What the fuck did she mean by this?
What the fuck did she mean by this?
>if I confuse the goyim they'll never stop me
crashing this election
wtf I love autism now
>We believe 3 states have viable evidence for voter fraud
>Just so happen to be 3 swing states.
It's like (((they))) aren't even trying
hahahha what "predictors" does she have? that the democrats thought they were going to win those states but didn't? WEW
>green party
that's not ridiculous
she believes the system can be improved upon for the best result. you wouldn't want an airplane capable of failing.
She said it in a really fucking roundabout way, but she meant that when you get on an airplane, you want to know that the failsafes that prevent fatal air crashes are working without having to wait for a fatal air crash to happen.
Basically, her excuse is that she wants to make sure that we can examine the fairness of an election without waiting for a 100% rigged election to occur, since at that point there's no reason to bother verifying.
Her metaphor makes no sense. It's an argument to audit and secure the voting process prior to the election (i.e. before the plane can crash and kill everyone inside). What they're doing now is looking through the landed plane to make sure there are no bombs stored in the package compartments, even though everyone is off the plane and along their merry way.
this reminds me of what an uncanny experience that visual novel thing was
She's referring to a debunked anomaly from a recent statistical analysis. Can't put the brakes on now though or else she'll look like an ass and destroy her political career.
>he chose the adult route
both, actually. got adult first because I'm not a pedo. I enjoyed it because it was so uncanny to me.
worst girl
So are they actually going to recount in Pennsylvania or what because i heard that the dead is tomorrow
>Do you have any evidence of fraud?
Case closed. Fuck off
>typing out "visual novel"
Just call it a fucking game. Or a VN. That's shorter.
She means that she's managed to convince people to give her $2 million for the PA recount that can't happen, so let's start a Change.org petition and that ought to get the ball rolling!
Women are allowed to make baseless claims but if trump says illegals voted, everyone jumps down his throat