Do people actually respect Donald Trump? Even after him winning the election, I still see him as kind of a joke

Do people actually respect Donald Trump? Even after him winning the election, I still see him as kind of a joke.

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yes, your idea of what makes a person respectable is probably wrong.

He's a joke.

I hope he sends ATF to your house when he's elected, just to shoot your dog.

Why would I not respect this?

Electing Trump was a "fuck you" to the system.
Almost nobody likes him without reservation.
He's been all over the spectrum, he says so many contradicting things. He's had every position on the spectrum.

How rich are you?
What nation are you the leader of?
Show us your wife.

Gas yourself, fucking loser.

Why not? I mean the worst thing the entire world could dig up on the man was that he's a fucking misogynist white male.

Dude keeps on winning at 70 years old and probably had one of the greatest underdog stories I'll see in this lifetime.

at first I thought his stupidity was an act to appeal to conservashit dumb asses, but he has shown it is his actual self

>Show us your wife

so being rich and being married to a "showable" wife makes you less of a joke?

>how pretty is ur wife
>how much $ u have
>this is measure of worth
You think like niggers.

Thats your problem. You want a bad country, you live in a bad country. A joke can seem harmless but it can change everything

I have a feeling his brand of populism might piss off more conservatives than libshits, but I respect that he is probably the greatest campaign politician of our time. Here's hoping he's the greatest president, too.

Well he started as a meme, but actually improved a bit. It's still funny newfags putting him on pedestal though.

He ran a fake university and bribed a Florida prosecutor to not prosecutor. Nobody cared.

I guess I don't have a lot of respect for his character. I don't like how he's constantly trying to prove how great he is. The way he has to respond to everything that might be taken as a slight against him makes it seem like he has this massive inferiority complex. It's not attractive.

If I didn't know anything about him and we met at party, I would probably think he was a douchebag.

and he has still beat you guys. what does that say about your level of intelligence, peabrain?

it certainly doesnt hurt

Short fingered vulgarian

>how much money have you earned
>in a capitalist society
>aka how much do you contribute to our society and our economy

fucking idiot
if you're not earning and spending money you're a sponge

It's impossible for anything other than a pedophile to respect a pedophile.

>eternal reminder Donald Trump is a pedophile

TFW you earn millions running Trump University and then spend millions settling the lawsuit. Greatest non-sponge ever.

He is our Zaphod Beeblebrox.


You're right. I haven't been able to sleep for days I just lay in bed thinking about trump. I don't even know why i voted for trump. Should of voted for Hillary instead! Trump is a joke and I don't respect him anymore

Politicians in America kiss babies all the time.
I'm sure they don't in your disease-ridden third world shithole.

This. I was a lifelong Trump supporter. I despised women and people of color and wanted to reverse the progress made by the democrats under Obama that's why I supported Trump.

But ever since he "won" the presidency (the people voted for Hillary) I think he's revealed himself for what he truly is. Not only has he avoided paying taxes (hypocrite) but he also has accusations of sexual abuse and rape against him. How can a man supposed to be for Christian values simultaneously be a pedophile rapist? I don't know about you, but I find pedophile rapists abhorrent and that's what Trump is. It strikes a nerve with me which is why I no longer support that orange, bigoted liar and criminal.

I'll be rooting for a recount and Hillary Rodham Clinton to receive the presidency that she technically won.

he supplies people with jobs, our most precious commodity

You don't make billions of dollars without being extremely intelligent in a certain field or hard working.
He appears to be intelligent in the field of property purchases, negotiation and hiring the best people. His employees seem to strongly like him. All good qualities for a president to have.

Going by the mainstream media leading up to the election it's easy to assume the guy is an asshat and I did. But peering behind the curtain there really doesn't seem to be much negative going on, a few failed business ventures: the university and trump steaks. The guy runs his mouth a bit but he's likeable and he's good with people.

The whole campaign centred on immigration control is a good one for the US. A country is only as good as its people, if you cant keep the shit ones out that's a big problem. All democrats talk of gun control is pointless when weapons can just be smuggled in from Mexico.

The guy hates pointless spending and bureaucracy and might actually make some changes there.
He wants to invest in infrastructure and create tons of jobs, he wants the US military to be reimbursed by foreign countries if they have to intervene in some conflicts. All good things for the US

It's just nicer to believe that he's trying to make a change for good, Make America Great Again. It's a simple message. I think his run for presidency was just him taking up a mantle of responsibility for his home country. Better to get on board the trump train and take the positive attitude than be a miserable lib-cuck making up stories about how MAGANAZIs are raping you and taking away your rights.

I respect him more than I respect Clinton.

>200 million inheritance
>extremely intelligent

And he now has far more than 200 million dollars just bc he started with a better hand than you doesn't mean the man isn't intelligent you're clearly just a jealous loser try bringing yourself up instead of pathetically insulting someone who has far surpassed you in every way.

He got that money after he was rich and successful, and his siblings got the same amount they didn't become multibillionares.

Thumbs up

They're onto acceptance guys! The 7 stages of grief is running its course!

Inflation adjusted he would have made more by putting it in an investment fund.

His siblings were particularly dumb

If you want a real example of success, look at the Clintons who are from actual poor backgrounds and are now rich.

>you waste every single neetbucks check you get

Guys, what if a large percentage of people voted for Trump as a joke and didn't expect him to win and now their face is like pic related

Not a valid standard by which to hold a person, since Hillary Clinton has no further bearing on things.

>The whole campaign centred on immigration control is a good one for the US
The whole campaign centered on character you nit.

I'm visiting Liberalland, NY and it's blowing me away how emotionally distraught many people are, embarrassed to call themselves Americans and especially embarrassed to say they're from NY.

Holy shit people. Get a grip!

I got complimented for being able to maintain a rational and thoughtful discussion about Trump's good parts and bad parts, so I assume they've mainly been getting psychologically abused by the media.

>put in jew money scheme
>build something, employ people, actual productive economy

schlomo pls

Did these guys really get stoned making the Trailer Parks Boys? Sure fucking looks like it.

What an idiotic statement. What can "respect" mean here? Is the entire military going to muntiny, against someone they largely supported? Somebody must not gave seen any of the rallies, while remaining ignorant of the overwhelming hatred people (especially those in uniform) feel toward Hillary and to a much lesser degree Obama.

Those personality traits spell doom for a presidency, and they don't change. The only thing that might save him is how out of touch the Democrats remain.

>but I respect that he is probably the greatest campaign politician of our time
No way. You fail to grasp how utterly useless Clinton is/was. This was a natural change election, with Republicans having a huge advantage anti-Obama energy. Most republican candidates would have capitalized on the same set of circumstances to feed their campaigns. That it was even a close thing proves out how bad Trump was as a campaigner.

I don't think anyone is disputing that he will be President.

I am saying that I don't place a lot of value in the things he says or does. He is going to be the president and I still don't take him seriously. He is still mostly an entertainer in my eyes. I just don't see him as statesman.

Yes. Yes it does.