YLYL Sup Forums edition pt2

Take a break from the happenings and post/enjoy some Sup Forums themed ylyl

Other urls found in this thread:








(You) , nice quads too










damn that's good


Morrowind was such shit in hindsight

this is retarded.

trudeau just praised a commie dictator and is rightfully eating shit for it






Shouldn't that say "gays aren't people"?



That's it for me.
Have fun.

his daddy died be nice


that picture is very racist and insensitive. I demand you too take it down because it violates our progressivism we have made in our society and you should be ashamed of yourself. You racist, Islamophobic white male. Racists like you should not even have the right to live because of all the racism and hatred you have against women, muslims and poc(people of color).

Timeless classic.

>average_government_Sup Forums_sentinel.jpg



>I don't know how to play CRPGs therefore it's shit

Might need to update Justin Cubaneau

>Do not repost
you absolute madman




When a gator kills a baby no one calls it a radical
'Cause it's obvious that all of them are dangerous animals
The handwriting has been on the wall, clear and legible
Now we got a muzzy turning fruits into vegetables

It was a great night, it was a Homocaust
Bona fide homocide, 50 lives lost
No Pulse, just Blood on the Dance Floor
Now the fags are more butthurt than before

Look here, a muslim walks into a bar
And orders shots for everybody, hardy har har
And he should've killed more but he was not a straight shooter
Almost makes you wanna cry like that bitch Anderson Cooper

It's a tragedy, too many faggots got away
So instead of Islam they're gonna die from AIDS
If survivors wanna feel guilty, that's their prerogative
But I really hope they all remain HIV positive

is he?


my sides
checked and keked

delete this

You receive an honorary get for dat

This just makes me sad


Top. Kek.

Why? Muzzies are subhumans.

What game is this?

I got it from the last ylyl. Enjoy your (((You)))

I saved from the last thread.

for the animal. they fucking tortured the poor thing

BESIEGE. A game where you build Siege engines and flying machines.

RARE and checked

you're doing it wrong, it's SWEDEN YES when they're being cucks

That is what muzzies do, but they also torture humans. Did you see the latest ISIS how to backpack in the desert video?

That one wasn't very funny but ok

Nice quads!


you are saying what ?

Did you just leak moonman's latest single?

Why is a shawn off shotgun illegal in the states?

It's the remix

Because our gun laws are fucking retarded.

My AR has a 16 inch barrel. Completely legal. If I filed a quarter of an inch off it I would be a felon

marcianito.gif 100% real no fake 1 link megaupload 2017 hd version 2056 p complete pack original + crack + full update

Because the Jews fucked us in the following case


>The Court cannot take judicial notice that a shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches long has today any reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, and therefore cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees to the citizen the right to keep and bear such a weapon.




what country is that?

Belize, right next to Southern Mexico and on the Caribbean

>Frosty the no jews
>was a jolly jolly fellow

God we really dodged a bullet keeping that faggot out of the white house.

I tried to get a webm up that I got during VA day, but goddamn file size limits and apparent restriction on audio streams stopped it.

> Here's something to replace it, enjoy.

Top Kek


rare flag, and they forgot Africa.

For the cunts down under


Praise kek!


it'd be a shame if someone where to ACCUSE YOU OF BEING A PROXY USER

Literally shaking with ptsd


Praise Kek, death shall follow the leftists!

Hate speech

#Shrekxit when?

You are retarded. Trump literally praised reagan

please photoshop a nazi flag in shrek's shirt



Video: youtube.com/watch?v=kFPNjWGkMrQ


no fucking way that happened


You seem confused leaf

>ywn chill with your bros while eating food, singing songs, and mag dumping into the sky


I'm not sure if it did happen, but this did.