How do you defend this, amerisharts?
Cuba has a higher life expectancy than USA
>live in a shithole
>have to live a really long time
that sucks
Because they have universal healthcare, which really does no good when your county has to be an oppressive shithole just to support that healthcare system.
Usa people's is always obese
Life expectancy is such a meme
Who the fuck would want to live through their 80s
Oh boy can't wait till I'm 80 and have to wear diapers and can barely get out of bed and am almost blind and deaf. Sounds like an amazing time.
They say fasting is good for your helth.
USA has lots of cheap food and lots of fat people.
People in CUBA are probably starving.
There you go.
They don't
Expect screeching about MUH COMMIES while they get fucked over by capitalism and privatisation
That's not how it works. If you're healthy, eating well and working out, you'll start to lose mobility in your 80s and die at like 90. If you're not healthy, you'll start to lose mobility in your 50s and you'll die at like 60.
Either way, the final years of your life will be shit, it's just a matter of how much time you have before that.
Too many landwhales
>US tries to kill him hundreds of times
>smokes constantly
>lives to the age of 90
Mad man!
>no multinational goy food filled with soy and sugar
>no white collar jobs so get to cutting sugar cane
Literally these two things
Stop eating bread, stop drinking sugar make your own meals
Start lifting and jogging every day
forced abortion of unhealthy/premature fetuses.
>dictators accurately report statistics
Why bread?
He quit smoking in the 80s. Before that the US tried killing him by putting explosives or poison in his cigars.
It's been independently proven by the WHO and other bodies, dumb leaf. Even the fucking CIA factbook
"the last man lives longest"
>dramatic decline in infant mortality
>forced abortions
kek so basically this proves eugenics works.
It's from the World Bank.
Cuba is 75% white the USA is only 60% white.
Its natural
Also a Cuban peasant does not have the luxury of choosing to drink 3 bottles of coke a day so no diabetes
They lack high fructose corn syrup, and are a semi agrarian population. Plus preventive medicine is the best medicine. You eat well when you're young remain active most of your life, don't over indulge and you won't a vegetable by 80.
>Beliving in Cuban statistics
Venezuela is doing great, also.
We're fat
>statistics by totalitarian governments are truthful
you should know better nigga
Black people don't care for their children, and have a ridiculously high child mortality rate.
>Believing in Pan-american Health Organization
I've worked at Ministry of Health here in Brazil, and the lead guy who got "Mais Médicos" here, a guy PT, is working there now. Fuck them.
>How do you defend this, amerisharts?
They don't have enough money to get fat and die from a heart attack.
>Believing commie stats
I help take care of an elderly woman. She's almost 90 and still active. Still drives, goes out with friends etc.
A few weeks ago we were talking about the then current super moon and I remarked how it was the closest in like 70 years, then she replied she probably watched the moon then in Germany.
She's pretty cool.
>tfw jumping around a small world like an irradicable flea
>It's been independently proven by the WHO and other bodies, dumb leaf. Even the fucking CIA factbook
nope. The WHO uses the official statistics for every country as does the CIA factbook. If there is a particularly contrasting unofficial statistic they might add a note, but that's about it.
its the diet
>Thanks to infant mortality
It depends what you can't as "Infant Mortality"
In the US a premature birth that results in death is considered Infant Mortality because a Birth occurred.
In places like France and Cuba This is considered a "Miscarriage" because the baby was not brought to term
Hence the US will always have high "infant mortality" because we count more than everyone else.
Americans are much more likely to suffer preventable illnesses caused by excessive food, alcohol and drug consumption.
Cubans aren't living in a shit-hole so bad that they are malnourished, but they also can't afford to die from excess.
Statistical noise.
When you're quibbling over months (79 vs. 78.7) you're not really impressing anyone.