
So what's Sup Forums's opinion on T_D?

Fuck off

fuck off

pol hates reddit because pol hates reddit. Most people here are very mentally challenged.

fuck off

fuck Off

Pls go and stay go all redditors

You have to go back

Fuck off

fuck off

I like r/the_donald

fuck off

we see through your language, shill. fuck off

their memes are pretty racist tbqh

fedora central

I've never been there cuz I'm not some fag who uses Reddit fuck off

It's like here, but reddit. So basically irredeemably shit.

At least /r/politics has liberals to troll. I can think of no reason to go circlejerk about DJT with some redditors.

fuck off

Fuck Off


Just proves that this board is reddit

Fuck off we're full

Cringy faggots

fuck off

It triggers liberals so I think of them highly

>It's like here, but reddit.
it's way worse. only pepes and idiotic memes. at least here there are many threads with many different ideas, and you can have interesting convos.

Fuck Off.
Reported thread and saged.

>"i sure showed OP"
>tips my fedora
>opens up t_d in another tab

It's like Sup Forums expect with censoring of different opinions
Fuck that

Sup Forums is a board of peace


t. Redditcuck looking for upvotes

literally me kek

LOL upvoted my good sir :3 you win the internet


implying im a trumpfag to begin with. this board and reddit could both fucking die

They're the minions of Sup Forums. They disperse what they're ordered to like good little pets. Sup Forums colony brings more into the fold.

reddit has one of the worst design ever


Over at t_d :

((( MEDIA )))

the front page right now

fuck off

at least the IDs are working

Actually, Sup Forums has become one of reddit's colony



Average trumpfag everyone


Lol that's a real person somewhere


you know we are right though. thats why you cant leave. you will turn in the end, like me

build a wall around reddit and keep its people inside



Maybe Trump now runs through a life cycle of a meme?
When it leaks outside, it loses its freshness.

fuck off, reddit is reddit tier



The_Donald is /r/KotakuInAction 2.0, they're already denying that they are "Islamophobic" which only furthers the idea that being "Islamophobic" is something bad.

Next they will start promoting transsexuals more and viciously attacking anyone who "misgenders".

They're going the same direction as /r/KotakuInAction

Reddit? You mean the Internet's Soviet Union? Fucking Commies get out of Sup Forums.

The Liberals can have that monster back. We don't want it anymore.

I know right. She could at least upload a dick pic too. So rude, nothing like Sup Forums.

back to 8gag with you

60 year old conservative and 30 year engineer and early internet adopter. For years there was only FreeRepublic.com. Got into the_donald last spring and from there Sup Forums. They are a useful symbiote and less-offensive front-end for you. Win-win.

Funny shit gets posted there occasionally.

With that said, I have no reddit account, and part of the 99% lurkers on the internet.




You can fuck right off

Cuck off