Your 5 step plan to "fix" the world


3. A

Take the keys away from Western women

>wipe out america
>wipe out china
>wipe out russia
>wipe out jews
>rebuild the empire

1. Gas the kikes
2. Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham face firing squad
4. Ally with Russia for qt slav grls
5. Gas the kikes

℆.) Prove math is wrong

it just doesn't add up!

I just realised that doctors haven't had a look in my pants my whole adult life but when I was a kid they used to make excuses for it and do it all the time like it was part of their job. Fuck!

You forgot about France.

1. Stop sending gibs to the 3rd world.
2. Remove kebab and shitskins from europe, us and australia.
3. Drop a nuke or two saudi arabia for good measure.
4. Remove jews from any position of power including mainstream media, politics ect.
5. Promote traditionalism, family values, masculinity in men and femininity in women.

Remove all non whites from white countries.

>a problem
They'll rebuild theirs too. You will all be under europoor rule once again

1.Order some puzza because im bretty hunger broes :^)
2.Brimgimg back draft so big arm
3.women no vote fuck worm
4.draft only draft angry blsck men with historrey of violence amd gangs so they popin capital in esis
5.east puzza

1. Kill all niggers
2. Kill all muzzies
3. Kill all leftists
4. Kill all race-traitors
4. Kill all deviants

Promote nationalism and white Christian heratige.

>Learn FTL travel and go back in time to '85
>fake extraterrestrial life better than Ozymandias
>create US-Soviet space coalition to fight them
>colonize the galaxy in the retro-future
>fight real aliens when we inevitably find them

>remove niggers
>remove muslims
>remove jews
>remove gays
>repeal women's suffrage

1) Eliminate non-whites
2) Nonproliferation
3) Switch entirely to nuclear power
4) Make religion mandatory
5) Illegalize degeneracy

1: kill all jews
2:kill all niggers
3:kill all spics
4:kill all sandniggers
5:kill all gooks

world peace

1. Fuck off OP
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. Smokes, let's go.

1. Remove muslims
2. Remove niggers
3. Remove jews

Problems solved

I forgot the woman's suffrage one, fuck

I would do away with voting in general desu famalama

but if it had to be anyone, it'd be property owning, white, military serving (or served), males over the age of 25.


>5.east puzza

>1. Ban banking from the world with magic
>2345. Watch evil elite try to take over the world without being able to accumulate more wealth that they can personally defend with a weapon physically


>Kill Jews, nigs, chinks, arabs and muslims.
>Kill commies and libs
>Create a NatSocialistic nation and a create a pan-european/American empire.
>Fulfill everything Hitler dreamt of
>make the white race great again.

1. exterminate all humans


1. Nuke the fuck out of Russia
2. Nuke the fuck out of China
3. Nuke the fuck out of Vatican City
4. Nuke tfo of Arabia
5. Nuke tfo of Mexico and South America

Anyone who says kill is retarded and im not memeint

Stop being pathetic Sup Forums and realize the problem is deeper than groups of bad people





Is this 2014 or something?

All the "Kill X, Nuke place where lots of X" arent original or funny or correct. You're just shitposting


1. Become Elon Musk
2. Become successful in space travel
3. Start outer space colony
4. Only let white people over a certain IQ into this colony
5. Let the world niggitize itself while we expand throughout the galaxy

>Promote femininity in females, moralization back to the world and discourage the culture of niggers
>Drop a nuke dead in the middle of Mecca with the promise 20 more are coming if they let another mudslime out of there own countries
>Remove global banking and the EU
>Encourage more 1st world countries to make transition to English
>Gas jews

>Your 5 step plan to "fix" the world
1. nuke burger ionosphere
2. grab popcorn
3. kick back on sofa
4. tune into favourite new coverage
5. watch the 320-million-strong skull cracking and ooze-feasting ensue

>now that's entertainment!

>Abolish women's suffrage
>Declare liberalism/Marxism as societal threats and punish their practices as a crime
>Remove women from the work force and have them stay at home with the children
>Wipe out the entire Middle East
>Abolish social/welfare programs as charities will take their place

> Become friends with Everybody!
> Everything suddenly chills out.
> Peace makes everyone smarter.
> All kinds of technical secrets shared, technical renaissance.
> Kill the old people.

> Get rid of all fractional reserve based banking.
> All races get a designated homeland, with no immigration.
> No lobbyists in politics.
> Cut most welfare systems.
> State use of propaganda to instill traditional values.

Wasted get.


>kill the old people

yeah, fuck you 2. nice number

1. make rape legal as long as you cause no long term damage
2. make kidnapping legal as long as you care for the welfare of the kidnappee/ do not cause long term damage
3. death penalty for feminists.
4. all firearms legal
5. remove 90% of laws and let culture and sheriffs run the country.

reduce female population by half
luls ensues

1. remove all non whites (this includes the jews)
2. remove all traces of communism from history, so that it is never remembered
3. re establish the nuclear family, provide objective benefits to men and women who want to build families (reduced taxes) depending on how many children you have. the more children you have, the less taxes you have. also punish divorce.
4. fix education, and career establishment so that there is a clear path to success for anybody willing to work hard enough
5. no more necessary steps, after this everything will get figured out. we'd be living on mars by the end of the century.

also, i don't think women deserve to be lower class citizens, as i believe most of them are victims of society manipulating them in to betraying their own race. After the first 3 steps are established, women will fix themselves, due to there being benefits to having a family the way you're supposed to. most people are spiteful towards women because they feel they've been betrayed by them. You haven't been betrayed by women, you've been betrayed by the education system, the media, and the jews promoting our toxic racemixing culture. anyways, most of this is gonna happen within 200 years or so, or else humanity will never evolve past our current technology, and eventually deteriorate.


And thats how its done my infinite lad, then whites become the new ((())) like its supposed to be. Then we reach Pluton in 2 weeks, enter in contact with ayys, then they wipe us out to become the new ((())), then God intervern in person and wipe those grey fuckers out, come to earth and impregnate a chimpanzee and here we go again for 4 000 000 000 years of evolution

>No jews
>No mudslimes
>Strong borders
>Finally, breed like crazy.