Say a good thing above the country's post above you

say a good thing above the country's post above you

Other urls found in this thread:


karl marx was a 32nd degree free mason.
here is undeniable evidence and proof

You have good new wave bands

You breed cute twinks

My aunt moved there

you are good at war, congratulation for fucking us up in 1918 and 1940

A German foreign exchange student came to my high school and I was picked to show her around campus. She was insanely hot, so I thought that was cool.

gonna be famous for building them wall

>do you even treaty of versailles

Best country on earth

yeah but we lost lot more people than them though we were more country than them

Jokes on you, I'm ex-pat. America can enjoy their failing dollar while I'm getting godlike exchange rates and buying everything at 1/4th the price it'd be anywhere else. : ^ )


Never again, Frenchbro. We're in this together and save Europe.

Chile peppers

fuckin retard


Best hamburgers I've ever had. It's just not the same in other parts of the world

guess you are alright.

I lost male virginity in Toronto

P.s. with a woman being a man myself, I mean.


Climate I like (in general) and nice folks. Several Canadian friends.

Putin's puppet