IQ test bread

If you can't get 130 or higher, you aren't white.

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forgot link

I don't understand what i'm being asked to do,

oh well, guess im retarded

find the next piece of the pattern

130 is too low, 150+

Shitty 10101010 IQ tests like thes only measure how poorly you fit into society actually

too smart to care..

>I'm smrt
>forgets link

Online tests aren't accurate at all, only post in the thread if you have taken the test from a doctor

Love how the commas aren't consistent. Fuck this

are you sure? or is it the information that goes in the slightly wider space? it's very ambiguous

for example look at 11 and 14, these are VERY obvious if the answer is supposed to go in the wider space between the last and second to last answers, but not obvious if it's supposed to go at the end

>not timed
>"IQ" test


This test is stupid.
Look at #7
What pattern am I supposed to be finding?

The instructions don't even tell you if you're only supposed to plug in one character or a whole series, what the commas are for - anything

not to mention IQ tests become less accurate the higher you score, not the opposite as this test implies.

yeah it's actually an autism test

not surprised considering OP is from Germany

I clicked submit with nothing typed in anything and got the 'minimum' of 120. Saged and reported.

what the fuck dude
this is the worst IQ test I've ever seen

>your raw score on Tic Tac Toe IQ test is 11/20.
>Your estimated numerical IQ is 149,5, which is 1/2000 rarity.

some of these are really clever though
i really like 18 and 19

141. Beat you at your own stupid test.

I've taken semi-legit IQ tests before that stumped the fuck out of me right out of the gate, so I really doubt the validity of this one. I think my actual IQ is 120-something.

why the fuck is Sup Forums so obsessed with how high their IQ is? it seems like a dick measuring contest but circlejerk about how smart you are.

I did the first 3 and got them all right,
but can you explain how 7, for example, is even a question? All it says is: "xxooo"
feels like the answer could be anything...

7, 8, and 9 are kind of shitty.. they want next contiguous block of letters within the sequence and not the next sequence

what if i told you that website gave you a trojan. you still feel clever?

post proof faggot
I can't seem to get 7 right. Also 18,19, and 20 are stumping me

your raw score on Tic Tac Toe IQ test is 0/20.

Your estimated numerical IQ is below 120. Unfortunately, I can't make estimates on that level.

What if I told you I know more about browsers and security than you ever will?

I still can't get 20.

18 is "oxx". The Xs decrease by one each step. The Os decrease by two each step. In the third step, the Os are "1", in the final step the Os are on the opposite side of the Xs implying "-3", therefore the missing 4th sequence is "oxx" with 2 Xs and -1 Os.

19 is clever. Xs = 1s digit. Os = 10s digit. Pattern is 4 8 ? 32, or 16, therefore answer is "oxxxxxx"

checked. also this test I guess is only for high iq

fuck this

mines 127 but you know I had a REAL iq test done not some online scam to make you feel good about yourself.

I've taken the WAIS-IV (sd 15) with an actual psychologist and scored 145, but she said I should really take one of the special high iq tests if I wanted an accurate score. I'd already given her £200 so said I'd think about it and never bothered.

I got turned off at the first one because I'm too lazy to count the last amount of X.

Guess I'm really lazy

Woah there Ahmed
130+ is Jewish level IQ

What did you get on this one? I think most test for IQ normies like me can't measure accurately the higher they go. I have some more similar tests. This one goes up to 170.

Up to 180

Up to 160

>Claims to have 130+ IQ
>can't format a "take this test, post results" thread
You're that kid that finished the test first in school, loudly smacking their pencil on their desk and proclaiming they had "finished!", then ends up as the office dullard in the real world.

Oh okay, I had the correct answer for 18 but erased it. I pursued the possibility of 19 being binary but I gave up after that.


>your raw score on Tic Tac Toe IQ test is 12/20.

>Your estimated numerical IQ is 151, which is 1/3000 rarity.

Anyone have an answer key?

The only ones I haven't solved now are 4, 5, 6, and 20, and I'm not sure why I got 7 right. I'll try and get back to those.

#1: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Pattern is cubes, 1 4 9 ?, or 16.

#2: "xxxxxx". Pattern increments by one character each time, each subset is "o" unless the subset is a multiple of 3.

#3: "xxx". Two interwoven fibonacci sequences of Xs and Os. X: 1 1 2 ?, O: 1 2 3 5.

#7: "x". Not sure why this one is just "x" yet, still trying to figure it out. My first guess was "xxxx".

#8: "oo". This gets appended to the existing pattern to balance it out. Feels kind of cheaty IMO

#9: "ooo", same reason as above.

#10: "ooo". Number of Os = Xs +1.

#11: "xxxx". Easiest one, simple 1 2 ? 8 pattern.

#12: "oxo", but I dispute this one. "xox" seems "more logical" to me than "oxo" because it is ambiguous whether the pattern is meant to be one contiguous chain, or three subsets.

#13: "xoxo". The pattern is repetitions of xoxoxo(etc), and alternates between adding the next character at either the end or beginning of the string.

#14: "xox". Simple binary.

#15: "o". Mirrored pattern.

#16: "xxox". Prepend an X to the string, unless there's no O, in which case prepend an O? I guess?

#17: "xxxxxxx". Fibonacci, X = 1s digit O = 10s digit. 1 3 4 ? 11, or "7".

#18: "oxx". The Xs decrease by one each step. The Os decrease by two each step. In the third step, the Os are "1", in the final step the Os are on the opposite side of the Xs implying "-3", therefore the missing 4th sequence is "oxx" with 2 Xs and -1 Os.

#19: "oxxxxxx". Xs = 1s digit. Os = 10s digit. Pattern doubles every time, 4 8 ? 32, or "16".

This thing is laughably bad. How can you be so fucking inconsistent with basic convention?

No. Going back over them I have 8 let
4 is xxxxx

white reporting in

How exactly any test that you can do repeatedly, getting a higher score every time, a good test of IQ?

>4 is xxxxx
I see, I guess number of Xs and Os remains equal for each grouping separated by commas..?

honestly I have no memory of how I got that answer.

5 is xxx, I think it's the difference between the number of o's in each set (ie 4-1=3, 5-2=3)

A few years ago I underwent extensive neuropsychological analysis that included 3 days of testing and did every sort of task used to test intelligence.

I got a general IQ score of 127 (brought down by my ADHD which I was not taking meds for at the time) although my verbal intelligence was in the 99th percentile.

>Important: You will receive the most accurate score if you try the test no more than twice.
I agree it's not really an accurate "IQ test" but it's still fun to try and solve.

Makes sense.

9/20 and a 144 IQ, not too bad I guess.
I wish this was timed, I would've scored higher if I had a time-frame to sit down and solve instead of quickly typing what seemed to fit best in my head.

I dispute 14. ooo comes before oox, so why shouldn't xxx come before xxo?

Your estimated numerical IQ is 144, which is 1/600 rarity.

This is the IQ I know myself to have, checks out.

Oh, you're right, it isn't binary, I forgot it's sliding combinations instead.

boring shit, it's not like if I do this a mountain of pussy will come spilling out of my monitor with job offers.

IQ tests are inherently flawed. They dont take into consideration the participants investment in the test, and their investment in these sorts of problems throughout their entire life. People are capable of both brilliance and mediocrity depending on how important the outcome is to them.

14 is sliding to the left


#20 is "xxxxxxx". Pattern is apparently ? 5 3 1, so "7". With the trick being you have to figure out the missing bit goes in front, not at the end.

absolutely retarded

#6: "oooxxxxxx". Xs/Os are 1s/10s digits again, pattern is numbers and their squares. 4 16 5 25 6 ?, so "36". Trickery bullshit: inconsistent comma usage, there is a comma between the 4 and 16 but not between 5 and 25.

>implying super autists work well under pressure.

Just simply sliding left on 14 doesn't give the final outcome, once x slides off after xoo it would make sense for the pattern to reset to the xxx which leads it to the last segment in the pattern xxo with o now sliding left.

It's sliding+stacking. An X appears on the right and slides to the left until it stops, then another X drops on top of it, so to speak.

Finally finished. Got 3/20 right. [125]

>If you find more than one logical solution to a particular item, you must choose the most logical one.
What dumb fuck wrote this shit. "Most logical". A right answer is a right answer, one isn't more logical than another.
Same kind of retard that thinks Occam's razor means only one answer is "correct"

6/20, 130 IQ

I'm a sand nigger -- I guess I'm an honorary white!
