They are about 95% healthier than cigs and the U.N. is trying to ban them so people have to go back to smoking regular cigarettes.
Seems like the globalists don't want us to have our nicotine without it poisoning us.
What does Sup Forums think?
They are about 95% healthier than cigs and the U.N. is trying to ban them so people have to go back to smoking regular cigarettes.
Seems like the globalists don't want us to have our nicotine without it poisoning us.
What does Sup Forums think?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't give a shit what anyone thinks
>you reminded me that I just burnt my last coil
Just kill me senpai
No, smoke rolled cigars
Could you be a bigger faggot?
whats the difference between sucking on this and sucking on a vibrating dildo?
unknown moldova
vape is more expensive, ie classy. It's like a mouth fedora
>using wattage mode like a pleb
Get temp control you barbaric nigger
More expensive?
Cheap pen model: $20 at a store
30ml of high nicotine (12mg) juice with a basic flavor: $10
That high test shit will work for pack a day smokers with no issue, and 30ml of juice lasts a long time.
What the fuck is going on here.
Stop being a pussy ass cunt and smoke cigarettes like a real man.
they are just as degenerate if not more.
>hurr durr vaping ish better for you
step up your game bro, shit's weak. Unless that's just your car vape, which is the bare minimum for acceptable.
I can't remember the last time I bought analogs. They are literally stuffed with toxic waste and banned pesticides that industries can no longer sell, yet somehow are key ingredients in cigarettes. Cigarettes are literal, actual, poison delivery devices.
A word of caution: many of the smaller mom and pop stores took advantage of the badusb security problem that popped up (and is still a reality) a couple of years ago. The moment you connect that puppy to your PC you're owned.
Source: IT forensics.
>Popcorn lung
Yeah no thank you
>autists are mad they are losing their mouth fedora
Vaping is the prime example of capitalists taking a stupid, unhealthy, worthless product (cigarettes) and somehow making it more stupid and pointless (vaping).
Vaping is the most autistic form of smoking. Look at these posts BAKA
Nicotine supposedly makes you think better.
Dude, where the fuck are you buying $30+ dildos?
Douche Flutes
what are they gonna look at on my computer? my porn folder? my meme folder?
To every vaper ITT: enjoy your popcorn lung and your eventual lung transplant. Degenerates.
Chew the Jew instead
ill take popcorn over lung cancer
It is my work vape, I had just put in a new coil sorry it's not at 300 watts yet cloudmaestro
>Mouth Fedora
Switched from smoking to vaping. It's cheaper, my teether are whiter, and I don't have bad hangovers anymore. Also I can smoke in my house and car without the smell lingering.
I like it. Yeah I packed them in easily for about a month and went back to analog out of curiosity, a couple weeks of that and back to straight vaping. I was sorta waiting for technology to help me ditch that filthy habit. I like the flavors, my lungs like it. If there were not so many vape shops popping up I would probably own one myself. Awesome invention and by a chink no less!
At least Cancer is slow, Popcorn Lung if you get if bad enough you will quickly die from not breathing enough air
cheaper, healthier, i smoke indoors while i work, beats cigs in all directions except for being made fun of by bluepills at bars... but fuckem
Vaping takes the one good thing about smoking (looking cool) and turns it into the biggest faggot activity possible.
Why chew the jew when you can smoke the Indonesian?
>Marlboro Man detected
>those fingerless gloves and sausage fingers
>Vaped so hard it broke
Vaping is a prime example of a product designed to stop smoking.
Dude, jesus fucking christ. There's been tons of anti-smoking crap. This one actually works. People are buying it because it works, not because they're told to do it. In fact, everyone's telling the opposite and claiming how it's a mouth fedora, dildo, pacifier or whatever the fuck.
Cut out the wake-up-sheeple bullshit.
>U.N. is trying to ban them
It's a soft cast not gloves ya dingus
Who cares.
Worrying about looking cool is the biggest faggot activity possible. I smoke/vape alone while i think about making money.
Pretty much debunked desu
sjw ID
They're gay af. The only acceptable way to inhale flavored smoke is through a water pipe.
>muh popcorn lung
the jews are just mad we aren't buying their tobacco anymore
plus, with vape liquid you can add CBD to the oil to actually add health benefits.
They have big conferences where they try to strongarm countries into regulating/prohibiting them. I'll look for the name of the organization.
I have a shitty pen vape for work. I hide behind my machine when I hit it because it'd be less gay to be sucking a dick all day.
yea, start vaping and get fucking red pilled and hang out on redit with me
Isnt popcorn lung something that had to be recreated with special conditions tho? Like a casual vaper wont really have to worry about it? Pic related.
Why do you have a cock ring on your dildo?
>chewing snus
>using copenhagen
kys pussy
If anyone died from vaping, phillip morris would shell out the soros bucks to make sure everyone in america knew their name.
that's what lauren southern said when she went to the UN conference in morroco.
It's better than cigarettes I guess but you're still picking up a nicotine addiction for no reason.
Gas the kikes, race war now.
It feela better when i put it up my ass, duh.
Also it protects the glass from retarded shit like it tipping over and shattering
The only people that smoke cigs anymore are college liberals because of images like these; same reason they grow beards. They have no internal masculinity so they attempt to co-opt masculine "looks."
Congrats, you're a libfag now.
It is just linked with diacetyl so if you hit juice without it, just don't worry about it.
Worry about tons of other shit they're about to discover. And there's really too much shit put into flavors out there, there's no way they won't discover more adverse effects in time. Try to parse through the bullshit and real dangers - good luck with that!
I don't give two fucks, but STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE SMOKING SECTION. None of us care what 'flavor' you have today or what kind of bullshit 'mods' you have. Regardless of what you think, you're still putting smoke in your lungs so stop with that holier than thou attitude.
there has never been a SINGLE case of popcorn lung caused by an ecig. dont believe the (((big tobacco))) lies
question: i just bought a vape today for the first time. does the liquid in the tank run out when it's done or does it just lose its flavor and nicotine over time? i've been vaping all day and it hasnt really lost any liquid from the tank
or just avoid diacetyl
there's like 4-5 known chemicals to avoid in the flavorings
if you aren't brain damaged you can make your own using just nicotine and vegetable glycerin
I regularly consume fine liquor and highest quality tobacco and you mean to tell me I'm not a sophisticated, mature adult? Dude, watch more movies.
We hate you people because you guys talk about this shit on unrelated forms. Like right now.
It's the World health organizations framework convention on tobacco control.
They're dodgy as fuck.
It runs out. It should deplete and then you'll refill it with the juice you bought. If you've been using it all day then you must have a big tank or your taking small hits
caused by diacetyl, never really was in any e-liquid and is now completely phased out of the market.
I get my strawberry milk flavored vape and pair it with a bottle of real strawberry milk
Vaping is for pussys.
Real mean smoke golden virginia
i used to think they were mouth fedoras like you guys too
because a lot of vape users are weird goofy mother fuckers but now that i got started on it, i finally quit cigarrettes and feel much better.
plus it tastes awesome and i can do it anywhere
Im not to knowledgable about the different types of tanks, but if its like mine, than the liquid will eventually run out, it depends on how much you use it. Try to make sure you never use it when the cotton is dry regardless, worst experience you can have.
sucking on it creates a vacuum like a straw, pulling the liquid into the wick which is inside the coil which vaporizes it
though, nicotine does decay over time, especially with heat, sunlight, and oxygen.
It runs out and you have to refill it. You're probably vaping at a low wattage which isn't using much juice.
Liquid runs out eventually. You also need to change the heads. The exact procedure varies, but ideally, you have an easily rebuildable head where you can just put a DIY coil with cotton and stick it deep into your ass. You proceed to move it in and out and it feels hella good. Try to stimulate the prostate!
I've been wanting to try vaping to replace smoking for awhile now but I just can't stand the community. They talk about it all the time like some potheads do with weed, as though it's the cure for fucking cancer or something.
big pharma wants your cancer.
There has only ever been one confirmed case of popcorn lung in history... And it involved a worker at a popcorn plant.
Studies have shown that vaping is 98% safer than cigarette smoking and contains even less harmful aerosals than the air you breath outdoors.
The only ingredients in your typical e-juice is Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, and artificial flavoring. None of which is harmful in any way.
Stop being a dumbass and believing shit you read on Buzzfeed.
what's some good flavors? right now im using unicorn milk.
Anyone ever heard of popcorn lung????
1 more question: what's the deal with the wattage and voltage? i just leave it on default from the factory and it works just fine.
Aren't you afraid cosmonauts from a Philippine sewing enthusiast clay tablet library are gonna make fun of you?
Have u tried cum?
It comes in a thick white liquid
moo eliquids strawberry milk is pretty tasty
Anyone ever heard of big tobacco propaganda????
best flavor you will ever have
Quit smoking almost three months ago
TFV8 tank, RX200 mod
It really is the equivalent of a fedora. Might as well suck on a lollypop if you want artifical sweet taste in your mouth.
honestly, that flavor might be a hit if you make it and start selling it. might sell really good to sluts who vape
sounds delicious.
Just dont associate with it. Ive been vaping for a couple years, and have absolutely nothing to do with the community besides when i buy juice. Its nothing to brag about, juat dont be obnoxiius about it
Make your own you fucking goyim. That 20 dollar bottle of unicorn meme costs me 5 cents, if that. Literally one of the best businesses to get into, sadly, the FDA had to get involved and ruin everything for everyone. I have the actual recipe for it, btw. It's great to know those juice companies are just cucks buying the same wholesale that I get.
fucking this. i hate the culture that surrounds it here in so cal, but it got me to stop smoking completely. dont even vape anymore
ask ur bitch
A higher wattage heats up the coil faster and to a higher temperature, increasing the amount of juice vaporized.
Enjoy having your tongue and jaw removed due to cancer.