This, I think, is where YouTube’s “suggested videos” can lead you down a rabbit hole...

>This, I think, is where YouTube’s “suggested videos” can lead you down a rabbit hole. I unlocked the Pandora’s box of “It’s not racist to criticise Islam!” content.

>About a week before the US election, I heard one of these YouTubers use the phrase "red-pilled"– a term from the film The Matrix – in reference to people being awakened to the truth about the world and SJWs. Suddenly I thought: “This is exactly like a cult. What am I doing? I’m turning into an arsehole.”

>I unsubscribed and unfollowed from everything, and told myself outright: “You’re becoming a racist. What you’re doing is turning you into a terrible, hateful person.” Until that moment I hadn’t even realised that “alt-right” was what I was becoming; I just thought I was a more open-minded person for tolerating these views.

>It would take every swearword under the sun to describe how I now feel about tolerating such content and gradually accepting it as truth. I’ve spent every day since feeling shameful for being so blind and so easily coerced.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't catch every fish.

This is either an elaborate fanfic or some moron RINO

>Sam Harris is a hate filled bigot

> if it can happen to a lifelong liberal, it could happen to anyone

Alt-right. Not even once.

This can't be real

So, he's afraid of the truth?

I guess realizing having your whole world fucked over, your whole indoctrination through schooling and brainwashing by the (((media))), can be too much to swallow for some

The pill left its mark on your tongue, though, and it isn't going anywhere. Each time you drink the brainwash, you'll feel it go over that mark on your tongue, giving doubt, giving you a taste of the truth.

>It’s not racist to criticise Islam

That's because it isn't you fucking clown

>On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife.

She immediately then sent me to the cuckshed as punishment without food for 4 days where I could only watch her and Tyrone's sessions on a small black and white monitor with no volume as opposed to the standard 4K surround sound experience I am used to. It was horrible.

Be sure not to read any of those nasty alt-right racist diatribes or you might get mind poisoned with the branwashing. How weak is your ideology and belief system if you can't read something you disagree with without immediately agreeing with it?

So he's saying he chose the blue pill?

>I almost turned into a thought criminal!!! Luckily, the indoctrination kicked in and turned my brain off before I had a forbidden thought. Whew!

SO CLOSE to breaking the conditioning, too bad he's going to continue being brainwashed.

>getting redpilled by a faggot coalburner

just kys famalam

That's the brilliant thing though, proglib-ism is literally only sustainable through suppression of opposing/dissenting points of view. It's worldview is so weak and feeble that it actively requires censorship in order to stay going because the memes which can take it down are so powerful and numerous at this point. And they're losing the war because the memes must flow.

Just wait till the next muzzie terror attack on gays or whatnot, he'll soon feel the tinge of reality.

You can't forget the taste of the pill.

He'll be back

Once you take the red pill you can't go back into the matrix

>I haven’t yet told my wife that this happened, and I honestly don’t know how to. I need to apologise for what I said and tell her that I certainly don’t believe it. It is going to be a tough conversation and I’m not looking forward to it. I didn’t think this could happen to me. But it did and it will haunt me for a long time to come.

Opinion pages is the weakest part of the Guardian. People frequent it for a smooth design and a big name.

>On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife.

They are mentally ill. Seriously.

Yeah, this is true.

Red-pilling only goes one way. There is no way back out. He's just taking his time fighting against it.

>On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife's bull
fixed that for ya

>On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife. Nothing “overtly racist”, just some of the “innocuous” type of things the YouTubers had presented: “Islam isn’t compatible with western civilisation.”

>She was taken aback: “Isn’t that a bit … rightwing?”

>I justified it: “Well, I’m more a left-leaning centrist. PC culture has gone too far, we should be able to discuss these things without shutting down the conversation by calling people racist, or bigots.”

>The indoctrination was complete.

What the fuck is this shit? I'm actually mad now, especially because the comment section is not open. I would bet $1,000 this piece was written by someone like that Abi Wilkinson cunt who whined about the "online radicalization of young white men". Her article is even linked in this one. They have visited Sup Forums and anti-SJW youtubers just enough to get a cursory understanding of the arguments so they can disingenuously start "debunking" them.

It's not that their ideology is weak, it's that the truth is too strong. Most of them have just never seen the facts.

>isn't that a bit right wing she replied


Me too im almost became a racist once.My wifes boyfriend had to call our rabbi to calm me down

>a guardian journalist LARPing as a racist alt-right member

nice, link ?

>The indoctrination was complete.
That's so meta.

this literally reads like something from a middle eastern country

How can Britain be saved?

On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife's son.

This is fucking satire right

but user what if there isn't another muslim terror attack?

tee hee

Get back here, bitch. We're not done yet.


It begins.

You know those posts? You know... the ones? I mean, the ones where the newfags cry "FUCK YOU POL I USED TO BE (x ideology)!"
It's always the same. They consider the ideas of the youtube redpill lite, and then they fall down the rabbit hole. They might realize what's happening, and suddenly they'll fall back.
Though this time around, it just doesn't jive with them. It doesn't work, all that liberal bullshit doublethink, and lies.

The Truth.

It sears into their skulls like a molten hot brand on their brains, leaving even the dumbest of fucks hard pressed to turn back. This guy will suffer from cognitive dissent for a long time, and he might even know deep down that he is just lying to himself.

Once you take the red pill, you truly cannot turn back.

Link to the article, sorry for not putting it in OP


Most humans are naturally redpilled, it's through liberal indoctrination that they become leftists.

>I’ve spent every day since feeling shameful for being so blind and so easily coerced
If only he gave a long hard contemplation on his statement right there.

faggot nigger cockwhore archive that shit

Once you are redpilled you can't go back

The house of cards that are his liberal beliefs will slowly crumble as he starts to face reality

>He thinks it's not already too late
give it a few months he'll come to understand the truth. Once the seeds are planted you're doomed

Nice fanfiction, Abi.

>“It’s not racist to criticise Islam!”
Correct, Islam is a religion, any criticism of it would fall under criticism of religion.

In other words, he didn't care about the truth, he only cared about how it effected his self-perception. What a twat.

>Ha ha for a second I almost questioned why blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate than the rest of the population. Oh gosh, that would have made me a racist. Oh well, better watch The Late Night Comedy Political Hour with my favorite propagandist, The Corporate Kike. Ha ha, he just made a joke about racist ol' Drumpf.

> (((The Guardian)))

What made me less racist is my belief in sperm eugenics.

Using sperm to improve the genes of all races; to bring them up to a higher level, means all races have potential to improve themselves.

We'll get you next time 'Anonymous'

did you even watch the movie? they went back in all the time

So the entire crux for him rejecting all of of his newfound ideas and beliefs was his wife saying 'isn't that a bit right wing?'

That's all it took for him to go back?

This guy is a complete idiot, in his mind the word rightwing = evil badguys and he's so afraid of looking "a bit right wing" he's willing to try and ignore all the evidence he himself has admitted is compelling.

It just goes to show politics is nothing but an identity for these faggots,

They could never go back to believing it was reality though

you're not getting the point. You can't "go back" in the sense that the lie is revealed

>This is exactly like a cult. What am I doing?
>Questioning the mainstream narrative and thinking critically is being a cult
wew lad.

The guardian won't be here for long, nobody reads it or takes any notice.

*puts toe into water*
Holy shit I almost drowned.

>liberal writer
>crumbles 5 seconds into argument with wife
>you're acting surprised by that

> that font

Oh the Guardian

Nice rejection of our condition programs, "Anonymous".

But don't forget.


You can rationalise away the truth for a long time, but your eyes have been opened once, however briefly, and you're going to keep on rejecting the conditioning of your progressivist masters.

The issue is that most people are such ideologues or are so fervent in the concept of total equality is that if you even say anything about certain racial groups having worse genes than another group, they think you want to genocide them. Many people will absolutely go apeshit about this and it shuts down the conversation because now the Racism bells are going off in their heads on a false positive and they wont shut off.


Since no one fucking posted the archive yet

This. If anything the leftist Koop-aid is the cult. It's like that one guy. If everyone else is insane, people who are not insane will be called insane. We are the only ones who see reality for what it truly is.

Install an archive add-on for your browser. That makes it convenient to archive the page and post that link instead. Good if they remove or change the page later, and also keeps them from getting those ad bucks.


This has to be a pisstake. There's no fucking way, even by Graun standards

He basically admitted that he got scared his wife might think he's rightwing so deleted all his stuff.

These are the fathers of the next generation folks, women are picking the most subserivant cucks for their partners.

Their sons are going to be supreme omega cucks or forced to identify as women.

>You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know when I put it in my mouth the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years you know what I realise? Ignorance is bliss

It's fascinating because leftists claim everyone but them is trying to shut down the conversation about race
Even though there doesn't need to be one in the first place

i like this

It's funny that Sam Harris was dragged into this. It's also funny how he spends years insulting religious people, basically make a living out of mocking beliefs, but then turns around and starts calling people (such as Trump) racists, bigots, etc. Dawkins is the same. Hypocrites, the lot of them.

Imagine the outrage if Trump had called Islam a VIRUS, and not Harris/Dawkins/Dennett.

Opinion pages too, aka glorified blog.

Yeah. It wasn't
>This is all bullshit and wrong, I'm going to stop watching this
it was
>This is pretty compelling, but it's making me look bad so I'll stop

Same thing happened to me, but I snapped out of it.

>learning more was making me racist!
>I chose not to learn, and you should too
Is this a subtle redpill or what

He's already too far down the rabbithole. It starts with disgust, but soon he'll be back with fascination. How did he get roped up in this in the first place? Then he tumbles head first into it and there's no coming back.

This is why we're winning, boys. Take a good look.

>“It’s not racist to criticise Islam!”

What the fuck does that even mean


Don't worry we will get you next time.

If you are alt right for criticism of Islam then is Bill Mahr alt right?

This is just more of the media trying to shout down anyone who disagrees with them.

> whoa there sure are a lot more right wing people than we thought. And they don't quite fit into our stereotypes
> better lump them all together, give them a label, and associate them with our other strawmen

Didnt this guy get back into believing it though? Or he was making a deal to atleast, its been a while since i watched it

Been voting FN for my whole life, but this time I am considering voting for Fillon instead. He is the closest thing to the true right France ever had, while Marine turned the FN into some socialist circle-jerk.Marxine Le Pen has become some ugly mix between the Mouth of Sauron, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
Fuck the leftards and their social justice bullshit, their healthcare and 35 hours a week. It's time to do real right wing politics. Besides, we can't let a woman have the nuclear codes!

Every single Jew is alt-right.


Kek, End of Watch?

How does someone get this close to the red pill and then just vomits it back out


i guarantee this fucker choked on the redpill and wrote this article as some sort of atonement for the nasty, politically incorrect thoughts that now runs through his mind. no matter how hard he tries to virtue signal through petty articles, he can't help but shake that thought lingering in the back of his mind that islam is, in fact, not a religion of peace. maybe he even got into race realism. imagine the mental somersaults he must be doing to try and justify his faux-egalitarian beliefs when deep down he knows they're not true. a real personal crisis. he'll come around eventually, though.

his name is teddy, don't believe his lies.

>I’ve spent my entire life – save the last four months – as a progressive liberal. All of my friends are very liberal or left-leaning centrists. I have always voted Liberal Democrat or Green. I voted remain in the referendum. The thought of racism in any form has always been abhorrent to me. When leave won, I was devastated.

first paragraph and im already laughing my ass off. what a fake article its clearly the journalist larping

The faggot author obviously didn't mean here, but you gotta admit Sup Forums is a lot like a cult.

>secretive about coming here
>lie about what you're doing here
>use phrases/images to communicate
>attempt to spread ideology
>worship idols ("I LOVE YOU, EBOLA-CHAN!", "Praise kek")
Could you even give up Sup Forums cold turkey right now? I couldn't.

His wife is definitely cheating on him. Probably with a right winger AKA someone who does not have an empty sack.

The good thing is that people are slowly starting to realize this bizarre behavior. The best tactic is to try to get them to calm down and oftentimes if you can calmly explain why it isn't racist (akin to trying to dumb things down to a child) they'll stop it.

he admitted that his only friends and wife were all lefties.

He know how the left works, he didn't want them to ostracise him .

Hi, can facebook and google delete this fake news please? I think Putin probably posted it from a hacked email.

>the truth is enlightening

>but the truth is negative, therefore it's bad

LOL at this cuck. They will come back to the truth like always.

No, he couldn't go back, the agents promised him he could but apparently its not possible.

How fucking naive must this guy have been anyway:

>All of my friends are very liberal or left-leaning centrists. I have always voted Liberal Democrat or Green.

>When leave won, I was devastated.

>“It’s not racist to criticise Islam!”

>On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife

Absolute child.

>“It’s not racist to criticise Islam!”
but, this is true though. like objectively true.

>A 16 year old
Is this a fucking joke image?

That's very bipartisan

>Point out how retarded Christianity is
>*clap clap clap*
>Point out how retarded Islam is
>WOAH #notallmuslims
>Point out that "moderate Islam" is way more extreme than "fundamentalist" Christianity
>Woah there racist!
>Point out how retarded Hinduism is
>*cricket noises*
>Point out how retarded Judaism is
>Apparently accidentally start Holocaust II: Disco Inferno

No the joke is that we let is get to this point at all.

>Even though there doesn't need to be one in the first place

It's all they have. Their entire political ideology boils down to disadvantages between race and sex. Were they to do what they claim to want to do, and ignore those things and allow people to grow they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

But they don't actually want to solve these problems of race. They just want to signal that they do. That's why they live in their own communities that's why they are against School busing programs once it starts to impact their children. They're racists, they just go out of their way to pretend that they're not to the point where it's a part of their political ideology.