Please help me understand net neutrality, friends

A lot of big things are about to hit the internet. Along with Rule 41 expansion which enables the FBI to basically hack anyone's computer at will, Trump is talking about taking on net neutrality as set in place by the Obama Administration.

Trump is about to take on net neutrality put in place by the Obama Administration and favored by big corporations like Netflix and Google. Now when I read about it, net neutrality sounds like a good thing. However Trump just appointed two opponents of it and his administration calls it "crony capitalism". What is this all about?

The internet is sacred, my dudes. The freedom of the internet and the ability to do what we please on it without government interference is essential to our society. All this shit coming down is scaring me.

All information packets passing through internet backbone are treated equally with no preferential treatment.

Without net neutrality, only corperate information gets sent through, and non-corperate information ceases to exist.

nice tits, by the way.

I'm sorry, I'm retarded when it comes to tech. What does that mean exactly?

Holy crap. Amazing boobs. Too bad they're photo-shopped

>it means peace.jpg

It means your internet service provider can analyze and slow down certain sites at their well

Ex:not allow youtube or netflix to stream 1080p over their network and make the customer pay an extra "streaming" fee

>I'm sorry, I'm retarded when it comes to tech. What does that mean exactly?

The internet is a whole bunch of computer networks strung together, different companies tie their networks to eachother and agree to allow eachother free access to communications networks in exchange for the same from the other people.

Imagine you have 2 cans held together by a thin string.

Can 1 is owned by bob, and can 2 is owned by bill.

Information that bob sends has to pass through bills network, and information that bill sends has to pass through bobs network.

They both agree to pass eachothers information on, in exchange for the other guy doing the same thing.

I.e. bobs information gets passed through bills network, in exchange for bills information getting passed through bobs network.

"Net Neutrality"

Without net neutrality, certain information can be throttled (slow transfer), dropped, or ignored.

Without net neutrality, there is no internet, it would basically just be cable television.

So this is a good thing my Hungarian bro?

I really really like this picture user

So this allows internet censorship and extra fees at the ISP level?

>Without net neutrality, there is no internet, it would basically just be cable television.

Which means that no-one would pay for it, and ISP's would go out of buisiness.

It allows censorship

ISPs could just turn off Sup Forums as a hate site or slow it to the point its unreachable we should all be freaking the fuck out about this...

Why is the Trump Administration saying Net Neutrality hurts conservative news and that they're relating it to the Fairness Doctrine? How does any of that make sense?

Idiot. We can't talk politics in public. Where can we go now? You don't understand how bad this is. Muh free speech is being violated. I am being treaded on and I specifically requested the opposite.

Not true. Military packets are given a higher priority when travelling through the internet.

>Not true. Military packets are given a higher priority when travelling through the internet.

Sure, that's fair.... but I'm talking about non-corperate, non-government packets.

Not if you voted Trump. He was always for this sort of bullshit. We just put up with him because he was for a lot of other good things and a Clinton presidency would have meant just as much of a botnet regardless.

Corporations want to control the internet, and they'll bribe both parties to insure they get it. Either that or Trump genuinely believes that this garbage helps fight ISIS, which is the retarded rhetoric the neocons and neolibs have always pushed in defense of this bullshit

They're not.
Just fake.

No they aren't you fucking moron. DSCP is used for QoS at layer 3, they would have to honor that marking the entire way and anyone could mark them. On their private MPLS networks they would be prioritized over their other traffic, but public internet backbone has no QoS applied.

>Service Provider Network Engineer reporting in

Everything Obama did sounded good and just so happened to turn out to be the opposite of what it claimed to be.

>The internet is sacred, my dudes.

The Internet is in safe hands with Trump, it is Obama, Hillary and their SJW supporters who are screaming for undefined and open-ended Internet censorship thru claims of "hate speech", "bullying" and "fake news".

tigerr benson

>Everything Obama did sounded good and just so happened to turn out to be the opposite of what it claimed to be.

Without net neutrality, your ISP can decide to throttle Sup Forums and give preferential speed to reddit.

With net neutrality, all internet traffic is treated the same.

This is a very simplified version but you get the idea.

I firmly believe that the internet as a whole has learn to homosexuality and mental illness leftism becoming mainstream. It's only fringe, niche sites like Sup Forums that make the internet a good thing. These sites will continue to exist in some way.