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Isn't it beautiful?
>Eating McDonalds
>laughing at the prospect of losing thousands of jobs
>You want 10 dollars an hour to work as a doctor? Sorry robots can do it cheaper
this is the future you chose.
but how does it work
All these people will simply go on benefits meaning the taxpayers will be paying their wages.
economy is like math or science : it's absolute. this is the natural reaction to regulations.
maybe this is evolution, maybe humans aren't supposed to do those stupid jobs anymore.
Would you look at that, lefties screwed themselves again.
good. fuck wagecucks
Nobody could possibly have seen this coming.
This. Burger-flippers are the backbone of society.
Now fuck off
It was going to happen sooner or later, the fact that government got involved just precipitated the situation. I'm left wondering what the first jobs of high school students will be 30 years from now when all the low-skilled jobs are automated.
but how is a robot going to spit in my food?
so what, there's still burger king, wendy's, 5 guys, taco bell, kfc, ...
>tfw one day we will be able to eat burgers cooked to perfection by robots without ever having to be handled by minorities
feels good man
Bernietards on suicide watch
This will be a huge success, and then many other chains will follow. Within 10 years the vast majority of such fast food outlets shall be automated and I cant wait.
>digital self-serve ordering stations and table service
I get the first part, but how the fuck do you automate table service?
we've had these in australia for years now
nobody complained about losing their job
Good. Then when people stop going to their shitty noservice """restaurants""" they'll finally shut down.
Who's going to pay for your tendies when no one has a job?
All so I can shout at a machine for getting my order wrong instead of a fat girl.
I could see internships being offered to high school students in the future.
flying drones
If robots are able to do medical work better than humans, then there is nothing wrong. In fact, we'd be morally obligated to let robots take over for difficult operations if it meant reducing the risk of human error and death.
How about fuck off to your 9gag?
>eating at the most disgusting fast food chain in the world
I know you fat fucking retards in america are propping up this awful food chain
does this mean i can finally become a robot chef at wendys and earn 300k? how do i become mostly robotic?
Its good, robots dont spit on your food.
That is some good shit right there nigga
Maybe the food will be better
Here's the next phase:
good. saw a commercial the other day and it said "mcdonalds, americas first job." i wanted to barf.
those digits are a good start
>not doing that
>fully automated burger industry
It's almost as if we knew this would be coming
maybe then healthcare would actually be affordable
Looks like we wont be needing that massive influx of low skilled labor to replace the native low birth workers in America
...o wait were going to this anyways and manufacture a future labor it
got a bunch over here, its real easy just like a big ipad. people still need to cook it for now....
what a time to be alive
I'm loving it
we don't have people sized spiders in america so this is higher on the problem chart for us
ist doch bei uns schon an vielen orten
>the 'robots and machines taking our jobs' meme is true
Called it in like 2012.
That would be true if we either had a universal basic income, or enough new jobs were created. Otherwise less and less people will have money to spend.
>also able to take my time ordering my delicious meal rather than shout it across a busy counter at some smelly indian who will mess up my order 15 times
The future is bright.
>now I get to enjoy watching niggers trying to use a self serve kiosk at McDonald's
LMAO have you ever seen one of these pavement apes at an ATM?
robocookers WHEN
based robots
Now all they have to do is pay one prajeet techy to look after the machines for 15$ an hour.
Yeah, well, it's too bad in the U.S. they [[[McDonalds, but also Wendys]]] fuck up your order, literally, every time you order.
the robots will
Sooner or later the move to automation will backfire as people shift to competitors with good customer service where you actually interact with a human person.
Its like that one episode of Mad Men. Fast food joints like McDonalds were always marketed as a family resturaunt, but who wants to go fior a family dinner in a shitty dity room filled with deliquent shitskins where you order from a robot?
Venues in places like train stations where people want to grab some fries on the way home probably won't suffer but in the long run it will hurt them.
You know what's going to happen next. The Soros zombies are going to target the kiosks for vandalism. They'll cover their faces, smash the machines, and run off.
i feel like you are from 2006
topkek berniebros on suicide watch
>lefties are all about progress and adapting to the future
> the machine era is coming
Mickey D's is making a mistake here.
The best fast food restaurants are restaurants who are taking advantage of the labor surplus/underemployment issue.
They are paying people $10-15 an hour rather than 7.75-10 an hour.
They get better people who are nicer to the customers, less theft and less waste of product.
All the best new chains have this policy.
If you eat at places like Culvers or 5 Guys you will see happier workers who care more about your food. Why? A mere $2-5 extra an hour.
These are also the types of fast food that is growing the fastest.
Also from a human standpoint I live in a country where able bodied people cannot find work. If they are willing to work fast food they should be given an opportunity.
Sooner o later it wont be a viable business model to hire low skilled labor in a all automation saturated market
We need to make robotic labor illegal and smash the machines.
Everyone shifted from Costco back to Mom & Pop stores for their good customer service didn't they?
It was always true. Low-tier jobs like flipping burgers will be replaced by low-tier jobs maintaining service robots and software, but unlike flipping burgers you can justify a decent wage for that and minorities/illegals with room temperature IQs can't do it. The end result is superior service, superior product, superior jobs, minimal job loss and an excuse for black people and illegals to riot so we can shoot them. There are no downsides.
The left has only itself to thank for this, dumb cunts.
Automation is inevitable, the 15 dollar/hour most likely didn't even substantially hasten its implementation.
Think about it, if you're a company that has an opportunity to save say 50% of their cashier staff and replace them with robots that cost pennies in electricity instead, why WOULDN'T you do it asap? Even with the old minimum wage they would have saved money.
In fact, the only way you're more cheap on human labor is if you're in a third world shithole where people are perfectly okay with working for a dollar for an entire day or so.
You are truly american
>room temperature IQs
>can't even get a MCjob anymore
How is the new generation expected to become self-reliant?
30 years out from a fully automated post apocalyptic hell hole world where everyone lives in poverty and there is no middle class at all.
They're taking away immigrant jobs, m8. This is the best thing to happen to fast food.
Either pay people wages they can live on or don't hire people to do the work.
Its capitalism baby this is why white peoples birth rates are not a issue and we are simply shifting like most western nations to prepare for a automated economy with less need for workers.
no peoples is guaranteed a job and should not be guaranteed to ability to have unlimited children each with their own job
Isn't that just for the 'create your taste' burgers?
I took this that all orders will be placed through digital booths meaning no staff except for kitchen staff. Maybe not even them.
I just hope like hell I have enough savings and a job with some degree of security by the time human redundancy becomes ubiquitous.
The future is here
>Soros owns the delinquents
>Soros owns the machines
>basically smashes his own shit chains buy and replaces it
>infinite money
Here in the midwest it is also a sign of what Teens are or are not spoiled little brats.
If you see on their resume they worked at the hardware store, the grocery store, the cinema, or the fast food joint you know they at least know the bare minimums of how to show up and act at a job.
>holding up the line for the machine
I'd tell the robot security I saw you stealing.
He was right. Apologise.
Lower populations with less requirement for low skilled labor. This is what the jews dont want you to realize
I am here to exclaim my shock that more people haven't replied favorably to this post, I feel this clever comment isn't getting the attention it deserves
Or maybe, leaf, you should be able to offer whatever wage you like, and people won't bother to work for you if your wage is retardedly low?
There will literally always be jobs for the people that are currently working at the counter in fast food restaurants. There will be at least one position required to maintain the touch screens. They can bring you your food in person now, or help keep the restaurant clean, or do any other menial task on par with taking orders. McDonald's is a humongous corporation, they aren't dumb and this can be twisted into a good thing.
>jobs become automated
But goy we need to import more mexicans because they are the only ones willing to do the jobs.
Liberal logic
The same way the current generation is expected to become self-reliant.
Protip: They aren't.
Why should you be paid a living wage for a job anyone can do? You can be replaced instantly, there is barely any training involved. It requires no skills or talents.
Soros is not dumb enough to be a Keynesian.
Someone should make a Capitalist ball meme of this.
>When your employees and courts hold your business hostage and threaten your profits through minimum wage laws and unionisations, but your a multi billion dollar industry so you fire half your service staff and replace them with DARPA robots.
>MISTER GOLDBERG makes the most shocking decision of 1843 - replaces actual human beings with superior "CALCULATORS"
>STEVE MCJOHNSON makes the most shocking decision of 1947 - replaces actual human beings with MECHANICAL MACHINES THAT PICK UP THE PINS AT A BOWLING ALLEY
>McDonald's makes the most shocking decision of 2016 - replaces actual human being with ROBOTS
if your job can be replaced by technology, it's a shit job.
>wall won't work anymore
What are we supposed to build here? Giant magnet?
If only colleges taught this instead of how to best prostrate before minorities.
So to all the free-marketeers ITT, what would you have the thousands just laid off do?
Trump is going to lose so many jobs his only term