Anyone else curious how he's going to turn out as an adult?

Anyone else curious how he's going to turn out as an adult?

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We'll just have to wait and see


He's gonna be a fucking pimp, he's gonna get more clunge than his dad ever got.

I am vengeance.
I am the night!
I! AM! [spoiler]BARRON[/spoiler]!

Hopefully he'll be America's first dictator.

You'll just have to read the manga to find out nigga.

He will be our first cyber-President

rich as fuck, with a hot ass wife.

Leader of the WWW

He'll be lurking Sup Forums by 13 and a mod by 15

Cautious,secluded,paranoid. But with wealth and several industries behind him.
Like us, but money. And not autistic

Like This

If he starts lifting moderately at around 14, he will become the ultimate Übermensch by the end of god emperor's second term.
Kid is gonna be like 6'8"+ and good looking.
Women will vote as a monolith just to please Golden God Barron.

im gonna wait for the anime to come out.

>Barron Trump
>not autistic

This should give you an idea

Fucking Kira

I wonder if Trump actually loves him or if he just had him to prove to everyone his sperm still worked.


>implying he's not the autist who makes Trump Generals.

He's Melania's only son so I'm sure that played a role too.

>ywn have a son with infinite potential

Any good cyber monday offers that I've missed?

That's actually a really good point.

Makes me kinda feel sorry for him (and all presidents' kids, tbqh). None of them signed up for this ride. But from Trump's kids I've seen nothing but pure class. I'm sure Barron is going to land on his feet.



Black sheep.
Every family has one.

Just watch as lefties assassinate Trump and Barron plans his revenge for years and years and in 2040 a 7ft god-emperor Barron will rise and put all the liberals in concentration camps

he was created from 60-year-old sperm. of course he's a retard


he is autistic, one of us



I'd watch the fuck out of the spinoff of Trump's Bizarre Adventure

theres no possible way for barron trump to be autistic. how could i be autistic?

Kek. He would just buy Sup Forums if he was gonna do all that. Imagine owning a meme machine that worships your father.

You need to be 18 or over to use this site Barron

My old man tried to control the world with money.

I'll control the world with fear. It takes too much to do it like my old man. A little fear will control the minds of the common people. There's no reason to waste money on them.

Well played.

Barron atreides trump the second

Yes, for some reason I think he's got genius tier IQ. Does no-one else get this impression?