The Case for Reparations

Pic related. Enough said.

After the civil war, the country was destroyed and it started all over again.

Even before it, the black participation in economy was nearly meaningless.

Hispanics were never slaves for starters . second your an idiot blacks reparations are them no longer being slaves

And the Asians at the top of all of them

So you are proposing the state using violence to take money from people in no way directly related to slavery and give it to people no way directly victims of slavery?
Fuck off marxist

But Hispanics were dispossessed and robbed of Aztlan in the Southwest.

At the very least, we have to much wealth inequality. We need to redistribute wealth to the poor, including poor whites.

(((Mother Jones)))

Also got IQ inequality.

Wanna redistribute that?

cherry picking

show me the fucking averages

Why does the black family have a father?

Post the Asian and Indian ones.

where the fuck did black ppl get all that money?

where are the asians, jews and poo-in-loos?

Hispanic is not a race

IQ is social construct that has nothing to do with biology or genetics. IQ merely reflects socio-economic status, which is mostly influenced by systemic oppression from this racist, capitalistic system that we live in. Trust me I learned this in my Intro to Sociology class.

Isn't the median a better representation of centrality because it's not affected by outliers?

That's not making a case for anything. All it does is state how much each race makes relatively. Second if niggers and spics want money they can stop drawing welfare and get a fucking job.

Are they counting houses as an asset? I suspect that's the entirety of the difference if so

Redistribution is nonsense. If you want to change wealth inequality there should be a cap on inheritance. Let luck and merit decide how wealthy a person can be in their life time, but their worthless brats shouldn't start the game richer than god.

Looks like niggers and spics need to work.

> not showing the jews
> not showing asians
> not showing indians
> median
seems like some real fake news shit

I want to believe...

But my brother (only 1 year younger, lived together all our lives) has a much lower IQ than me.

Explain that one without genetics.

You post like a leaf

> post Asian ones.
Forgot poo in the loo was in Asia

Yeah no doubt. Throwing money at people with room temperature IQs is about as effective as lighting money on fire to keep the house warm.

Yet spics commit far less crime than niggers. So much for poverty causing crime.

Selling drugs, stealing, and welfare


Most billionaires are white. That must start to affect statistics like these given how extremely rich the rich have become.

Also, blacks need jobs and less violence and chaos in their ghettos. Reparations is what they're getting now (with extra welfare and special programs) and it's not doing shit.

I like it, it's subtle

all i can see is the need to build a wall around that money so no one can steal it.

>no jewish indian or asian figure for the pic
makes me think desu

>black family with a father
as if

Hispanics have not been in the south west since the end of the last ice age the south west was populated by tribes like the Hopi . Hispanics are from central America and have Maya ancestors . you are wrong op if you knew anything about these peoples history who you pretend to be an advocate for you would know these things

Literally from my cold dead hands faggot.

Whites actually work?

Because if you can't snort it, smoke it, wear it, shoot it, eat it, drink it, or drive it black people don't give a fuck about it

Can you fix the ginger being considered white too please?

>whites having more money than blacks and Hispanics is evil and racist
>Jews being filthy rich is A-OK

Come on dimwit. That's why they used Median rather than average. Median means that 50% of Whites fall above that line, and 50% fall below it. Billionaires would skew the average though.

You mean by encouraging white woman black male relationships? Would (((they))) really do that?

>eats one meal a day
>only has EBT for food and less than $800 in my bank
>leftists cunts and kikes expect me to pay for $5000 reperations every month when I can barely feed myself and my disabled father on minimum wage.


Most White famalies have 2 parents.

Most black and Hispanic families have 1 parent most likely on welfare.

Blame black and Hispanic men for not sticking around to provide an income.

Noticed how Asians are never included in these studies?

It would debunk their white privilege narrative of they did.

Stop having children then, the problem fixes itself in a single generation.

Sitting on a lot more cash but that doesn't fit the narrative so it's nowhere to be seen. #leftistcommiessoobvious

Is Hispanic family median accounting for the legal/illegal variable?
Family size variable?
Education variable?
How long they've been in the US?
How much they spend on parties and beer?

>White male have stem job or is an engineer
>nigger gonna nigg
>mexicans with Jobs that anyone can
Fuck man I really hate when loosers whine about payments. Fucking Mexicans

How about they work instead.

Fuck off Achmed

I can see that. Black people definitely owe reparations to the Hispanics.

>Study more and get better jobs
>Get paid more
Who would have thought?


I'm all in favor redistributing Marxist IQ with a .45 ACP bullet. Redistributing it all over the God damn room.

why isn't there a jewish category

Nope. According to libshits, if a white person is more successful than a minority, it's ALWAYS due to racism. It has nothing to do with the white person making better life choices.

I'll kill you and everyone you love

All the black kids should have different genetic dispositions

Fucking niggers need to stop wasting money on coke and miller quarts. Mexican's need to stop having babies at 16.

Didn't 620,000 white soldiers die during the Civil War, which ended up freeing the slaves? Those "reparations" have already been paid in blood with an entire generation of white people.

What would US demographics have looked like today if there was no civil war?

In 1960, Whites made up 85% of the US population. Now, it is currently around 60%. By 2050, Whites will only make up 47% of the population. Whites are committing demographic suicide to appease minorities. They start families later and have fewer children, one reason being the burden of having to finance the American social welfare system, which Blacks disproportionately take advantage of.

So not only have white people paid by sacrificing an entire generation of fine young white men, but they also finance the existence of many black families in the present, which ends up hurting the future of their own families and race.

>Tell brown and black people to stop multiplying like fucking rabbits
>I'm the Achmed

Hello Mohammed.

For a set {0, 0, 0, 80, 82, 100, 156} the median is 80. Not representative of much because, as you say, wealth disparity is enormous.

Rounding and taking the mode would be better.

All besides the point. Blacks deserve no special money for being black.

>Blacks and spics are unsuccessful
>Therefore gibmedat


that was for (You):

Family wealth and income is irrelevant. Families change over time - in a relatively short period of time.

Per capita income is all that is relevant.

Also, when I die, I will leave my children tangible assets and cash - I consume less than I produce. I have taught them to do the same. All have savings accounts. It isn't about race, it is about culture and understanding how money works.

If the Left was as concerned with nigras and beaners as they were about maintaining power, public schools would teach what I teach my children.

Your info graphic is stupid.

Now do it for Jews

>We're broke, so give us more of what you got.

>Didn't 620,000 white soldiers die during the Civil War, which ended up freeing the slaves?

Only half of them died to free the slaves/defend the union. But good point.

Leaf dropping the fucking hammer.

>Be working class dude.
>Great estranged aunt dies and leaves me a mansion and a chest full of gold.
>Some kike says I shouldn't inherit the fortune because I don't deserve it and the family estate should be turn down and turned into (((affordable housing))) for niggers.

and fuck you too

Only reparations owed to dindus is a free shipping back to Africa

You need to get your money back for that Sociology class.

Oh fuck, we got an arrogant, "Trust me, I learned this shit from my Marxist professor who couldn't possibly be trying to indoctrinate semester after semester of young naive moron young people" college dummy here.

Not everything you learn in college is the Gospel truth, certainly not in an intro to Sociology class.

I'm betting your professor has been in school since he was just out of diapers and has zero clue about how economies work outside oh the "Communist Manifesto."

>be white
>be poor
>government want to take my money to pay welfare babies.

This is why they lost.

>We need to redistribute wealth to the poor

No, we don't.

Yeah but dem udder folks have sum rally nice cars

Every single person who was a victim of slavery should be given full reparations. This is an unambiguous moral fact. They suffered an injustice and they deserve restitution.

Oh shit. They're all dead.

Well, that's that sorted. That was easy.

No, poor niggers should start working or atleast spending welfare wisely.
Then and only then they will stop being poor.

niggers do better than spic. Suprising.

Fuck off commie.

Send them back to Africa and/or Mexico with the other financial illiterates.

What kind of fucking retard starts a family without having saved minimum 1 year's salary?

Goddamn savages fucking up welfare for white people.

Centrality is not something you look at when you look at large populations. The Median of 1, 1, 1, 5, 5 is still 1. you want averages here. OPs graphic is fucking stupid.

you know what man. we should really fucking do it. Just give them a lump sum and say.
>After this, you will never be able to ask for money again from us. We will never give you a CENT that you do not deserve and the entire historical issue of reparations will be buried forever, never to return.

they will waste all their money on dumb shit because they are fucking stupid with money and thats why they are poor. Then white people just make it all back because we are smarter. Then they just have to fucking suck it up.

>spend all your money and invest poorly.

>case of reparations.

on what planet?

Hispanics have a lot of kids too.

false dilemma

>Nigs overwhelmingly tend to be life-long dole babies and barely scrape by, allowing minimal ability to save by not getting real work
>Nigs blow every single cent they could save on smokes, drinking, weed, shoes, clothes, rims and other bullshit to impress each other or just get totally fucked up
>Spics (non-legal or 1st gen immigrant) tend to work low-level jobs or get paid under the table, and many times, send 50% of their income back to the motherland, keeping no savings
>Nigs almost always rent and never buy, what assets they own is usually limited to whatever equity they possess in their vehicle

>Spics live 3-4 generations under one roof and share space/property, thereby owning less per couple because they consider whatever is in the home "community" use (i.e., each generation shares the same pots & pans, fridge, etc.)
>Spics, like many Asians, do not trust banks and do not save money in such a manner, only stuffing whatever they can into a mattress for whatever they do not send back outside the USA

Seems really clear as to why things are the way they are, man.

What about Asians? Or Jews?

If you think you've said enough to justify why people who were never enslaved should receive money off of people who never did them harm them you are beyond retarded

and how much does the average house cost?

seems like lots of families are underwater

Suck my dick niggers, you'll just blow it on more bling, cheetos and nikes, every dollar is given is a dollar wasted.

There is nothing preventing them from gettings job or education. They have fucking affirmative action on their side.

is pic related a real deal?

cool inforgraphic bro.

Maybe you faggots should up your game; seriously...

That makes sense. Now that I think about it, my statistics professor said that median of population is practically meaningless and we've always used the sample mean to make inferences about population mean. I hope I don't fail this class.

Im hispanic and I have just over $100k in assets (after subtracting debts). I'm educated (I have a real degree not a lib arts) and behave like a human being. It's easy to be successful in this country when you work hard and dont commit crimes constantly.

What a shit argument, there are loads of rich hispanics in latin america, the problem is the US imports the poorfags.

I believe so.


>Reparations for hispanics
>fucking why

>taking the bait