Shame on you Sup Forums

> Sup Forums celebrates Fidel Castro's death


> Sup Forums celebrates the election of Donald Trump
> Sup Forums endorses Geert Wilders, Nigel Farage, Vladimir Putin and Marine Le Len
> Sup Forums was quiet when the U.S. supported Noriega, Pinochet, Duvalier, Sese Seko, Mubarak, Shah Pahlavi, Franco and Suharto
> Sup Forums mourns the deaths of Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, Pol Pot and Franco

Whoa, what happened?? I thought you guys were the "anti-dictator" big-shit league and all!

>supporting a candidate in a democracy = supporting totalitarianism
gr8 b8 my dude
Castro was not elected in legitimate elections.

The devil is right op

>commie lives

Pol is for strongmen that protect freedom.

The argument is, that in the face of freedom hating totalitarians you need a freedom loving strongman.

Literally nothing that Trump said was about infringing on the rights of citizens with except maybe the whole "stop and search" thing.

Sage everyone who addresses a separate and monolithic pol.
As well as everyone who types incoherent nonsense.

Yeah, your pizza-faced racist butt is worth so much more than someone who believes in giving to the poor, OK buddy

>supporting anything related to communism

You're on the wrong board, bud.

>Sup Forums was quiet when the U.S. supported Noriega, Pinochet, Duvalier, Sese Seko, Mubarak, Shah Pahlavi, Franco and Suharto

Sup Forums wasn't around when those guys were in power dumbshit

I'm not sure how

> Sup Forums celebrates the election of Donald Trump
> Sup Forums endorses Geert Wilders, Nigel Farage, Vladimir Putin and Marine Le Len

has anything to do with dictators.

>CTR Jew Shill is now named.

ugh, kys.

>He thinks communism means to give to the poor

He was a commie.



> Mourning Pol Pot

Since fucking when did we support that commie fuck? Maybe as a joke since he was a fucking sociopath and a "traditionalist", but he's a fucking Maoist and commie to much of Sup Forums.

> Implying that Pinochet is not a God amongst men that is vocally supported by Sup Forums.

What are you, a commie? Sometimes democracy must be bathed in blood. The guy was an asshole, but he did the economy much better than that cuck Castro who left his people in poverty.

>shills still think they can make me hate Putin

Franco wasn't supported by US you idiot...

He was in fact suffering from defamation from US reporters

We are thats why we are against globalism when it comes form marxists or anti white racists that what out breed whites by importing minority into every white place on earth and only in white places so there is really no mistaken what is currently going on.

These arguments are cuck-tier weak.

1.)Sup Forums is a collective group of people, not one
2.)of this collective, different people have different political outlooks, as this is the all encompassing board for Sup Forums
3.) people are not exclusive. You are allowed to like whomever and dislike whomever based on subjective metrics relevant to only yourself. I can like both Hitler and FDR and Stalin even if they were all diametrically oppposed to one another.

I miss posting on Sup Forums in the 40s and 70s

He's not even SEAnigger tier, or an actual dictator.

You mean Sup Forums isn't a single person?

>Sup Forums is a single person
>Sup Forums is a hivemind
yeah, nah.

And that's when I realized OP is retarded


>> Sup Forums was quiet when the U.S. supported Noriega, Pinochet, Duvalier, Sese Seko, Mubarak, Shah Pahlavi, Franco and Suharto

The internet didn't even exist then, you fucking retard.