Which one are you?

Which one are you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Me on the left



In the middle

Explain why
Then what are you?
kek my friend was acting just like that pic the entire election cycle so I sent him that and he got super pissed


Ancap, but I'm very racist.

Left but I respect and understand the viewpoints of those on the right


I prefer good old fascism

Libertarian Nationalist

i want a strong leader to defend my freedom against threats from outside and inside to keep my libertarian movement pure
a cultural and ethnic homogeneous state which gives their citizens the freedom they need, deserve and have a right to

Right for days


The United States of America was founded as a libertarian country, for libertarian men. I advise all Americans who advocate socialistic doctrines of any kind to move to North Korea, where the collectivist authoritarianism they so adore permeates every aspect of the citizenry's life.

Snek here.
Because leave me the fuck alone. I just want to homestead in the wilderness with my white family and my arsenal in peace, otherwise I'll fucking kill every last one of you jews.

I'm okay with either as long as they achieve the common purpose

I'm a Libertarian Nationalist.

Fascism is superior.



The 1950s were a mistake. Pushing for a collectivist society is unamerican and only resulted in a degenerate backlash against authority.


>Nazi fetishist

>((((Le dont t read on me free markets make money or eat my TOW missile))))
more retarded


But we should probably secure our border and stop importing murderous mudslimes too.

> Def or 'racism'
> The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
> (Discrimination or) prejudice based on race.
Racism is scientifically accurate and I'm an evidence-based person.


Whats the difference between libertarianism and ancap anyway?

What then mate?

One is a minimal state, one is no state.

This is amazing

What flag is that?

I believe the best system of government is flexible and should be able to deal with any situation. There should be a clause in the constitution that allows a referendum that allows the government to switch from a libertarian system to a fascist system and vice versa.

One is autistic, and the other one is retarded.



Opportunist waiting to shoot who ever needs to be shot.

Me on the right, socialists disgust me, white or not, they are scum.


the politics doesnt matter

There is only one true answer.

NatSoc, but not nazi.

National Socialism needs a 21st century reboot that doesn't involve using symbolism from WW2 Germany.

I nazo

something I shooped to get a discussion about Libertarian Nationalist going. It's the Libertarian party's logo with the leaves under to fill in the rest of the space

whats the snek

...Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you....




Where my anarcho-fascists at?


How about you kill yourself

This is now a Southron thread.


Gotta find a way to make it work though

This, cities should be NatSoc, the countryside should be NatCon and Libertarian



Wow makes me think

The cross in the middle

Right but with borders and roads.

How did you two manage to repost this?

>literally more retarded that Anarco-Commies




Libertarian, but think conservative way of life is the best.

Don't tread on me.

Nazism sucks. These motherfucker are leftists on economy, and I'm not racist (just a little).

I mean, I respect black people, but would not date seriously a black girl I think.

Can't understand why some americans are so racist.

You always have to strive to be the best


What did they mean by this?

NatSoc/Fascism was created by the NWO and was made to fail so future generations never tried it again.

natsoc here but posting this for keks

call down there Alex Jones. The tin foil under the wig is showing


the left are misguided, and the right are just cucked versions of us

Reich is the means to get to Libertarianism.

Libertarianism for a multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society is a death sentence.

I have immense respect for both. Ideally i'd like to see an ethnic nationalist style of government here in the states that embracred and celebrated U.S. ideals and history in the same way that the nazis did in Germany. If we as a collective people really embraced the culture that this nation was founded upon, we could achieve incredible things.

Will you guys tell me where the democratic party went wrong?

I agree with natsoc on some economic issues, but libertarian on social issues. Isn't that what democrats are supposed to be?

Webb 2020

Oh shit

Libertarian. Stormfags like to pretend this is a NatSoc board but it's mostly cosplay. I'm in various group chats with >100 Sup Forumsacks and it's almost only libertarians.


individual rights are important even when they're rights for people I don't like

If you were a libertarian in 2008 and you're not a nazi now you fucked up somewhere


Your dream is weak!

National Schlange checking in. Treten Sie nicht auf mich, Juden.

The one on the left

Wait this

I agree with your latter sentence.

Explain why without resorting to reductio ad absurdium?

Why don't you support secession?
Why do you want to be in a political union with people you hate?

Christian Fascist


>google translate

But how would you guarantee the libertarian society stays the good kind of libertarian without the Reich? Wouldn't it just be invaded by Jews as soon as there are no more restrictions on Jews?

i'm snek
don't tread, pls

Just say theocracy you dumb cunt.

nice dub s

cultural natsoc
economical liberatians

give your heart führer, volk and vaterland
and give your mind and wealth all the freedom it needs

Always nice to meet another hated centrist.
Welp, back to mocking them.

How would you guarantee [your favorite political system] stays [your favorite political system] eternally until the end of time with no possible chance of changing ever?

What a stupid fucking question.

So tell me the right way, Heinie.

It's a corrupt corporate party for (((bankers))) and foreign special interests. One thing you need to understand is that there is only SUPERFICIAL overlap between libertarianism and progressivism. Libertarians would allow gays to marry because the state should not have this kind of power, not because any of us necessarily like the gays. A perfect example of why this is a superficial overlap is that most libertarians would repeal the Civil Rights Act because it violates freedom of association (and property rights for business owners). Despite reaching the same conclusion, we took very different paths to get there.

Different compression. It wasn't intentional though.

Rare Flag