Fuck the Jews. I just posted this but I have a feeling the thread's gunna die so here:
Melania Trump is from Yugoslavia. Tesla's papers were sent to Yugoslavia. Trump's uncle worked on said papers and was interested in high velocity particle collisions (Higgs Boson/ "God Particle" / Large Hadron Collider /CERN) HRC was also interested in this, considering the rumors of "the Womb of Artemis" Is this really an alternative timeline? Was this some sort of Pandora's Box? And what about the Cicada 3301 and it's "Simulation" as told by FBI user.
These are questions to ponder in our wacky age. Who dictates the Memetics. Is Trump a Chaos Magician of sorts?
And for the record, it's Zionist most despise. Many just broaden it to Jews and Antisemitism. I know so pretty dimwitted Jews myself, so I always make the distinction between. Anti-Zionist and Antisemitism
Connor Diaz
youtu.be/1GFSCsNABVE They are sneaky little people that do sneaky little things.
Ryan Torres
>"I just don't understand" i just don't understand why you think you can re-use the same lines over and over.
Andrew Martinez
2 peas in a pod.
Joseph Myers
i dont really know what sage'ing is to be honest user
but ur still a fag
Jaxson Mitchell
James White
Oh well of course I know Marx came from the house of Rothschild
Joseph Diaz
10 minute video that's probably the simplest explanation anyone can give (severely lacking in details) >youtube.com/watch?v=IKy3fCvMz-8
Honestly, user, you need to read the book "Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald. There's no good substitute for reading that book.
Lucas Rivera
An extraordinarily powerful jewish cabal has been engaging in financial and political sabotage for over 2000 years. Most christcucks are too retarded to understand this, but the bible actually tells us that the jews are the racial seedline leading directly back to the archangel Azazyel, which is the entity we commonly refer to as satan today. This information is partially in the normal bible but mostly in the Apocrypha, which was printed along with the original 1611 KJV for sometime before the jews had it stripped out. The people of NW europe are the actual israelites/covenant people of the bible, but the jews stole their identity around 750 AD. The jews actually admit that they are of the satanic seedline in some of their literature from around that time called the Midrash texts.
Gabriel Hughes
1. They prefer to be referred to as Jewish instead of "jew".
2. There is not "1 Jewish race" but many people who claim to be. Sephardim Jews are the actual Hebrews from ancient Israel and Babylon and Egypt. Ashkenazi Jews come from Eastern Europe (think Mongolian). The Ashkenazi tribes were pagan war mongers and bandits. After a time, their King had them all convert to Judaism. The Ashkenazi are the type of Jews who were in Europe during WWI and WWII. To give some perspective, Larry David (Curb Your Enthusiasm) is Ashkenazi Jewish:
Whereas Paula Abdul and actor Peter Sellers are/were Sephardim Jewish.
3. Many Jewish people who are "active" in their faith, are extremely racist aginst all non-Jewish races. This means that they equally despise whites, blacks, hispanics, asians and all other "Goyim" races. The reason why "main stream" is so toxic, is because it consists of poison for "Goyim" minds, meant to keep us fat, dumb, stupid and continuously buying their goods and services.