Rank the squares

Rank the squares

no need, you got it right OP

Thanks mate

4 3
2 1

corresponding to your answers, id rank-


3 1
4 2


1-4 : uter shit
2 logical square
3 its better than gommie square


it's Correct anyways

how tf are green and red equal


3 2
4 1


You would rather have no freedoms than social freedoms?



Purple > Blue > Green > Red

This is a fact

2 3
1 4



fall in line


/master race/

I love me some mad max




4 2
3 1


green - cuck/10
red - sjw cuck/10
blue - jew/10
purple - fedora/10

4 2
3 1



1-square im placed in

2-square closest to mine

3-square that is second closest to mine

4-square opposite of mine

1. 4
2. 3
Power gap
3. 2
Power gap
4. 1

Bottom half is retarded

Im surprised Abdumalek allowed you to let go of his dick long enough to type that