>I believe in god or some higher power, but I don't go to church or pray
is there anything more degenerate?
>I believe in god or some higher power, but I don't go to church or pray
is there anything more degenerate?
>is there anything more degenerate?
worshiping joseph's wife's son
the only thing more degenerate is going to church
any worship that isnt pagan or to KEK is degenerate.
come home white man
>he doesn't know that merely by existing, his every action is both a prayer and a gift to god
Get on my level
That's probably the least degenerate way of believing.
Faith > Religion
Church has nothing to do with faith, and there's only one prayer you should ever issue - that God's Will be done, whatever it shall be.
Every mainline Protestant church is cucked beyond belief. Boring beta bitch stuff. God is a boss that will nuke your town bc one of the villagers looked at him funny.
Basically agree with this (as someone that tries to follow the Tao).
There's a saying in Persian that goes like "I'd rather walk in my shoes and think of God than sit in a mosque and think of my shoes"
It makes fun of people who think they are only real believers if they go to church every Sunday or pray every day. No, you can be doing something entirely different, but as long as you have the higher person in mind and work to benefit others, that counts as prayer.
The churches have gone astray though, and corruption and powerhunger runs rampant through them. Maybe not all churches, but by and large the vast majority of them are guilty.
>surrounding yourself with a cult
go on, I'm sure you'll be perfectly safe.
Do it, faggot
My personal belief system is that humans have evolved to need belief in their life.
50k years ago monkeys that burried their dead survived while atheist cavemen died out.
in modern times you can not find any group of people anywhere anytime in history that do not belive in something greater than themselves. Strand some guys in an island in the middle of nowhere and they will build 50 foot statues for no reason.
So yes, I believe humans need to believe in a higher power. I believe that not doing so is bad for you, just like being a vegan is bad for you if you don't know what you are doing.
that said, fuck religion
>I listen to the church for all my beliefs and do not live according to my own philosophy
That said, I'm an agnostic who plans on going to church just for the community of relatively non-degenerate people
Or that isn't true.
>not praising Kek with digits
Where can I go to a church of Thoth?
>and work to benefit others, that counts as prayer.
This. Far more powerful than making pleas to whichever higher powers is to just be the change you wish to see yourself. prayer isn't useless even powerful when many join together, but nothing compares to just living a Christlike life. Im a Sunday school teacher and we all stress this. Too many of us get lost in the dogma and the promises of redemption, forget to just be good people.
Good enough for Abraham Lincoln, good enough for me.
Well, he did pray, and owned a bible, but still, you get what I mean.
>50k years ago monkeys that burried their dead survived while atheist cavemen died out
m8 you're looking at it from the wrong angle. dead being buried is a sign of self awareness, intelligence.
the ones that didnt bury their dead died from not being self aware. not some abstract trait of burying the dead.
>need belief in their life.
yes. the self awareness brings problems. namely "why"
>that said, fuck religion
every religion =/ abrahamic religions (christianity, islam Judaism)
take something like shinto for example. what do you have against that?
There are very few active churches for Celtic polytheism.
The rape of nanking was carried out by Shintoists.
What do we need to pray for ? everything is already set in stone because god is omniscience he got a masterplan no amount of praying would change that plan ,
I like Taoism very much, except that Taoists still cling to the idea that there is some ill-defined "Way" that can be either followed or strayed from. I see the value in this: it gives the adherents something to strive for. But at a deeper level, I do not believe it is possible to stray from the Way. No matter how abhorrent your actions, that is simply the expression of the Tao in a specific time and place. No "good" or "bad" about it.
>youre not a believer unless you go listen to some tax dodging dude in a dress and repeat the same thing every sunday
Remember to put a twenty in that basket, everybody is watching
>The rape of nanking was carried out by Shintoists.
this better be b8.
obviously shinto had jack shit to do with that. does that make Stalin representative of atheism? belief system must be implicit hohoho
>literally deifying meekness and embarassment using all the pathetic traits of the time
>lets teach some (((humility))) to the goys
>cucked the Roman empire from lions into lambs
japanese are just about the most loathsome people on the planet, don't be taken by the current veneer of civility. deep down the samurai shinto belief is rotten to the core
>>I believe in god or some higher power, but I don't go to church or pray
>is there anything more degenerate?
It is the seed of the tree of degeneracy.
I would argue that formal religion is actually MORE important for societal cohesion and order than personal faith. The old school Catholic dad with 6 kids who goes to church every week but never discusses his faith with anyone does more for his church and country than the millennial Pentecostal proselytizer.
>this whole thread
>>cucked the Roman empire from lions into lambs
the start of europes demise desu. rome rose to power under its own gods. became beta once they converted.
>japanese are just about the most loathsome people on the planet
what does this have to do with what i said.
>deep down the samurai shinto belief is rotten
why are you trying so hard to lump shinto into a bad category? the samurai were a fraction of "practicing" japanese centuries ago. thats like pointing out templar knights as evidence that christianity is rotten. (which i think it is. but for better reasons)
you pray because it is good for you.
it makes you avoid depresion, get wealth, get the girl. Just like eating an omnivorous diet, it is what your body needs.
sure you can be a vegetarian or atheist and still do well, but you better know what you are doing
Thats not how believing in god works. The church is rotten to it's core. Church always left bitter in my mouth regaesing religion. Could also be the cum of the pastor
you do the same shit just replaced with ideology of some kind.
you're not above it all by being atheist, agnostic or whatever. you dont have to bend your knees and pray to some "higher being" to be religious.
religion is original blue pill, its meant to keep you in line and in the dark, has nothing to do with god
I prayed multiple times on election night, that's about it tho. maybe I'll start again idk
>I believe in god or some higher power yet I agree with a significant portion of opinions made on Sup Forums. Lets be honest here
>be catholic
>pay local church 500 shekels each week
>nothing happens
>implying the bible is anything but a book of lies trying to make certain groups look good/bad and for selling
>not believing in KEK
this is exactly what I am saying. fuck religion, be religious
Shinto is the biggest redpill ever asshole. At least it was until they lost the war and the emperor told everyone he wasn't a god.
Before that society was oriented hierarchically and centered around the emperor as the head of the japanese family. Your place in society was basically determined by your proximity to him - not in a political or economic sense, but in a spiritual sense. He was the head and symbol of the nation and everyone had an obligation towards him, just as he had an obligation to keep the people safe and serve their interests.
The emperor held this position because he was literally part divine; he was identified with the powerful supernatural forces whose favour is what really leads to human success or failure. In this way all of society is oriented towards the divine; the sum total of everyone's efforts is directed to something greater than themselves. (If I'm explaining it well enough you might notice this is more or less what Julius Evola describes in Revolt Against the Modern World)
Shinto was used as a conduit for people to get in touch with these powerful forces and redirect their energies towards the common good and the divine. The gods are in a reciprocal relationship with the people where if they are properly honoured they bestow you with favour. It's essentially a supernatural version of the parent-child dynamic. It gives people the understanding that they are part of something greater, they have obligations to it, and if they fulfill them they will be rewarded.
THIS KILLS INDIVIDUALISM. It kills the idea that your only obligation in life is to yourself, the only purpose in life is to have fun, that society is made up of atomic individuals etc. THESE ARE THE IDEAS THAT LEAD TO DEGENERACY, WEAKNESS, PROMISCUITY, SUICIDE AND MASS ANOMIE.
wanna know why jap suicide rate is so high? because they no longer believe in the kami or the emperor.
the bible is a fantastic book. Over thousands of years people have tried to understand what it is that people need from their belief system and they have written a book that takes care of all your biological belief needs. It also makes sure that you propagate the religion and send all your extra wealth to the priest class so they can rule your ass. My favorite part is where they tell poor people that heaven will be theirs.
the only book that is better at tapping into peoples belief principles is the koran, they took everything that the old and new testament had and polished it.
seriously, fuck organized religion, but be religious. your body needs it
When did White Nationalism become Nufedoras?
I am a Christian and i don't go to church i do pray but i have come to accept the fact that prayer does not work. I know that sounds kinda harsh but i have never had prayer work for me. I think prayer is mainly acknowledging God but i don't think he actually answer's them. Sometimes people luck out and their life goes the way they wanted it to and they credit God for it and in a way i guess you could say God made it happen because everything is God's creation. But he did not give it to them because they asked for it.
>seriously, fuck organized religion, but be religious. your body needs it
>recognize a need for spiritual reality
>reject the source of spiritual truth
>but somehow believe the truth anyway
Funny, I agree with everything you say about shinto except that those are the reasons I hate it so much.
>when an empiricist talks about rationality near me
Get lost you illogical anti-theist freaks.
no where in the Bible does it say you have to go to church to be a Christian.
>fuck religion, be religious
i think you mean fuck organized religion. which doesnt include stuff like buddhism, shinto heathenism ect.
the bible isnt gods word, its just a collection of made up stories. ever heard of the romani crusifixation legend? that isnt in the bible, but its just as true as anythin else there. the koran is horrible but at least it claims itself as gods word for the sake of consistency. i hold the samd belief as voltaire, that a higher power created the world and gave us morals, everything else is a scam.
True religion would be impartial. Not dominated by a single race and would not be partial.
At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial, but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
Those who practice true religion will be in the minority.
Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it.
No mainstream religion worships God and if they aren't worshiping God they are worshiping the devil Satan.
We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.
Why would God let Satan rule over human's on earth?
I'll leave that for next week's bible redpills.
how am i a fedora tipper? and come home white man doesnt make me a white nationalist.
both bible and koran are written to tap into the biological need humans have for believing in something greater than yourself.
somebody in your family suffers/dies? its in the book.
you are poor as fuck? it's in the book
you feel guilty about killing and robbing somebody? it's in the book
Organized religion does not equal spirituality
let's be fair here. there is a reason why one religion does better than others. shit tier religions are shit tier
how about. one isnt organized and doesnt give you a set of doctrines. pretty much tradtions and shit.
and the other says worship my sky daddy or you burn in eternal hell.
gee i wonder why the worst ones took over.
>when judgment day comes...and it will...only a few people will be chosen to repopulate the earth and start again.
you should wonder, then make that part of your personal belief system.
south park already covered this. it's the mormons
thats the worst non reply ive ever had. an hero
I should charge for this shit. If I was handsome I would make a cult
Belief in god != belief in retarded religions and dogma
They are a mainstream religion that involves itself with politics and money.
Also:Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake.
So that means that an unjustified unpopular religion is the true one.
"Spiritual but not religious" is just a code phrase for "I want all the rewards but don't want to put it any effort". I have more respect for militant fedoras than these people.
well yeah that.
and apparently mormon elders ride on glenn beck's jet while making him take a shit throwing autist kid one of them did not want.
are you jealous? suck it
Yes Stalin factually does represent Atheism.
>>be catholic
There you went wrong already