Sup Forums is done for. Whatever will we do against these brave redditors
Sup Forums is done for. Whatever will we do against these brave redditors
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I don't know calling them redditors and redirecting them to >>>/reddit/ as always?
>this amount of butthurt from memes.
also thread link?
Still trying to use the Reddit some screen are we /leftypol/?
>lebbit commies contemplating on how to be subversive Jews
It's like pottery
>take over chan
Just post extreme Gore in their threads
They look so petty with their little names
>trying to use Sup Forums's own tactic against it
Oh no, more shitposting on Sup Forums.
Whatever will we do?
5-10 redditors?
Fuuuuuck, cunts. What will we do? Can we even handle 5-10 reddits? I say we abandon ship now. Just leave and come back when they're gone
As if half of them won't become redpilled in the first week.
>Sup Forums used to be liberal meme
Can these faggots not realize that people can change their political perspectives? I didn't replace any le old fags, I fucking grew up.
wtf I love communism now.
Btw it's not Reddit, it's leftypol. That pic is just a distraction
Hello comrades
I hereby declare that Sup Forums is a gobunist board
How long before these cucks end up getting a red pill suppository like the rest of the cucks who try to convert Sup Forums?
I've never been at war. Pls invite when these cucks come
damnit, it's 1940 all over again
Why do they talk like fags
Are the lefties behind pic related Sup Forums
What can men do against such reckless shilling
> Trolling trolls
> Reddit logic
Yeah, they're so clever and original. Do they even know what happens here?
>(lol this is so funny for some reason)
What did he mean by this?
I'm 10 years old and I'm getting the giggles becuase it is the first time I fantasize about trolling
They're too autistic to.
They'll probably unironically think we voted a Russian into office to destroy the West.
Never mind, they already do.
We got massive CTR raids and nothing changed except for more shit threads.
Didn't these faggots learn from Tumblr's mistake of trying to invade Sup Forums?
>/his/ and /lit/
>leftest boards
>cant tell if being ironic
>5-10 people
>pissing in the sea of piss that is Sup Forums
why are redditors so retarded
>Thinking Sup Forums is an organized community
That is their first mistake
they can't even take over Reddit with all their stupid rules and ethics BS,
How are they going to take over an anonymous board with almost no rules?
>implying they'll last a day
Sup Forums thrives on chaos.
The only way Sup Forums would die is if everyone would leave. Joining it, no matter the reason or purpose, only keeps it alive.
>attacking Sup Forums with Sup Forums tactics
>criticizing Sup Forums with Sup Forums memes
They lost already.
Daily reminder that reddit lost to Sup Forums in one of the most autistic RTS games ever. 1/2
Good work agent user.
Never forget they started it.
>Critical Thinking
u w0t m8t
Retard commie cucks have no chance here. Your retarded logic wont ever take foothold.
>Sup Forums thrives on chaos.
no Sup Forums is CHAOS and I mean this literally
This, they only come here to doom themselves to our conditioning. Mwahahahahhaha
nickname > Napoleon Bonaparte
they are so stupid...
>using "the n-word" unironically
they won't last 2 minutes
if we survived raids from shills in the 1st meme war... what the fuck can leddit do??
It's not organized, but it's overwhelmingly populated by underage children who don't realize that Sup Forums is satire (e.g. you)
So they are even more autistic than us? Okay.
Jesus it's like they think it's a game of wits.
They have bad ideas.
Bad ideas dissolve when faced with critical review.
They might as well be telling us "We're just gonna come embarrass ourselves on your board."
>Epically trolled XD
How do they not realise that it's not like we see this and feel threatened, we see this and we're like "Holy shit how can someone be so deluded and obnoxious about it?"
So, leddit thinks it can win where CTR failed?
Remember lads, kek is stronger than ever
>n word
Jesus Christ, how horrifying
>class consciousness
Implying right wing is not class conscious
Been there done that. Sup Forums always endured this. Keep posting redpill threads and don't forget the legendary GET
posting bait is a spook
Seriously tho, can you stop spamming these threads everywhere?
There's one up on Sup Forums right now, and whatever cuck posted it is going fucking crazy there. Pic related. It's like he forgot that Sup Forums gets mad at fucking everything
Do you not grasp that Sup Forums isn't owned by Sup Forums? If anything, this shit will only turn more people against us, as evident in that Sup Forums thread.
>Implying right wing is not class conscious
>implying nationalism and racism aren't mystification
Stay slept, faggots
The anime masturbing tranny loving white supremacists are gonna leave this. These people create plans before observing who they're up against.
>Implying these legitimate and justified behaviours aren't arbitrarily wrong because somehow if all of the mean rich people go away Jamal the sociopathic IQ 75 gangbanger will be my friend because SURELY the causes of crime are poverty and not more multifarious or complicated
Truly a spook.
aren't gonna leave*
They give up before the day is done.
That's the beauty of Sup Forums. They're hostile towards everything. They just want to be left alone, pretend to play video games, shitpost, and beat off to anime.
People aren't receptive to Sup Forums because if they accept Sup Forums their mellow gets harshed.
People accept all kinds of quasi-delusions to keep on living and stay happy and productive and social, if they accept race and IQ, racial consciousness, the awareness that people DO have group interests and ARE actually gunning for them they suddenly have to accept that reality is a darker and more combative place than they want to believe that it is.
And part of the problem, I suspect, is that they're not really in any position to compete against it. They're simply being trampled under foot..
And ironically, they're one of the more redpilled boards.
Yet these fucking lunatic Sup Forums users act like they're liberal safe spaces just because they're told to fuck off.
Honestly, I can really see where this "anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs" meme came from. More and more often do I see Sup Forums corssboarders get triggered hard when they're told to fuck off with off-topic shit.
Their mellow gets harshed the moment you start talking about something like that.
It's why we have Sup Forums in the first place.
So they can sheepishly post about this kind of stuff away from the positive aspects of their lives.
they can try but they'd drown in this boards redpills
This. It used to be my home board and there's a reason they use "rage" as a password. They're 1000000x more spiteful than /r9k/, more determined than Sup Forums, angrier than Sup Forums on saturday, and as chaotic as old Sup Forums .
If (((they))) somehow take Sup Forums then Sup Forums will destroy them.
>I-its just satire, I'm sure of it, no way there are people out there who aren't complete cucked goys
>thinks Sup Forums has a pm
>hurfdurf they're delusional
What idiots like you don't understand is that Sup Forums isn't one person, nor do people who visit Sup Forums don't visit any other boards.
I don't want to hear about Sup Forums shit when I want to talk about cars. I don't want to hear about Sup Forums shit when I'm eating a sandwich. I don't want to talk about Sup Forums when I feel like talking about video games.
I come to Sup Forums when I want to talk about Sup Forums.
New-age Sup Forums users are becoming the new vegans: they can never talk about anything else, they only ever scare people away from their way of thinking and when confronted with this, they stutter that they life in delusion.
There's some vital things you're forgetting
>Sup Forums has a shit ton of Sup Forums crossboarders and is one of the more redpilled boards
Fuck's sake, before the primaries of this election they probably redpilled more people than Sup Forums ever did.
People like you are to thank that normies never get redpilled. When a cunt like you starts to talk down on them, aggresively and in hyperboles, they'll reject anything you have to say on principle.
That's not even shilling. Pretty much everyone in those posts agree with Spencer. The difference people have is whether he's being effective in his tactics.
You shouldn't sperg out, even if what you're sperging about is correct.
Call them niggers ofc
This is almost sad.
They aren't receptive to Sup Forums, but they aren't aren't receptive to sjwism either.
I've seen threads on Sup Forums that follow this sort of pattern many times:
>Some user makes a thread or posts about blacks in video games
>user gets called a nigger and told to fuck off
>user chimps out and says "I want Sup Forums to leave."
>Anons tell user "Everyone I dont agree with is Sup Forums"
Sup Forums just wants to be left alone and play video games.
>Anons tell user sarcastically "Everyone I dont agree with is Sup Forums"*
You're funny user. Sup Forums has been infested with redditors, tumblrites, NeoGAFfers and other vermin who cry anytime they see anything "racist". Didn't use to be like that in 2006 and even after. That's the real problem, not the occasional "Sup Forums" post, especially the ones you post who could just be made by anti-Sup Forums faggots pretending to be Sup Forums.
Sup Forums even had a massive amount of pro-Hillary shilling too. Leftists just want to have safe space on non-Sup Forums boards to push their left-wing politics, then whine about any opposition to them by calling them "Sup Forums".
Pic related
Sup Forums is unironically the most leftist board on Sup Forums, and it's a shithole
Wow. Former racist stormweener here.
You really made me contemplate and now I am /commubest/
No racist no hateful /polpolpol/
>Massive amount of leftist redditors come here
>get redpilled during the arguments
>implying this won't work out better for us
In the words of my wise leader; if you kill your enemy, they win.
>tfw i was the one who spammed the fuck out of him
>that feel when he kept denying he was from lefty Sup Forums
If you want to trigger these cucks just spam. If you get banned just reset your router.
>More support on /r9k/
>Every blackbot thread is full of Sup Forumsacks spamming data and shitposting
Also /lgbt/ has been raiding /r9k/ since May.
okay, have fun
I have a whole folder dedicated to former leftists/shills who come here and get so BTFO they join us.
dont forget we also killed ISIS and possibly saved many lives by doing so
show me I need some ammo as well.
Wasn't like that before 2013-2014. GG really killed that board by making most of the oldfags and regular posters leave, and replacing them with reddit-types.
I remember in 2011 everyone there was laughing about the Breivik thing, and celebrating him.
The newfags really took the Sup Forums boogeyman thing out of control.
>hyperboles intensify
Is it really so fucking hard to fathom that people don't want to talk about your politics 24/7? Yes, they want to talk about videogames on a videogame board, that's what they came there to do.
Do you also go to a knitting convention to talk about cars? No you fucking don't.
You're really proving my point here. Every time someone tells you to quit posting offtopic shit, you immediately go
>fucking leftist safespaces REEE
But please, tell me more about all the pro-Hillary shilling (if it's shilling, then it's not the board users that are to blame. Do you even know what shilling is?) that I somehow never saw despite being an avid user of the board.
>Sup Forums
Don't make me laugh. They constantly bitch about liberals for causing the SJW pandering shit they have to deal with today. Beside that, they don't talk about politics at all there.
>memes are the way forward
oh shit, they're onto something.
>get on /his/ and /lit/
oh. never mind.
>Sup Forums
how can people be this clueless? How hard is it to understand that the reason most of us use Sup Forums is because we are able to express ourselves freely. Sup Forums is infact freedom of speech manifested into digital form. There are no walls here. Nothing is taboo everything is up for discussion
>right wingers colonized the site and ruined it
this is true
No they don't, it get's brought up by the 'goobergators' who get told to go back to Sup Forums the entire thread
What a lot of people don't know is that a lot of these (((commie/anarchist/Marxist))) groups and shilling agencies have been on Sup Forums for a lot longer than that.
I'm literally shaking.
>The newfags really took the Sup Forums boogeyman thing out of control.
Because Sup Forums went out of control with the constant shilling and derailing on other boards, which fed the sentiment that anything Sup Forums should be told to fuck off.
Do you really think threads like pic related is going to create anything but resentment for your own cause?
Fuck, look at the other pics I posted. You morons actually go and insult the people you're trying to convince. Smart move
>he thinks that's Sup Forums
lmao, even here people have enough self awareness to think that's unproductive. It's obvious who posted that thread and the replies within
good luck
>What idiots like you don't understand is that Sup Forums isn't one person
>What is generalizing
Not reading the rest of your autism explosion.
>implying they wouldn't start raging once their beliefs are questioned
come get it m80s
Haha that explains all the communism threads at the weekend. All they achieved was being redpilled that communism is jewish.
>lmao, even here people have enough self awareness to think that's unproductive.
Yeah, I guess that's why people have been defending it when I mentioned this shit in my first posts.
Fuck, did you forget the thread you're in? This shit is in the OP, and it's about TWO REDDITORS WITH A HALF-ASSED PLAN
Yet everyone is for 'spreading awareness' and 'saving /his/'