Keep in mind CNN stopped reporting on OSU 30 minutes ago and brought up Dylann roof trial and >muh black church evil white shooter narrative and still will not report on suspect OSU information.
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Knife ban when ? Knives must be stopped.
I will bet my Left nut that CNN will not mention it in their headline
I want out. I want to vomit this red pill out of me, it's hard to not question everything
Lol knew from the start. Cnn wont say shit and once they found he was BOTH a dindu and a muslim they immediately dropped it
CNN just announced he was Somali right now and is showing a speech proving it wasn't a shooting
Time to bin your knife Burgers :^)
Remember their treachery when the next white male leftist begs you for help with some cause.
Their entire purpose is to support mass immigration by instilling white guilt everywhere they can. They are not your friends and will not come to your aid if you ever need it. There is not depth they won't dive to for their anti white cause.
Treat them like a hated enemy, anons. It's how they treat you every single day.
I want to hate rape this fucking blond CNN cunt
she is talkin so fucking smug while showing those fuckign sandnigger babies in syria
Wow fox "cutting" the narrative again.
What a coincidence!
How many times are we going to fall for this shit?
Somalian = Muslim. I bet they won't say that on the news.
This is clearly a false flag attack. The real culprit are probably alt right Trump supporters. They framed this attack to an innocent Somali boy. This seems too scripted to be real, a migrant killing people right after trump got elected. All too good to be true. Wake up.
And yet liberal twats will still demand refugees to be welcome because they're saturating their panties at the thought of giant dindu cocks stretching their worn out walls.
yeah, they are definitely trying to cover it up!!!!!!
>somali descent
Execute Ordah...Eighty Eight.
(Remove Kebab)
Nice one, user
Kek. Some retarded alcoholic actually gauged some other retarded alcoholic in my town an eye out with a plastic fork at a beer fest.
It's time to round up Lutheran Social Services and gas them all
haha holy fuck. made a comment this morning on pol bitching about how somalian immigrants are the worst possible while some American was talking about how great they are
The proper term is "Minnesotan".
What about paper? Paper cuts are hell.
False. Flag.
>not refugee
Were the attackers all students at OSU?
Even without the murderous rampage, they are rapey as hell m8
There was a huge story about some tiny town in Idaho or something that was forced to take a few hundred somalis. Well, to make a long story short, three of them ended up gang raping and pissing on a literal 8 year old girl in the maintenance closet of an apartment complex where she lived
The (((msm))) decided not to cover it
Fun Fact: the reason small towns like that take in "refugees" is for cheap low skill manufacturing, specifically the food industry which either hires illegals or receive government incentives for employing refugees to undercut local residents. the Somalis in that Idaho town were hired to work at the Chobani factory making yogurt, which is why i dont buy their shit anymore.
If he is a muslim there is an 80% his name is mohammed which makes it a very difficult thing to hide.
>Keep in mind CNN stopped reporting on OSU 30 minutes ago and still will not report on suspect.
Is CNN the fake news we've been warned about?
Never trust a Somalian Muslim, ever. Sneakiest shysters around. They'll pick your pocket and steal your car at the same time.
fucking niggers
u guys r dum
cnn talking about fucking dylan roof
They are literally covering this attack right this second.
Now they are talking about it. the headlines.
Theyve been talking about it all goddamn day dude. I hate CNN too but just because they took a 30 minute break to cover some other shit going on while waiting for more information to develop doesnt mean there is some sort of cover up.
If their goal is to obscure the fact that this was done by an OSU student of Somali decent then they are doing a piss poor job of it considering I've heard the word "Somali" about 300 times in the past two hours.
It's in the by-line. How is that a cover-up?
That is exactly what I did
His name is confirmed Ali Muhammed
It's all too obvious. The poor kid was harrassed and bullied by alt-right students for being black.
Wait for it.
jeeez... member Breivik? I was out of /pol for years but i just couldn't resist
It's Trump's fault.
muslims just want to bring peace you bigots
Nah, I was too busy going /k/ommando to think about Sup Forums back then.
You guys keep clammering for the deportation for this Somalian american but the fact of the matter is he isn't a refugee is a NATURALIZED CITIZEN.
My boyfriend Kamari is of Somalian descent and it's fairly easy for somalians to get naturalized because they basically hand out lotto visas to many young people in Mogadishu.
>pic related is me so you know im not bullshitting
enough of the race baiting Sup Forums it's getting rly tired lol
white people are responsible for this
Jeez oh man
This is just nuts
>Implying there are 28 months in a year
Also who cares, strip any skinny with papers and skin em.
>islam is a race
i hope abdule fucking murders you you fucking bitch
Just like that alt-right plant that decapitated a British soldier in the street
Pic with "Kamari" or I don't believe you.
we're not Cucks; he's getting the noose
Wow you are so brave to come out and say this. I hope you and your boyfriend stay safe! :-)
Someone is going to pay the toll, and sooner than she thinks.
more like time to bin the somali refugees
From Idaho, can confirm here that this is true. It happened in Twin Falls, a town that contains a Chobani yogurt factory, owned by a muslim and staffed almost exclusively by migrants.
What's worse is even our local newspapers tried to obfuscate and hide the origin of the rapists. People were mad as hell.
I want all of these goatfuckers to go back and I want to burn that Chobani factory to the ground. None of us asked for them and none of us want them here. They all have to get #outoutout.
Pic is from Sup Forums
Why is there no tweet from the emperor about this?
His shitposting fueling the fire is what we need.
I live in columbus and am an alumni of OSU. This makes me sad. Of all the muslim communities here the Somalians are notoriously the worst and abjectly despised by most including african americans.
Fuck off with your shitty bait.
Date format says brit slag.
Your writing reads like bad cuck porn.
Go get knifed by a Somali.
he made a facebook post about it thanking the first responders. he hasn't said anything since news of the attacker's race/religion was made public, though
My finfriend, death is the only escape now, you're locked in now.
I read he was in their student paper talking about stereotypes a few months ago. It's like that one """german""" rapper who joined ISIS.
>tfw really want to shoot up my school
>Don't want it to be blamed on white guys or guns
>Liberals won't believe that I'm just insane
OSU is literally not Trending on Facebook, which makes no sense at all, of course it should be trending.
t. ahmed
when i head OSU i think of the game Osu! does that make me weeb trash?
"Convert" to Islam, problem solved
I'm guessing he wasn't doing very well in his studies, he did bring a knife to a gunfight.
Evidently Abdul gave an interview for a The Lantern a few weeks back.
CNN ban from national television when?
>race baiting
in other words
>somalia has oil and we need to start rubbelizing
pic is from Sup Forums but you get points for the effort
8/8 gr8 b8 m8