
Trump is a Macfag.

Just so you know.

Other urls found in this thread:

macs are only affordable for billionaires and hipsters.

Because he's a billionaire?


Baron is the one who knows all there is to know about CYBER

oh no, my entire existence is shattered.
Damn you leaf.

He doesn't need anything else. We have the Emperor covered.

Mac is actually an okay choice for people who
a) don't care how much their electronics costs, ie. upper middle class and up
b) are technically inept

Since Trump is definitely a) and most likely b), there is nothing wrong with him using a Mac. There is nothing wrong with your grandma using a Mac either because take it from a computer repair person, you have no idea in how many ways old people can break software. Mac is more restrictive, but this is a good thing if you want to avoid them having to send their shit in for repair every week.

At least he's POSIX compliant. Macs are shit but I'd take OS X over Macroshaft Wangblows anyday.

He's a redditor too

Pic related

Macs are wayyyyyy more secure that winblowz 10 and given he's the president and a billionare that's kinda fucking important.

Poor fags are always gonna hate tho.

Good. Fucking PC fags are annoying as fuck
>Hurrr durr my graphics card rapes any mac anyday.

We get it. Don't have to be so autistic about it.


The counter culture of that is

Once you stop going to Sup Forums, you seem to realize some people will just never change. Sometimes going down a rabbit hole of information just isn't worth the time when you have more important things to do. Curious though. How would the Donald program? What language would he use? I feel like making a Sup Forums thread...

holy shit take my vote back

Dude Apple put out tons of commercials shitting on PC, and apple fanboys are just as bad as PC fanboys

Wtf i hate Trump now!

From now on I'm only voting for a president who uses GNU/Linux!

mac laptop, hackintosh windows loonix tripleboot masterrace

He's fucking 70, I don't expect him to be good with the cyber.

wtf I'm a hill shill now.


Yes but what does Kellyanne use?

wtf I hate trump now

Wasn't Stallman a Bernie supporter?

Donald Trump isn't a gaymer and given how bad windows 10 is I dont blame him for owning a mac book

This just in:

A faction called "Gee" of the anonymous hacker group known as Sup Forums has decided to cease supporting Trump over his use of apple products.

Microsoft would literally know everything he does if he didnt use a mac.

Its the only viable option.

Not like you can teach him how to use some autist linux system. He doesn't have time for that shit.

Windows sucks dick and I don't see Trump running LINUX, soo...

Why are people so convinced that's it so important where you have a mac or a pc?
If an unfunny Japanese schizophrenic knows that it doesn't matter than so should you.

Ehh, macs are better for people that aren't powerusers anyways.

Less bullshit I have to help them with.

But if you know your way around a computer, you don't even touch macs.

This desu. Fuck windows 10,and fuck xbone, and just Microspyware in general

How would they know what he is doing he does not even fucking know what he is doing

>ywn help Trump compile his kernel
>ywn teach Trump all about cyber
>ywn have a Gentoo user as president
Why even live?

Of course, why would anyone use an operating system in which it spies on you all the time.


m-maybe he u-uses arch on it

Telemetry. It doesn't stop them collecting data on you, and you are clearly a retard.