You guys going to see the new Kong movie?

The director had an autism fit on a flight. (Deleted) tweets to follow.

Other urls found in this thread: Ferrario Naked&FORM=IDBQDM


Go on..

>complains about self-made echo Chambers
>on Twitter

The Fake News MENACE strikes again!



>white male patriarchy


we wuz kong: cuck island


first star goys and now this. I'm saving so much money on movie tickets this year!


old sweater guy sounds pretty based

who is this...

>dad jokes

This guy just can't stop meming.

Here's where he admits he stole the guys chord

Maybe someone here knows the name


This guy sounds fucking awesome

>red coffee?
>which one?



>the patriarchy is dead

Interesting. Initial reactions:
It's not spying when they do it, it's not judgment when they do it.
If you like a artist (or settle on them given a set of bad choices), then you agree with their political beliefs.

This is what he looks like btw

He deleted all of these tweets

The director is triggered beyond a doubt but this dude sounds like a Grade A poltard Fedora Lord

I really want to help but I'm forgetting the name (not even trolling you)

She's an australian model. Ask /s/

Stefania Ferrario

You think he realized it made him look like a sperg? Ferrario Naked&FORM=IDBQDM

What a faggot. Imagine if the dude opened up his twitter page right beside him.

Old-Right seems like a pretty chill dude, would go grabbing pussy with/10

Whelp, I know what movie I'm pirating.

>This guy just can't stop meming.

I went to college with a lot of these guys. Beared 20 or 30somethings who use fifty Sup Forums memes per sentence and type everything like an ironic tumblr girl, but tweet like women whining over people manspreading, begging for their female college friends to "like" it.

The alt-right guy sounds fucking hilarious. I'd like to sit beside him on a plane.

>it's another "people don't know what the alt-right is" episode
If it were an alt-rightfag the first sentence would be "I literally can't believe he typed nigger over 100 times during that flight".

For a racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, xenophobic, bigoted nazi white male, I will never have as much hatred in my heart as this tolerant fellow right here.

>Now he's fighting over which chinese cartoon girl is better. They literally just look the same.

>director of new King Kong is a king cuck

lmao what a faggot

jewed out of a cord by (((Roberts)))

Do you think they'll make a movie about this?

>Gets upset that man expects flight attendant to do her job after he paid thousands of dollars to sit in a flying tin can.

What a cuck. Should the man get down on the floor and do the stewardess' job for her?

>And now, after seemingly glancing at a thoughtful, three-page response to one of his blogs outlets, he seems to only reply with either triple-brackets and the authors name, or some sort of dendrology related joke....

I think the guy hated him so much that he just made out everything as the guy's fault.

He was so desperate to paint him as the stereotypical evil alt-righter that he just ascribed all his assumptions about people like us onto him.

Like the guy really couldn't figure out a phone charger. He probably tried it both ways around before swapping it out, but the director's so desperate for attention he actually forces himself to believe he was at it for 10 minutes.

>Thousands of dollars

I mean, you're right, but come on.

I doubt most or any of this actually happened.

people are in full swing trying to associate alt-right with Nazis.. here i thought it was just about putting america and american citizens first in domestic and foreign policy, i mean obviously that sort of policy will invite white nationalists because they have no other political option to vote for

i wasn't going to see that movie anyways but, now that i know who this guy is, i can avoid seeing anything else he directs quite easily

Why is this idiot's personal problems an public/international spectacle?

Why the fuck does he think it's okay to post this shit online?

>glass on an airplane


>Why the fuck does he think it's okay to post this shit online?

Because his echo chamber will fully support and agree with him

It's obviously nazism to stand up for white interests.
I don't think they've realized how much they've overused the term nazi, people don't care anymore unless it'd directly impact their work or something.

I wasn't going to pay to see this soulless cash grab garbage anyway.

>giving your shekels to Hollyjew

wow what a complete loser!

BS unless he has someone back him up. Claiming that the guy called him a liberal bitch or whatever? Where's the complaints by other passengers? Where's the other passengers talking about the old guy spilling wine on him and breaking glass? Furthermore, do they even use actual glass on a plane? I would've thought after 9/11 that everyone was paranoid about anything sharp.

Also, he keeps calling the guy pathetic but he's frantically posting about how triggered he is nonstop. Even if the guy was being an asshole, it doesn't make this guy any less pathetic.

Young leftists basically live on fucking Twitter.

>He's achieved hatred enlightenment.
Keep going. I'm taking notes.

Watchya doin Rabbi?

>guy reading someone else FB feed over his shoulder calls him creepy

What happened to the neck beard from the Alt-Right HQ ? Did he an hero ?

Shit happens to me and people are assholes. If someone is an asshole to me, I privately bitch to my friends and move on.

I personally don't want to be an even bigger asshole by posting video online of someone "misbehaving" in order to shame or bring them harm with internet harassment.

Why the fuck do Democrats refuse to take the highroad? Why are they such hypocrites?


Nailed it in one go. But just reading the tweets it's pretty obvious this is a, "Story that Never Happened."

This desu, even in first class you have that reinforced stuff. It might be some type of tempered glass but it doesn't shatter.

He also said he started recording. I wonder why he didn't upload the video.

The guy said he was in his 50-60

So its fine to steal something from someone you dont agree with?

Cool, guess everyone is allowed to pirate his shit movie if they care enough to watch it

>tell his friends about a Jew-bearded-liberal who stole form him

I swear, these types of people have a complex. Only some Sup Forumsacks and stormwennies would ever say that

Is there any proof any of this is real? How long until evil white alt-righter sues director for slander?

Pirate Kong to avenge the stolen cord.

Should I not browse Sup Forums in the library? I'm afraid someone might do this to me.

>"I'm eating a salad."
>"I'm on the toilet."
>"I saw someone I disagree with. Here's video and his personal information."

>old guy
>alt right

Just pirate it cunts

Anybody with a hyphenated last name is a pussy

This is Kaiokek X10

>wanting to see it in the first place
The one with Jack Black as good but everything and anything that isn't that or the original is garbage and a cash grab
Just like the Tarzan live action and every live action Disney is doing now

>be kike on plane
>sitting next to some goyim with opinions that aren't kosher
>"Ooyyyyyyvey this really hunkles my geshunkles!"
>proceed to sperg out all over twitter about it
>forget your claim to fame was that you're directing a movie about a giant nigger

That jew probably bought the seat next to him so no one would sit there. So he wrote gay fanfics about himself on the flight.

It too good to be true. He's making shit up or exaggerating.

>Man I dont like for his politically beliefs also acts like a annoying sitcom character

What is incredible, is that they are both pretty shitty people. Each one is completely unaware of their shittyness. The thing is, one of these people has a fucking complex. I literally could care less about the director guys shitty plight of having to sit next to a shitty person. The fact he is live-tweeting it shows how much a shitty self-absorbed person he is.

That being said, I'll watch his movie, only if it's free.

I meant the faggot who was tweeting

>wanting to see this movie
lol, no.

It's going to be a racist depiction using BLM bullshit and "King Kong" as an allegory and the liberal fuckheads who make it will pat themselves on the back while calling black people monkeys.

Fuck that, I'd rather eat vomit. I hope makes thousands at the box office and ruins everyone involved.

My conclusions are he probably peeped on him browsing his phone and saw him liking trump tweets and other conservative stuff so he decided to create the narrative that he is a stupid and obnoxious loser to make up a damaging personification of the political views he doesn't agree with.

He's a cheap film director so it's honestly not surprising. Instead of discrediting political opinions with thought they paint the opposition like an antagonist and hyperbole certain traits to look either evil or obnoxious. Basically the equivalent to a 5 year old child drawing a crude mean drawing of somebody they don't like so they can validate their own beliefs.

whoa, its a dude?! i was reading all that in a womans voice.

Why didn't he just switch seats with him if he was annoyed about him going back and forth?

That's such a bizarre thing to do.

Just read over someone's shoulder.

It also seems unrealistic.


>Alt-Right Man


>Echo Chamber (said with no irony at all)


>i wasn't going to see that movie anyways
this. who pays 12 bucks to see the 7th reboot of a bad movie

Only one of them exists.

wait a second
Anthropoid is about the assassination of Heydrich

wtf no way that guy was alt-right

>glass on a plane
This lying kike

No, thank you.

>fake and gay


I'm still gonna see it.
>fuck the Sup Forumsice

I'm not reading any of this. The last ''live tweets on a plane'' incident I remember was some bitch who was tweeting an argument another couple had.
I'm gonna turn into Dexter soon, I feel it.

>white male patriarchy's dying breath

lol wut?

Does he not realize that the GOP controls the executive and legislative branches?

Sounds like either
A) bullshit
B) he should mind his own fucking business

I've search all over twitter and found nothing. This is fake

I think it happened. What is abhorrent about the twitter rant is that he twisted an interaction with a rude man into some sort of ideological battle, simplifying his political opponents to this one fat and annoying guy he creepely stalked for an entire flight. The fact that he thought that posting this on twitter just shows how fucking self-absorbed he himself is, while accusing others of the same.

It's like when retards here watch a video of one nigger nigging and then use it to fuel their hate and confirmation bias on that minority.