Merkel promises to DOUBLE the German defense budget. This will make Germany the most powerful military force in Europe.
Merkel promises to DOUBLE the German defense budget. This will make Germany the most powerful military force in Europe.
So now they get wooden guns instead of training with brooms?
That'll be only used to supress the german populace. I approve
>double the military budget
>can't even mop up after real militaries
This. The state is losing power, must retain at all costs. 2021 is going to be fun.
Yeah, give those snackbars more weapons. Brilliant!
Germany I keep wanting to support you, but every single time you get a bit of power you take it way too far and wreck everything.
She is going to invade Denmark and Norway to impose more refugees on us...
i will not go to the army and fight for these globalists kiss my ass
Against which enemy? Ordinary Germans who oppose their own replacement?
>This will make Germany the most powerful military force in Europe
That usually turned out well.
>Germany hits its 2% NATO target
Under budget?
Frogland iz best we got nukes
>Merkel (((promises)))
Post yfw you realize UK and France aka. Nigel and Le Pen have nukes but Merkel doesn't
>Le Pen
She is not going to get elected. It's going to be that fag that pretends he is in favour of a more strict immigration.
You mean they will hit their 2% NATO target just like Trump wants them to do? About fucking time.
Anybody have that leak from a Brussels insider that showed that the EU cuck lords wanted to create a big army to prevent countries from leaving, and also to enforce their cucked immigration demands?
Hmm.. Sounds familiar
France is like 70% non-French people though.
Won't Le Pen get the vagina vote?
If libcucks have to chose between two right-wingers, wouldn't the pick the woman (with a vagina) who wants to keep their socialist welfare policy (for native Frenchies)?
Half of the soldiers will be muslim too.
Great, now we have to put the krauts down again before they try and destroy Europe for the third time in a century
I really, really, really, REALLY hate krauts
Europeans are over the first woman phase.
But I do hope Le Pen win.
What are you talking about the Germans just defeated the white man of Central Europe.
What does it matters when the enemy is already inside their boarders?
I see the selector switch is in pictures instead of German. That way refugees can use them.
If we can convince them that kebabs are bringing the german people down we may be able to work something good out of this
Germany really is autistic, isn't it? So efficient, so brilliant, but so utterly incapable of reading the rest of the world.
I was in the German army. I can tell you that this army will never ever win any war. They are badly trained, have no discipline and the equipement is mostly garbage.
Trust me on that. There are only a few units like Fernspäher, KSK and mobile infantry units (mountaneers, parachute etc.) that are capable fighters. The rest is drunk, lazy, fat arseholes.
>what is Franco-Prussian warr
huehue intelectuals
>have no discipline
it hurts beyond my existence, bc you guys made our army...
Prussia is no more and Prussia is not Germany nor is Germany the succesor state lf Prussia.
>germans increase defence budget
>recruit 50,000 more nu-males
>war with russia breaks out
>russia attacks with white supremacist propaganda and a lack of acceptance of more than two genders
>german army literally shakes and gets triggered off the battlefield
Zero ammunition times 2 is still zero. Germany BTFO!
Is 50,000 men a lot in Europe or something.
like half of germany was part of prussia
Germany trying to put on the big boy trousers now it thinks the USA and UK are lost to popularism?
That's a cute leotard you got there Hans, let me seek and destroy it.
It's about how many soldiers you lost in Vietnam.
I don't see any sources to faggot OP's claims. Do you?
>This will make Germany the most powerful military force in Europe.
>Most powerful military force in Europe
Why do Europeans never learn?
Germany is the successor state of the German Empire, which is the state that won the war.
>Implying you won't be fighting on the same side
>implying this isn't just one step closer to a European army
This isn't about Germanys army.
Prussua itself consists of West and East Prussia which now belongs to Poland, Russia, and Lithuania.
Memel, Marienburg, Danzig, Konigsberg, Tuchel, etc.
Form the STATE OF PRUSSIA which is different from the Kingdom of Prussia which had territories in the Rhineland.
>Most powerful military force in Europe
Sure thing buddy
Germany should care of domestic terrorists more.
Russia is Asia tho.
You know they're gonna do it. Hey guise ah found brilliant solution for rapefugees: they is now the neu army. Genius for job creation huh? Now we have our own muslim bomb squad we will surely deter them pesky russkies.
Source you fucking faggot
Not for them that's sure
literally hitler
Infiltrate rise up the ranks and destroy the globalists from within
>The biggest line-item in the 2017 federal budget, by far, is the labor and social welfare ministry, which has been allocated 42.2 percent of 2017 federal spending. Second-biggest is the military, at 11.1 percent, or 36.6 billion euros - an increase of 2.7 billion euros over 2016.
They're prepping country for true Prophet who will lead mujahids to holy war against rotten europeans
>Germany is spending approx. 140 billion Euros to shitskins on welfare
Not again...
>double military budget
>spend it training muslim rapefugees
germany will draft all the muslims to fight ww3 while germans stay comfy in their homes and aquire Lebensraum, then they kill the muslims. screencap this
>implying Leclerc and Leopard aren't in the process of making a baby right now
and here i thought merkel was finally lowering taxes for the middle class
i'm 2 years out of university, single and half my very high paycheck goes to the goverment
communism here we come
>half my very high paycheck goes to the goverment
could you read your words before posting?
>implying our next president will be a leftist
Whatever happens, in 6 month the EU will take a big kick in its ass.
>Merkel doubles German military budget
>This lady spendz more moniez on dem diversity programs
You actually pay much more taxes. Remember we Germans also have Mehrwertsteuer, Mineralölsteuer, Tabak, Alkoholsteuer, "Co2 Steuer", KfZ etc. pp
So it`s more like 75% that goes to the Merkel
>So now they get wooden guns instead of training with brooms?
One German soldier is worth 10 obese Americans.
And now that we increase our spending to 80 billion Euro, Americans can just watch while we make Europe Great Again.
Fuck Trump and his pussy American obese army. You are too obese to even push buttons these days.
We're still your allies and you can only cry about it
Calm yourself you fucking turk.
even my irrelevant countries combat troops did more than the Germans in Afghanistan
>We're still your allies
Aren't they taking refugees into police forces? They will begin taking them into the military soon enough.
Calm down Hans, or we'all have to come back.
That's the spirit!
>That's a cute leotard you got there Hans, let me surrender to it.
After the election of Le Pen in France Merkel will cite this as a threat to european democracy and she will invade france. After Paris falls she will turn her tanks on Putin to remove russia from ukraine and defend poland from danger.
Theresa May needs to trade with russia post brexit and england will join russia in the war against merkel. The war will be in a stalemate for many years until Trump, sneak attacked by the japanese in a false flag attack meant to blame china, joins the war on the side of anyone willing to oppose the now militant mexico.
THe muslims will be used as slave labor, and infantry waves in WW3.
Germans don't have nukes.
By the way the HK 416 sucks, we should have picked the SIG 516.
If she invades France she will be nuked like she deserves.
Fool me once, shame on you...
>mfw americans call wands "wooden guns"
>mfw americans still havent mastered broom flight
Sacrifices will have to be made to sate the hunger of Kollektivschuld user
Germany is shit tier
>join russia in the war against merkel
Will join the army if this happens.
redpill us more O sage
And they will use it against evil right wing nazis.
yay ;/
Well we lost the war mate. We are not allowed to be ourselves anymore.
Were working kettle for the EU and all the poor shitty nations who only got into the EU for gibs.
Never let that slide Chile, never, Those soldiers look awesome.
Ours are muslims or sperglords who dont get real training.
The HK416 is the best there is. Perfect accuracy and better reliability than AK.
5.56 has too little stopping power though, so the HK417 is better.
>keep a promise
pick one
Learn your history you little shit.
Prussia is Germany and Germany is Prussia, or better put was.
Go kill some poor beggar because he smoked a spliff or something you jungle rat.
Jesus christ, you didnt have to set him aflame you know.
good one.
Well the only competition is france and their flag is white. Wew lad.
No please Italy, not again.
Just stay on your clay and repel niggers on the sea.
that will be enough.