like WOULD work, but white people can't sustain a program like that long enough to succeed. Our guilt would stop it. Hell, we'd kill ourselves if we succeeded.
I hate Muslims but if I have to choose between Jews and Muslims, I'm on Muslim's side.
>implying you wouldn't get a IDF BRAND TAVOR which, don't you know, is AVAILABLE FOR RETAIL SALE, goyim.
Yes and no. A small elite of them do through their control of central banks, media and networking influence. But not all "ZE JOOOS".
Keep your country 98% Japanese, nip. Learn from us.
Bad choice.
Muslims could legitimately take over the world and kill us all. Jews will always fracture into subgroups. A "Jewish Empire" would last 30 seconds.
Good for you, never guessed an ivan will hate me more then a muzi. At least i know now why ruskis dont know/care much for traitor brothers.
See? All us goyim are the same.
They are slavs afterall.
Dont you got a wall to build anyway?
Yep. Don't you have some Palestinians to take land from?
I'm so tired of these Anti-Semitic threads. Jews don't have some kind of global power. You're probably a Holocaust denier as well. You need to grow up and stop with the conspiracy theories
Get attacked, defend successfully and counter attack and annexe land. Muh land Muh land, #justice for mahmud
but if they really did run the show, what would it look like?
Something like this
but they do
Why is asian control never discussed here? I need red pill who controls what and who's jewing who.
I know kikes have influence there but I don't really know to what extent.
Also while irrelevant, south america isn't ruled by jews right? They're just cucked economically by their policies?
To my knowledge jews basicly own the western world but have next to zero influence at the top of russian, asian and south american control, prehaps with puppets in south america. Is this partly accurate?