Redpill me on Christianity, Sup Forums. What makes it different and/or better than polytheistic religions or atheism?
For those of you not born christian: why did you convert?
Redpill me on Christianity, Sup Forums. What makes it different and/or better than polytheistic religions or atheism?
For those of you not born christian: why did you convert?
Jesus is the only one who can forgive you for your sins
is that it though
Why not somebody else
Christianity turns men into saints, given that they themselves are good
>What makes it different and/or better than polytheistic religions or atheism?
In the vast majority of religions, bad things must be atoned for through sacrifice.
In the western pagan religions + Judaism this was done through animal sacrifice. your sinful behavior was placed on an animal and that animal was murdered on your behalf. Hence the term scapegoat since lambs were the main sacrifice. Bulls if you were a richfag.
Jesus is basically one of those exact pagan sacrifices, except he works on an infinite scale. Because he is god and god stretches throughout all time and shit, his sacrifice works until the end of time.
Now, naturally, you have to actually place your sins onto the animal for it to work. So a skeptic who didn't believe didn't get cured even in paganism. In a similar manner, You have to actually believe Jesus saved you for him to actually save you
>Who not somebody else
Because a temporary being can only save the sins of those present at the time. You need a sacrifice of infinite proportions to save infinite lives.
>Why did he do it
God so loved the world that he gave his only son.
>not degenerate
>serious adherents are based
>basic tenets unchanged and uncorrupted for 2,016 years and counting
Why did the euros give up their ancestors' religion for a middle eastern cult?
Sounds like God is a Mary Sue god with 6 in plot armor who can do it all
well.... that's literally true.
He's the creator of everything including the rules
Flush yourself, poo.
Roman Emperor who converted and it was ordered through the rest of the Roman Empire. After that is was convert or die.
That catholic percentage make me sad every time.
You literally had a moral obligation to either vote trump or not vote at all because of hillary's positions on things. Any catholic worth his weight in salt should know that
>White college graduates voted Trump
Nice, what do liberals have to say about that one?
Christian raised atheist here.
I first read the new testament and agreed with everything Jesus said. He has a lot of good doctrine that would help our generation of degenerates.
So then I started to go to church and I kept going because it's just a guy talking about how we can be better people and then we sing some songs and there is a free brunch and I got to sit down with my neighbour's over brunch and have good conversations. I mean how often to you get to just meet strangers who live in your community anymore? I love it and they are the nicest people inviting me over to dinner at their houses and shit. So then I started praying and I already believed in praying anyway so if prayer works then their must be some God or force that interacts with our consciousness. I still don't know if God is as he is portrayed in the bible but I believe in a higher power and I agree with the teachings of Jesus and willing to follow his doctrine so why not get baptized?
So now i'm a Christian.
It's based on helping each other rather than being dicks to each other. Yet it's not a free-for-all clusterfuck but rather rooted in a fundamental moral basis of right and wrong.
Plus just try to prove Jesus wrong. Can you? Maybe try to prove koans wrong or something like that instead if you'd rather. There's a some pretty raw fundamental truth there.
They literally went full "fuck white people" after this vote
This was actually a little inspirational, good on you leaf
How is that relevant to my question?
American education indeed.
India was under Christian and Muslim rule for a long time, is still >80% Hindu.
You wanna gas the kikes? Become a Christian. There is no bigger anti-semite than Jesus himself. The Pharisees and Jews are terrified of Christianity since it's writings and unity is far more deadlier towards Jews than any or all other religions combined. Why do you think Jews hate Christ and Christians so much? Why do you think they only sacrifice Christians in their rituals? Because Christians are the closest to God and the purest.
Christianity isn't
>le turn the other cheek
bullshit either. If someone attacks you, or the temples, or your nation and God, then you wreck them in every way possible. The Crusades would have never happened if Christianity was like how shills and Pagan LARPers tell it is.
Catholics used to be the best until they were corrupted. The pope is a crypto Jew cuck.
Protestants are straight up blasphemers and INC is too pacifist.
Orthodox Christianity is the way to go. It's the only solution to fix the modern world and end this era of degeneracy and lunacy.
Yes, also Portugese in a region
Christianity is a civilized religion for civilized people. Tells people to be meek sheep and to pay their taxes. Confuctive to peaceful progress.
Practiced best when actually shunning usury and moneychangers. Literally socialism without banks or jews.
>Protestants are straight up blasphemers
Because protestants are the ones worshiping icons and praying to images right?
Christianity is red-pilled and knows about the true dangers of our sexuality. It teaches you that you must not misunderstand your sex-drive and let it corrupt your mind, only use it to reproduce so you can focus on the more substantial parts of life with a clear mind. Care for people not for your own sake, but for theirs. Be nice to others not to cleanse your conscience, but to make them happy.
People taking Christianity so loosely is also the reason for why nowadays society is able to glorify sex every day for hours on end. It's the reason for all those gay, lesbian and trans-degenerates, them making their lust a lifestyle and the whole world wrongly accepting it. It's the reason for why people tell you to break up so you can 'fuck all the chicks you want' because 'life's too short'. And all of these things together, along with the main topic of glorifying sex is also the reason for kids fucking eachother at ages as young as eleven.
Don't tell him that protestants are the ones taking the 10 commandments literally, it might destroy his narrative. We all know very well how people react if their narrative is under attack.
This is pretty convincing actually. Thanks for the input
No, they're the ones with women bishops taking down crosses to not offend the muslims.
Not saying Luther didn't have legit complaints, but he was a tool of the (((Venetian Black Nobility))) to take down the power of the nation-state so they could continue to profit better.
Christianity has good morals and doesn't say to kill people that don't believe in it, although it encourages converting people. I don't really think currently that the spiritual aspect of it is true, though.
>Don't tell him that protestants are the ones taking the 10 commandments literally
Nice meme.
See this is why Christianity reeks of bullshit
>Son of God
Not creation. Not manufactured product. Son, which means there is some kind of other being that God coupled with to create him. Never mentioned or given after thought.
>has to sacrifice his Son to ensure all of Mankind can be saved from hell
This insinuates that God is in fact not all powerful or mighty since he must abide by ritual sacrifice. If he was all mighty he would simply smite Satan, open the Gates of Heaven to all his beloved creations, and party like it is 1999.
Either there are large chunks that we are missing or the Bible is a shit written fan fic with no real rhyme or reason.
The memes worked well for society and laid foundation that built good, moral, strong cultures.
Sadly, not everyone can be saved ad follow the teachings properly, either out of weakness, lack of devotion, or mental illness and brain deviations.
>If he was all mighty he would simply smite Satan, open the Gates of Heaven to all his beloved creations, and party like it is 1999.
He did the whole sacrifice thing so that people can CHOOSE to believe in him.
Free will is incredibly important to God. If he just shoe-horned everybody into heaven they didn't really have much choice did they?
>Free will
Oh eat a dick not this shit again.
>God tells Man not to eat of the Fruit of Knowledge
So he wants Man to be innocent and ignorant but gives him the option to be filled with sin and forever cursed.
Alright I am onboard. Being a fucked up detached asshole is what Gods are famous for. However this is what gets my goat.
>God creates man in his image
>God sculpts Mankind from nothing so "free will" is simply a result of our developed brains
>God then punishes Man for doing EXACTLY what he created them to do
He cannot be all powerful, all loving, and tell us it is our fault that we eat from the apple and are doomed to suffer in torment.
Shit is fucked up retarded and you know it. Like I said I can accept parts of the bible but only if you acknowledged there are large portions missing that explain "God's" place in the greater scheme and why he must follow these inane rules and force the harshest torture on his own creations that he designed with an inherent flaw.
If you were God, why would you create anything in the first place?
For giggles. It depends on the level of my omnipotence. If I am Doctor Manhattan tier and time and space and scale are just simple factors that bend to my will. Life is rather boring and predictable. Especially when I create that life from scratch. If you are directly responsible for the creation of a life form you already know every action it will take.
Which is why I have such a hard time committing to a faith. All tote their God as the one true God with all these powers and yet if such a being existed we would not even interest it in the slightest.
>God punishes man for doing exactly what he created them to do
Not exactly. The story of adam and eve show that man has absolute free will. Even in a garden of paradise, they can choose to leave it.
In the same way, you choose to leave God's light.
You are never sent to hell. You choose to go there. Disobeying God is akin to asking to be separated from him. He acknowledges upon your death.
In the same manner, Adam and eve knew of the consequences of the apple. Choose to ate it and so choose to leave the garden.
You're getting your emotion wrapped into the logic like many atheists do. They see "and then god cast them out to eternal torment" and think pain and suffering. What's said there is actually logical
If Garden = perfect paradise
Anything else = infinitely worse
Its late here though so im off to bed, /blog
letting ppl know in case they reply later and think im chickening out
You cannot create a being that is intelligence and naturally curious. Give it everything it needs to survive with no other real stimulation. Set aside a SINGLE thing they are not allowed to touch and then expect that being to sit around for eternity not touching it.
God designed us to fail and then tells us we must suffer the worst punishment imaginable for it.
You're a Doctor in Manhattan?
That isn't funny.
I don't know about movies and stuff. I was just wondering since I know a little bit about Manhattan.
I rather pray to one god than to a full pantheon.
Euros didn't give it up all at once. It started with romans and was continued by Karl the Great later. It was a good thing to rally behind to stop muslim incursions, so all the westerners eventually did.
Christianity is the only religion to concretely unify every race since it's inception.
Brought about the moral, philosophical, scientific, and ethical reformations of the late Roman period stemming into the Renaissance.
Stood as literally the sole progressive authority on human rights, women's rights, and civil rights until the high Renaissance.
United Europe against Islam during the first few crusades, which were invasions on the west.
The only religion to advocate love of others, despite their treatment of you
It's full of shitty people, but it has a much better track record than the others imo.
Dr. Manhattan is a Scientist that is blasted by SCIENCE RAYS and disintegrated. He then reforms a few weeks later. Basically he is a God. He can freely convert many and exists outside of normal time and space. He can see the future and teleport anywhere and reassemble atoms. The movie The Watchmen is based on a comic book series in the early 80's. Like retro Avengers.
In the film you see Dr. Manhattan becoming further and further detached from Mankind. As he sees everything in a different life and cannot relate to petty short lived day to day existences of Humans. The point being that if you are that powerful and have the abilities of a God. Mankind and life in general is boring. Or if you create life you are directly responsible for the direction it takes. Since every action is a result of your Garry's mod skills.
>it's real
I was raised Hindu so I have no stake in what happens in the Christian faith but the fact that she is a Swedish bishop is yet another confirmation of the existence of meme magic.
"Hey everybody, this is Martin Lutherneux from protestant thesis scriptorium. Thanks for reading this in front of a church. So here's the truth about God and the State...."
>early 80's
Heh, good time for art to tell it straight.
Christianity doesn't hold a shred of foundation once you actually read for yourself.
All of Christianity can only be held up by self faith, and emotional ties to groups of people.
Don't ever try to question it yourself, or seek answers, or use logic to test its validity. It just doesn't hold.
That being said, I wish my country didn't abandon the religion because it is the base of our country and the root of its morals. It holds people together and encourages healthy families and a happy life. I hate how the country is being mentally eradicated by fag lovers and the mentally insane. But at least we've received the spark of hope after this election.
Even though I may not believe anymore, I will be shouting Merry Christmas from the rooftops with all my Christian neighbors.
YAHWEH worship became popular among pantheist Israelites way back when it was polytheistic. Then they went around telling everyone how their god was the best god ever, NOT the only god ever.
So yeah, that's basically it. God is a jewish Mary Sue.
Nice palindromic digits, Pajit
I may never be Christian myself but I see the benefits and hope America remains a fundamentally Christian nation.
>Stood as literally the sole progressive authority on human rights, women's rights, and civil rights until the high Renaissance.
In what sphere?
I am an atheist but not the memetastic kind, please hear me out.
Even when I decided that I do not believe as a child, the legacy and pretty much everything about Christianity intrigues me to no end. The architecture and literature intrigues me the most.
I do have to ask though out of curiosity, why would Lucifer allow those in hell to suffer? Wouldn't he want his subjects to love him, and gain morale to fight in his name against God and his angelic army? Throughout history we see nations who rule through fear and torment eventually fail, with a referendum usually following. I know this takes many years to take place though. However back to the question, does Lucifer torment his patrons because it satisfies him?
Also, what happens in heaven and hell? Are you free to move about in each afterlife path, or are you an ambiguous spirit being tortured or being at a universal peace?
>Don't ever try to question it yourself, or seek answers, or use logic to test its validity. It just doesn't hold.
Always question it user. That's what it's all about.
Christianity is all about gathering the wayward like you and me back in to the flock. Merry Christmas! I'm stranded a few hundred miles away from being able to put up my Christmas lights. Maybe next weekend.
>Not creation. Not manufactured product. Son, which means there is some kind of other being that God coupled with to create him. Never mentioned or given after thought.
>the Blessed Virgin is never mentioned by the Catholic church
>This insinuates that God is in fact not all powerful or mighty since he must abide by ritual sacrifice. If he was all mighty he would simply smite Satan, open the Gates of Heaven to all his beloved creations, and party like it is 1999.
God doesn't do things willy nilly just because He feels like it. He has created a fair and constant system, which is the only way free will has any meaning. Your choices must have consequences, and those consequences must stem from your choices alone. The wages of sin are always death. You can choose sin and die, or you can choose Christ and live. This is the system which God created. We would be unable to love Him if not for such a system. Under what you describe, there is no free will and thus no point to anything.
Satan isn't in hell, he's right here on earth.
Satan doesn't torment people, he gets sent to hell along with them.
Hell is the absolute despair of being apart from our creator, not a spooky place with lots of fire and mushrooms.
Satan isn't some sort of evil villain amassing an army of followers. He is a tempter, the father of lies. He just wants to trick us away from God.
You should read something other than comic books for your theological knowledge. I don't mean to insult you, but you have a very simplistic, misinformed view of Christian cosmology.
>choose sin, your default programming
Burn for eternity
>choose God, the reason for your default programming
Live forever in Paradise
What a crock of shit
>free will is a crock of shit
>I just want to be coddled
You sound like a strong, intelligent, courageous man who really knows what he's doing in life :^)
potty trainer is right
orthodoxy is actually the only true christian religion. protestantism is an obvious heresy and copout. roman catholism is plagued by cucked nigger feet suckling popes. but orthodoxy has never changed since like 390 ad or some shit.
>being created flawed means eternal torment and suffering
>God is perfect and all powerful and loves mankind
Pick 1 and only 1
ISIS Chan is so thick.
I would fuck her evil islamic ass until she fainted from anal orgasims.
Great, now i got to nut... Again...
Desu, I'm a pagan but Christians are alright, mostly protestants. Only edgelord fags hate Christians. Honestly, neopagans(specifically with the norse pantheon) that aren't LARPing dumbasses worshipping trees and Christians need to join forces to remove kebab and kikes. Sadly, many neopagans are doing it just to be edgy and just say "praise thor" every dinner or so, and don't actually know shit about shit. Christianity absorbed like 80% of pagan traditions, anyway. We'd be stupid not to work together.
Pagan cults weren't all they were cracked up to be and tended to shit all over a lot of people because they were unable to afford or participate in the rituals needed to get a comfortable afterlife.
At the time, the Roman Empire was spiritually rotted to the core. People gave lip service to the cult of the emperor, but went home to worship whatever Eastern cult they happened to be a part of. Isis was a big one.
Jews were interesting, but they were tribal fucks and still are. Jesus came along and made Judaism for Greeks and it took off. His message worked from the ground up as it made it so anyone could get into Heaven no matter what shitty hand fate dealt them. Suddenly, the blind leper begging on the street had as much a shot at Heaven as the Emperor of Rome.