Torture for Punishment

Should torture be brought back as a form of punishment and not as an interrogation method? For example, if a serial killer or a BRUTAL rapist is arrested, should they be subjected to some form of physical or mental agony? If yes, what would be the limits? How excruciating should the punishment be and for how long will these punishments be administered? Do you think having these punishments would decrease crime, or would it cause the criminally insane to do their worst to their victims since if they're arrested they'll get the worst. Will it cause criminals to resist the police more violently, making the police force on edge for minor crimes?

For a side discussion, if your country collapses and you find yourself the ruler of a specific "clan" that has risen up, what would be your preferd punishment?

Tl;dr what are some Sup Forums approved tortures and why?

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I like the negan style torture of Daryl. Dark room naked with easy st on repeat and dogfood sammiches for life. Now that's closure.

>letting the government torture anyone they want

That's stupid, if you actually want to act like violent niggers you have no place in whiteopia.

if you consider
then yes

Torture? No

Corporal Punishment though? Absolutely.

We can even cause pain without causing injury now by using electricity.

What's the story behind this webm ? Why are the wrecking that dood so brutally ? Are they bored Russians ?

>Torture anyone they want
No, only convicted felons that have gone through due process of law can be tortured. Maybe to prevent ambiguity, they do all tortures publicly, like they do with capital punishments?
And shut the fuck up with no violence tolerated in a whitopia. I'm tired of seeing the white race get shit on and just turn their cheek asking for seconds. Eventually you have a cheek left to turn

No cheek left to turn

define torture

>corruption doesn't exist

Ok senpai

Something that causes pain or discomfort to the individual. What I'm asking is how extreme should these tortures be? Something classical like flogging, or Something more extreme like in the OP? I'll even accept not allowing the prisoner a.c. on a hot day or being fed disgusting food everyday.

If you're going to kill them anyways, what's the point of torturing them in an isolated room in a prison somewhere.

Televise that shit. The point is to convince would-be criminals that it's not worth the risk.

what happened next?

Every government that has ever existed or ever will has been corrupt. That doesn't necessarily mean the entire collapse of that said country will ensue in a corrupt governemnt. But I should know better than arguing with the most cucked nation this planent has ever witnessed in all of its history.

I'm a hardcore reactionary but...

I don't think there's a point to torture if you're going to execute the person.

If you want to "reeducate" someone, then yeah, go ahead with sleep deprivation, etc, which does seem to work. Nothing physical.

no. but witch burnings need to become a thing again

Okay so if you're defining your proposition as something that causes pain, then you're talking about corporal punishment.

Corporal punishment would be appropriate in some situations, but of course wouldn't be appropriate for the elderly for instance so a determination should be made a doctor if a convicted criminal is healthy enough to undergo their sentence.

Should we actually punish people by causing injury? No we shouldn't. They don't need to be treated great, but at the end of the day they are still our citizens and the hope is that the fear of being punished again will prevent them from committing further crimes. The system we have now has proved to not be enough of a deterent.

Do you know how many people are falsely convicted of crimes?

>But I should know better than arguing with the most cucked nation this planent has ever witnessed in all of its history.

This is a logical fallacy. Sven's claims are either valid or invalid regardless of what country he's from.

Seriously, torture is nigger-tier

The US already has torture.
It's called supermax.
Tiny concrete room for all but 1 hour a week, no interaction with others, not even guards, nothing on your black and white TV but constant reruns of a carpentry training videos, no other entertainment.
60 years of just that until you eventually die.

I agree, but we would benefit as a society if corporal punishment would be allowed for some crimes.

>I agree, but we would benefit as a society if corporal punishment would be allowed for some crimes.

It doesn't do anything. Corporal punishment doesn't lower crime rates.

All you wind up doing is potentially torturing lots and lots of innocent people.

"I would rather see 100 guilty men go free, than to see one man charged with a crime he didn't commit." --Thomas Jefferson

Just wanted to add:

Focus on fixing our judicial system.

yes. people like rapists, pedophiles and anyone who is capable of doing it again. hitting works wonders. you let them live in prision they only stew and fake finding religion. they go right back to doing it because they where only baby sat for so long. they didn't learn anything. they still god food, no distractions of luxury entertainment so they work out and learn. and get better next time. it's modern day child punishment. we need to torture to get them to understand that pain isn't something to enjoy, and if you commit atrocities you're going to feel alot of it. you break a few fingers, cut out some tongues, blind an eye. they will never act out again. it's simple shit. the only people who say otherwise are advocates for such things or people who have/will commit such things.

I like it. I'm getting tired of seeing these continually criminals do crimes like grand theft auto and assault and be set free only to end up doing it again. Reason why I started this thread was because my band was recently robbed of our equipment, about $5000 total worth and we found the Asshole selling our shit on craiglist. When the cops eventually arrested him, it's a 27 year old beaner who had a record of robbing people and it was his 8th time to be arrested for burglary. What I'm advocating for is a harsher punishment that will actually make Fuck up stop doing crime. Imagine if he was arrested, flogged about 10 times then sent on his marry way without wasting tax payer money by keeping him in jail for a year.

>It doesn't do anything. Corporal punishment doesn't lower crime rates.
Oh like all those countries that actually employ corporal punishment that have low crime rates?
>All you wind up doing is potentially torturing lots and lots of innocent people.
You're right let's abandon the criminal justice system in it's entirety because somebody might spend a few years in jail because he was falsely convicted.
>"I would rather see 100 guilty men go free, than to see one man charged with a crime he didn't commit." --Thomas Jefferson
This quote has nothing to do with corporal punishment. It has everything to do with how strict our conviction standards are.

I'm not saying to torture people. There is a big distinction there. We can have standards, but consider what actually goes on to a criminal that gets put in prison. Before jail they are in a gang, hanging out and not doing much. In jail they are in a gang hanging out and not doing much.

We are genuinely doing more harm than good by not appropriately punishing deviant behavior. It would be much more humane for the criminal and for society if we employed corporal punishment as a deterrent for people to commit crimes.

Now of course, I'm not trying to make the case for unrestricted torture on criminals. However we can set standards as far as what we can do that will not cause permanent injury and if there should be any health concerns before sentencing somebody. I'm not saying that we should beat people with rods, but there plenty of things that can cause pain without injury.

Because most of the people that commit these crimes are socio/psychopaths, there would be no point. You know?

They feel pain, but they don't fear the anticipation of pain, they don't learn from it. So you torture them and as soon as its okay, they won't even think about it anymore, and will be doing whatever crimes they did before again.

The issue you guys are having is not with crime or ineffective judicial system is that of race. Our justice system was built for white people who have a chance to repent and fix their lives. Shit skins do not have that ability as their behavior is all primal. You can imprison or beat a nigger as long as you want but the moment he is released he will go right back at it. The only way to stop these crimes is mass deportation, ending immigration, and ethnic cleansing. In addition to that super harsh punishments are already done on a daily basis all around the world in non white countries. Despite that crime in Africa, South America, Mexico, and the Middle East shows now sign of slowing down. That is clear proof that super harsh punishment doesn't do shit. To recap the issue is not weak prisons, but to many shitskins.

slide thread sage

divide and conquer

You'll always have those types of people in society though.

The point of the law isn't to stop crime, but to deter people from committing crimes.

If you're gonna venture into the gray zone of deliberately inflicting pain on another human being, you might as well just put a bullet through their brain. Anyone who would deserve that sort of punishment to begin with, would fulfill the requirements for the penalty of execution.

That is a very quixotic goal that you have.

What would be the most realistic solution is to balkanize the US

>You're right let's abandon the criminal justice system in it's entirety because somebody might spend a few years in jail because he was falsely convicted.
>>"I would rather see 100 guilty men go free, than to see one man charged with a crime he didn't commit." --Thomas Jefferson
>This quote has nothing to do with corporal punishment. It has everything to do with how strict our conviction standards are.

It has to do with both of those things.

Innocent people would be tortured.

This fucking kid will legit NEVER bully anyone again.

Case closed. I know this is just a TV show, but the point stands. I'm not really a twitter guy, but maybe we could get a hashtag like "Make Justice Great Again!"

Deterrence doesn't work, because the type of people to commit serious crimes aren't the type to think ahead. The solution is demographic management and eugenics.

No. We are civilized. We kill people we disagree with. Quickly and cleanly. No need to drag it out.

That's dumb though. If someone continually does a crime over and over, it means that the benefits of doing the crime out weighs the risk. If you make the risks of doing the crime higher than the benefits, logic concludes that there will be less criminals. So instead of the criminal getting a comfy bed, housing with a.c. and heating along with free food for a year, they get the shit electrocuted out of them and beat for like 10 days. Think they'll have hesitation before stealing a car again? You Damn right. Being tortured is a future criminals cannot sustain. They'll change their lifestyle and become a productive member of society instead of a rotting corpse

>> 100631189
People should suffer as much damage as they caused to others
So throwing acid in a rapist is a good way to punish in my view

>Focus on fixing our judicial system.
Juries really are broken. Dumbasses who don't understand stats are not my peers. We need computerized logic systems to determine guilt, not impressionable emotional niggers.

>They'll change their lifestyle and become a productive member of society

No, it's inefficient.

The pizzagate people should be used in medical experiments though. Advancing medical science while they lose all their rights makes sense to me.

Else, I'd say just shoot them in the head and end their existence as quickly as possible. There's nothing more these psychos fear than death.

Innocent people are jailed, and guilty people are let go. Our justice system isn't perfect, but it's the best one ever devised.

I beg to differ. If I had two 120lbs german shepherds in my house/yard I doubt very many people would be willing to risk breaking into my house.

Or you know we actually teach people about civics throughout school instead of ramming white guilt and leftist doctrine down their throats.

Hard labour


We are already doing it here

I don't believe in torture. Keep it to hanging.

Except maybe Soros. He deserves special treatment


Bring back the stockades and gillets. Let the people punish them as they see fit.

Teaching civics doesn't address ability to understand logic. It doesn't address the issue of IQ. It doesn't address stats. Get over your utopianist bullshit about educating people into smartness. It doesn't work that way.

No. Because that is a one way road. And whoever will get punished like that will get branded as guilty for life. Even if evidence of his innocence would arise it would get buried because of the implications torturing an innocent would carry.

I never disagreed with the premise of demographics. I would on eugenics, but I'm not going to get into that.

It would be ideal if we were racially homogeneous, or at a minimum back to pre 1965 demographics, but that's not the issue we're discussing.

Computers aren't people. Maybe one day they will be at the point where they can excercise judgement, but the justice system isn't a cut and dry thing. You're almost in a way saying "well we'll just leave it up to some technology that doesn't exist yet" which is very lazy.

You also imply that it's not remotely important to teach civics to children.

You're a moron.

>Ah sheeeeiiiittttt
>look at that niggas lashes
>damn dat nigga hardcore.
>I wanna be a hardcore nigga 2

no torture, it would be a powerful deterrent, but only to rational actors, insane people can't do cost benefit so it wouldn't do anything but fuck up the security guards who have to administer it.

but we should become VERY comfortable euthanizing undesirables

all of these serial killers, ultra low IQ niggers, psychotic lunatics raping kids torturing murdering causing random chaos etc, these are broken malformed human beans, reproduction is not perfect, and we should remove the ones whos brains don't work, its that simple

I think the best way to do it is to gas the selected degenerates by flooding their (airtight) cell with nitrogen gas while they sleep

painless, quick, easy, cheap, they will literally never know what hit them

Why should we torture?

Is it to teach them a lesson? Career criminals can not be rehabilitated - that much we know already. No amount of care or cruelty will turn a failing piece of human into a normal human.

Is it to terrify others into behaving properly? Hardly, good people rarely need a lot of motivation to stay good, and history has shown us that demonstrative justice is a spectacle at best, teaching nothing to others.

Therefore, just kill them, no need to torture or maim.

yes. based on the severity of the crime? no limits. rape children. spend 10 years getting tortured. put it on the internet. stream it live. archive that fucking shit. some1 who may have proclivities for that shit will think twice. learn to control it maybe? who the fuck knows.

i think torture in conjunction with some specific psychadelics and orchestrated psychological techniques could be useful.

Cold-blooded murderers should be used for medical experiments AT LEAST.

Wow what a disappointing thread. I thought being on the board that calls for the day of the rope and destruction of liberals would be behind giving criminals back the pain they caused to the victims they hurt, but instead all I got is violence is only for the niggerish and that i need to open my heart to diversity and love and the feelings of the criminals. No wonder the white parts of the world are turning into complete Shit and going extinct because the mentality of our "worst" is this stupid Shit in this thread. I fucking hate you liberal, feminine fucks. I pray to God that the next time he allows a Muslim or nigger to do his worst to a white women, I hope that bitch will be related to one of y'all. That way YOU and your family feel the pain and agony of being taken advatage of but only then to pay for your assailants room and board+ healthcare so he will be in good shape to do it again to the next female in your family. You pathetic fucks. Fuck that, why should I let the shitskins have all fun? I wish there was a way I could find you faggots and torture the ever living God Damn Fuck outta you to the point screaming, crying and pain is the only thing you know in this Fucking world. Then once I'm caught and you're nursed back to health like the babies you are, you cry out for a harsher, stricter punishment for me but only get being called a nigger and intolerant for wanting such a justifiably thing. Then, after I serve my 5 year sentence of cozyness, free food, and free time to think, I'll get out and rape the next slut in your family and torture another member to the point of excruciating pain. I hate y'all pussy Fuck ups. No wonder Sup Forums complains of being unwanted, lonely with no friends and depressed. You're all pathetic, worthless fucks. I knew I always felt shame when browsing this board but I never knew why until now. Just a bunch of role playing liberal faggots who are scared of violence because they always get the Shit end of the violence stick. God Damn