Republicans are happy that Fidel Castro died because he was a dictator...

> Republicans are happy that Fidel Castro died because he was a dictator, despite being fair and just and providing free education & healthcare
> Republicans voted for a psychopathic, misogynist, chauvinistic power-hungry dictator to lead their country and who doesn't believe in medicine or science

Explain this right now

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Excuse me please fuck off
Don't talk about shit you dont understand


A dick is a dick no matter how much hair covers it

>torture people to death for not displaying an "I'm with Fidel" sign
>fair and just

>voted for a dictator

>free healthcare in hospitals that are less hygienic than a public toilet at a buffet restaurant
>free education in a country that denies its students multiple branches in their academic pursuits

Yeah, swell guy.


I'm sorry, I had trouble reading your post past the first line, where you just started vomiting all over your keyboard.

But OP, we didn't vote for Clinton.

As soon as you stop supporting fascist, racist manchildren for political office, I'll stop

Oh shit nigger PLEASE
Go to Miami saying this shit and record it, I beg of you
You will get educated in the BEST way

What will happen to people who don't hold up "I'm with Drumpf" signs? Legal rape? Execution? Deportation?


Do not besmirch frog girl, faggot.

Yeah, Cubans will agree with me you pussy, they have firsthand experience with dictators, what makes you think Drumpf is loved amongst a persecuted group of people? Same reason why Jews and Native Americans hate him. They've seen racism, genocide and dictators before

What's so power hungry about a man who proposes congressional term limits?

Average wage is $20 a month.


i wanna fuck that frog

He'll backtrack on that like he did with Obamacare. When he tears down the White House to build a hotel or castle, remember my words, he'll be seeking a life term

Yeah but education and healthcare, two of the most expensive human entitlements, are free.

Yes, they don't pay for it, the government does.


We can hope

0/10 back to the labor camps

>fair and just
>literally sending anyone who spoke against him to firing squads


Jews aren't persecuted dumbfuck

says the leftypol retard chocking on Stalin's cock

t. Communist sympathizer

Stopped right there

>Fidel Castro
>being fair
>free education & healthcare

free =/= quality

You leftists really do live in your own bubble. Fucking unreal.

Fidel literally did nothing wrong. He and his little island stood up to the American empire and exposed them for the pussies they really are.

You're right. Nothing is more fair or just than the grave.

Have you even been to cuba? The hospitals that the non-elites have to use are absolutely disgusting. They always have clothes hanging out of the windows because the washing machines and dryers are all broken.

Let's not forget all of Fidels firing squads and mass political imprisonment to crush free speech.

You are typically deluded Marxist. It's ok though, I use to be like you. Go cure yourself by listening to some Gad Saad.

What was the Holocaust you enormous feces-coated imbecile?


>fidel castro
>fair and just
Gtfo and read a history book relating to Cuba you fucking troll

>despite being fair and just
hope you will enjoy a time in a fair Cuban prison cell waiting for the just firing squad.

At least they have access to what they are entitled to, it would be better if Retardicans lifted the fucking embargo.

how is Trump a dictator ?and also Fidel killed more than some military juntas in america

There's also a high 16% suicide rate amongst the people. And for some odd reason the Cuban government does not release official crime statistics or any statistics that may make their country look bad. They'll only boast about free healthcare and education

>free education
>at the Cuba Institute of Technology
>free healthcare
>at the Fidel Hopkins University Hospital

Also he's Indian that's racist

Muh six gorillion

>Be liberal
>Go on trip to Cuba
>Stay in a little isolated resort town along the beach
>everything is nice
>everybody is happy (considering that a 5 dollar tip from a western tourist is like winning the fucking lottery)
>Assume that's what Cuba is like for everybody.

Wow, Fidel Castro sure is such a great leader. Communism is just so perfect.

Honestly the US needs to liberate Cuba again.
This time to prevent history from repeating itself, we must Annex it.

Trump hasn't done anything yet.

The police have been executing people who resist arrest without trial or mercy, and also the incident in the Dakota pipeline that was nearly a massacre, but we are the good guys?

You had no problem when we supported Trujillo, Pinochet or Noriega, why cry now?

stop using frog girl to shitpost already you faggot

Literally no. Also most of us were either not alive or infants when those people were alive.

>Being this indoctrinated
Not sure if trolling or legitimately delusional.

Tasty b8

You have no way of telling he is a dictator until he has held power for longer than what is constitutionally allowed.

Also Dr., please tell us the story of when you got to meet him and diagnose his psychopathy. Was President Trump a nice patient to work with?


>Fidel Castro died and he was a dictator
>Every anti-trump individual is sucking his deceased dick

Hey it's that one faggy avatarfagging shitposter who shills for hillary while using froggirl as a mascot

>70 year old multi-billionaire businessman

Ok kid. That would be Bernie because he only started working when he turned 40 and was a manbabby leech on others before that.

Why do you keep making the same threads with variations of frog girl image macros?

>they don't pay for it, the government does.