Is the recount making you scared, dumpftards?
Is the recount making you scared, dumpftards?
no, not really
A little nervous about PizzaGate, eh?
kek, why would it? it's a joke, and we're gonna get more salt out of it.
That's not legally binding. Try again, drumpfie.
>the democrats decided they weren't finished embarrassing themselves.
go fuck someone's wife, achmed
drumpftard AND conspiratard, lol
Say it with me
Oh, you should emotionally prepare yourself for when Madame sets things straight.
Thats like losing 5-0 on a football match and then bitching about the referee.
Ironic coming from a dumbfie
did russia rig the election?
I've already received my sportsbet shekels, so no.
Of course. What a stupid question to ask, dumpfie.
Thanks shills, you managed to fool the bookies into hilarious odds
Dont you have to prep your wife for her arab bull björn?
out of 150 million women in america you want this one?
You can't lose if you're the only horse in the race Svenahmed. Hillary conceded
Not worried at all. Though the 2nd wave of tears is going to be glorious.
Also, President Trump is going to bring back the Trump Rallies this week causing wave #3 of tears followed by the electoral vote in December for wave 4.
>when the government can't even get the eyes right on their Pepe's
you said you don't conspiracy theories
Why do all of the shitty Hillary Pepes involve some kind of weird domination fantasy?
oh another "tolerant" liberal i see?
Scared? I'm excited.
We get to watch leftists get fucked and humiliated one more time before the end of the year.
We know where you live, Brock.
She already conceded.
It's literally nothing
Are you the only person on here who believe this? Figures.
>No refunds gilf
Good job giving 6gorillion to the green party
Clinton supporters claiming "right wingers" are violent, and proceed to smash opponents faces and threathen to kill people.. Thats liberalism for you all ;)
They would need to flip all three states, and recounts never change the numbers by tens of thousands of votes. So all in all, it won't change the results of the election. This is just a big scam done by Stein and the Green Party.
>Get fucked in the election
>Get fucked in the senate and house elections
>Cry for recount
>Get fucked in the recount
Is this how the party of Jackson dies?
Maybe next time, Bill's wife.
Hillary was always going to win one way or the other. You don't there was a plan in place in case Hillary did lose? Soros executed plan B soon as she lost
Why is it ok when dems pull this shit but, when repubs do it, its down right awful?
Shit tier troll desu Sven
Sweden, you have convinced me. At last I truly see! OMFG I HATE TRUMP NOW!!!!!
Nope, all three states have Republican legislature and can simply declare themselves unable to finish the recount in time and designate the electors as normal. Only one state needs to do this and none of it matters. Assuming Jill Stein and Soros managed to file it in the deadline for all 3 states.
Also this stunt means Trump can walk back any agreement about her prosecution they might have made
Picture is true. Every Trumpet I've meet in RL have been south of 6 feet (1.83 m). Male Hilldawg supporters were taller and broader.
Are you a troll? Does Madame have to teach you a lesson?
>Male Hilldawg supporters
Besides, I don't suppose it matters when they spend their lives on their hands and knees getting DPed by Jamal and Tyrone.
Be honest, you just want to put those old Hillary Pepe's to use, don't you?
Yeah, drumpftards. Your jewish lap dog who is already backpeddling on his false promises to you is gonna "Make america great again"
You got conned, and you're also retarded..
I know!!! I'll vote in the guy who is surrounded by jewish influence.
Should give Pence electrified knuckles.
LeBron James is 6'8". Checkmate.
Yes because I made a bet that if Hillary won I would have a sex change
>hilldog is giving us another chance to laugh at her and her followers
c'mon try to come up with an answer anyway
Just admit that you were going to get the sex change whether or not she won. You're not fooling anyone.
Excited that there is a slim chance in hell that your person won't loose by as much?
The same reason why democrats during Bush's first term created super majority passing votes
>Then proceeded to get btfo and get run roughshod by the Republican supermajority
The same reasons why democrats and obama expanded the patriot act, NSA, etc.
>And are now handing that over to "Literally Hitler!"
Dems don't grok that whole "never pass a law you wouldn't want applied to yourself" as an extension of "but it's ok when I do it!"
Michigan recount already happened. No change. Stay booty blasted, for free, cuck.
And yet he got cucked by his own "home state". Trump won by almost 9 points.
Funny, isn't it?
>its a "faggot posting unfunny Hillary Pepe Memes for the 500th time" episode
Just go back to /r/politics already
No trust me I have some fucked up shit going on with these gangster doctors who give people sex changes if they don't pay up
The most that would happen is that the decision goes to congress.
Congress isn't going to pick Hillary and you still lose.
You losing is the only thing that is important to me.
I need your yummy tears.
>Recount happens
>Results stay the same
>Trump supporters demand a recount in California and New York
>There is so much voter fraud that California and New York turn Red
>these gangster doctors who give people sex changes if they don't pay up
What the fuck? You mean they chop your knob off instead of breaking your legs? Got a source?
>someone is still trying to Hillpost under a swedish proxy
the election is over senpai, just let it go.
link plox
Praise Kek my boi
Hillary does not want this investigation, because it will expose the massive voter fraud the Democrats have been using to grab power in the past 70 years.
Is it cucked to enjoy hillary memes ironically?
Educate yourself, dumbfie. Well, I'm not shocked. Dumpfies have a lower IQ.
What's the contingency plan if (((they))) succeed in rigging?
They won't
will PA recount take place? i thought deadline was today
That fucking commercial.
Immediate take notice
Cucky kids throwing salt into politics because the toy they got isn't the one they wanted
You're an idiot. This would have an angry mob burn the practice to the ground in 5 seconds.
I'm not especially worried about the recount but jesus is it fucking fishy or what that the clinton campaign is going to help with the recount efforts? how the hell is that legal
the fuck is this?
Face it pol, Hillary won by over 2 million votes. Once the recount happens she will be president.
Repeat after me drumpftards: Madam President aka #YourPresident.
Illegal immigrant votes don't count.
>Hillary has already dropped out of the race
>Recount even matters
It's like taken. You get taken to a compound and forced to take estrogen injections.
No you get fucking disappeared after the surgery.
They do it in reverse. They invert your dick and then you are so fucked up from the operation you couldn't escape if you wanted to. And your balls are gone. Fucking gone.
Then you spend the next year being given female hormones and repeatedly raped in the ass.
Then you get sold to some fucker in China or mexico
Practice can't be burned down because that would be transphobic according I the police
Undocumented citizens live here, they have just as much of a right to vote as anyone else.
I thought we were done with these threads.
What a load of bollocks.
>Is the recount making you scared, dumpftards?
I am a Republican who very reluctantly voted for Clinton.
The recouunt is nonsense, largely if not entirely a scam to allow Stein to raise money from people who would not otherwise give money to the greens, and which will not be spent chasing a recount, but will sit in Green Party coffers until 2020 and then fund another idiot 1%-of-the-vote attempt at the Presidency.
Of the three states they claim they will seek to recount, only one, Michigan, is close enough to MAYBE flip in a recount -- it's a long shot even there, and chances are equally good that Trump's lead grows in a recount. But assuming two of the three flip, Trump still wins. If all three are somehow tied up in knots and can't put forth electors at all, Trump still wins (this would not happen, but is one claim some of the recount fans are tossing around as a possibility.)
So this is not about trying to change the income of the election -- it's about the money.
Thi$ i$ not that hard to under$tand.
There is no a scenario
Praise Kek
no. they don't.
Don;t need one, they can;t succeed. In addition to problems already mentioned, they are running out of time -- states must certify results by Dec. 13, by law, so that the EC can meet on the 19th.
But for fun, you should start agitating to recount Minnesota and New Hampshire -- it makes no sense to only recount states narrowly won by one side and not the other.
I think it's you who is scared lul
Says you. They live here and they will have a say in how their country is run if you like it or not.
Why would I lie :^)
Concession call is a courtesy. It is not binding. It has happened before, particularly in governor/senate/house races that a candidate has conceded then gone on to win in a recount.
My memory says Gore made The Call to Bush, then went on to get into the Great Chad War in Florida -- but my memory may be faulty there, and I can't be arsed to go look it up.