how does it feel being fucked by your own government?
How does it feel being fucked by your own government?
Like I'm earning more than college graduates because I learned a rare trade skill.
Education basically free in my shit country.
>implying students aren't fucking themselves
Could be worse OP, I could be living under Merkel.
It could be worse. Could be in the "I have no mouth and I must scream" situation. Instead I get to treat those people.
How does it feel to be cucked by yours?
What is it?
like monday
How to fit the balls in his mouth while he deepthroats.
How are those refugees treating you hans?
If your parents cant pay for college, you don't get scholarships, you don't use your army grant after serving or you take more than 20k in loans, you're shooting yourself in the foot.
I think what we really need is to cut the nullshit general education requirements schools are forced to have and go back to 2 year programs that mean something
depends on the trade and your age. If you are a mechanic then you are fucked in 40 years where electric cars will be the most popular auto. Your skills for combustion engines will be useless.
my dad paid for college and if that hadn't been the case i doubt i would have gone, or at the very least would have picked a dirt cheap route for higher education
most americans are taught dick about economics in school. most of the women studies majors probably didn't know they had to pay loans back.
voluntary agreements, retard
This. In college they force you to take bullshit english and arts classes even if it has nothing to do with your major. With a major like engineering where your associates for it can last 3 years because s many pre-requisites are required. If they took off arts, social sciences and english classes then it would be so much fucking easier.
But I really think they should require 4 years minimum of military service to be able to get a student loan. It would put some goddamn discipline in these fucking faggots and a lot of people would pussy out and actually have to figure out ways to thrive.
>military service required
>to take out a private loan
So you want people to be forced to do a job with shit pay and depending on what job you are given, dangerous, just in order to BORROW money that they later have to repay with INTEREST. Brilliant.
Don't know. I don't have the cash for college. I'm 35 and far too old to start anything in life now.
Maybe next life I can have a cool job like an engineer or something.
I was fine working as a nurse aide and temp jobs with my own apartment and squeaking my way through life until my parents convinced me to go to culinary school.
I didn't learn until later that if you want to be a chef, you work in restaurants from the ground up, not going to a fucking school that promises that every class has to do with cooking and then get stuck in trig classes and can't back out even though I was lied to.
Even after finishing I couldn't even get a job as a chef so I went back to nursing now with this huge crushing debt on my shoulders.
Even to this day I am still paying it off, I cannot shrug this elephant off and my parents are both broke as fuck now, dad with dementia in a home eating up all his disability and my mom now lives with me because her social security is so low she can't survive on her own.
College is not for everyone and it will haunt you the rest of your life if you make bad decisions.
How poor are you? Are you a NEET? Look up FAFSA. If you are poor enough then you can get reduced even fully payed education (if you go to a community college for your associates).
my job will my my loans. How does it feel to be owned by a bunch of Islamic fags?
75% of the loans are from the government
Every single time someone gets one of these easy loans, it devalues our money AND the education system.
They should be forced to take a risk that makes them actually value the education.
Some schools don't accept stafford loans or other government loans. Its either financial aid (which isn't a loan) or private loans.2 year associates schools are the ones who don't really do the government loans.
Also a loan doesn't devalue anything. Its a loan. You have to pay it back. It's not free money. The only free money given out is to people below the poverty line but you have to actually get good grades and have good attendance to get that money or else you have to pay it all back and get severely penalized.
I should get everything for free
>severely penalized
How? By increasing how much they owe?
What percentage of those in default are currently actually paying back what they owe?
I was talking financial aid but after a certain time in default the loan company will just forgive the loan and write it off in taxes. Then that loan becomes income and the irs are after you now wich is worsethan debt collectors.
Havent been a NEET since 2007. I gross $30k annually so I probably won't qualify for much. Keep in mind a my local CC is $10k a year and I'll probably be there for more than 2 years since I'm dumb as a box of rocks.