When is it ever acceptable for a man to cry?

When is it ever acceptable for a man to cry?

The death of a family member? Excruciating physical pain? Never?

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When thinking about Jesus

A man will know when to cry and around who.

When a heroic dog dies


last time i cried was when my dog died :(

When you think about Europa dying.

The death of your noble and loyal canine.

The death of your mother.

The death of your wife.

The death of your child.

Anything else and you're a pussy.

It's only ok to cry if no one sees you do it

this happened to me three days ago
feels bad man. house is lonely.
whatever, move on.


When you read of the feats of Achilles or Alexander.

Whenever you want. Don't ask these retards for permission to feel what you're feeling. Open up to it, let it go.

I cried a little when Michigan was called for Trump
victory was nigh
call me a bitch, I don't give a fuck

Leaf, enough. First of all, you can cry for three specific events in your life: 1)Your Bar Mitzvah, because that's when we become men 2)the American National anthem 3) at the end of Bioshock Infinite

First time I cried as an adult was at 31 last year when my Mastiff died, big lug collapsed while playing with the new puppy due to a tumour on his spleen causing it to rupture. Best dog I ever met.

Why do you think it's acceptable to make /b tier threads, on /pol?

get a puppy man only way i got over it.

I cry while I orgasm in yet another female crackhead stranger I just met.


when they don't let you into sweden


Sup Forums - asking the hard questions


You're a bitch.

Two times.
When his dog dies.
When his dad dies.
No other instances.

I agree, until you perform a bar mitzvah you are not a man in anyone's eyes. Bing it

You're supposed to cry when the black bull is in your wife's bedroom and you listen through the door.

i want to cry right now, but that's because of my heart wrenching anxiety that is partly caused by Sup Forums

I cried when my wife's son was arrested

Not sure if joking, since you're a fucking leaf.

this. i cry a good portion of the times I hear Fleetwood Mac's "landslide"

there's not much beauty in the world i'll be damned if i'm not going to appreciate it and if that stirs my emotion so be it

Never you fucking ponces.

This is actually the manliest thing. Why would you be afraid of some nigger calling you a bitch? When you feel strongly enough to cry, cry. Or don't. Cry on your terms.

>not crying over the loss of a bro friend who's had your back for decades

I believe you get one cry in life.

I cried at my mother's wake and that's it no more cries.

>dog dies
>son born

that's about it

I (briefly) cried when my appendix burst.
Then walked to the hospital.(True story)

When those abused dog commercials come on

It is less about whether a man should cry, and more about how often and how he is afterwards.

Shit can get rough, it can break you to the point where tears just happen, but afterwards once it is done you are able to pick yourself up and move on.

None of this liberal literally can't stop shaking nonsense every day.

I cried when my divorce was finalized. I was so fucking happy!!!

No death of the father? Tell me, user, were you raised by a stronk independent womyn who dont need no Men? Were you forced to wear Dresses back then?

men cry when they've lost meaning.

That's why it's ok for old people to cry when they truly see what the world's become.

They're too old to stop it or fix it, and they're the only ones who know how.

So they despair.

and the tears

Men don't cry. It is, however, possible for a man's eyes to sweat.

If his beloved is taken from him, he will do it in his bedroom though

When you return hungry , defeated, and demoralized from the Eastern front only to find your home destroyed and family gone

Death of family member or brutality against an animal

Other than that you're a Pussy

Never. Crying is a sign of degeneracy.

why weep for the dead when they are in a better place?
it is an entirely selfish action

I cried when my friend became a degenerate

>Crying is a sign of degeneracy

Natural human function degenerate. I take it you don't shit either

Any dog that was his companion, even if for a moment.

This. It's a malfunction.

death of your dog.
death of your father.
death of your mother.
death of your wife.
death of your child.
you are in great pain(getting shot).
something gets into your eyes.

Because we're selfish creatures and it fucking hurts when someone you love dies.

>Bioshock Infinite
this is way worse than the jewish thing t b h

I cried the day my mother died a couple months ago. Didn't really want to all day but at the end I just couldn't hold back anymore.
Cried a few more times that week, cried myself to sleep a couple times.

Haven't cried since then though. Maybe I'll never cry again now, with my mother dead probably not even the death of my grandmother or little sister could faze me now.

Such is life I guess.

I think people generally don't want to die and leave their family members and stuff behind. Maybe when they're old and have done all they need to in life.

>The death of your mother
God, you're such a mumma's boy, ain't ya?

Correct. Humanity is degenerate. Most humans don't even work to advance the species nor have the skills necessary to do so.

When you're trying to get your therapist to feel sorry for you so she might have sex with you tbqhwy


the ending of Gunbuster.

when your wife comes home in the morning from a date with her boyfriend and you've benn taking care of her son.


This is literally the only thing that has made me cry in the last 10 years, and I am not ashamed at all.

when lolis cry in anime

r-right guys?

Underrated, senpai

I miss my dog

Sometimes I cry thinking about the scale of the universe. I don't really consider it a weakness so much as a moment of profundity. I want more moments like that in life.

whenever I feel the need to break down, which isn't often at all. I'm a man, I don't need an excuse. I've only seen whores judge men for crying because they themselves have issues.

Crying is a sign of overwhelming emotion -- no good/bad attached to it. It usually means you've come across a situation you've never been in before.

AKA it's for noobs.

No. Go away freak!

When watching the first pokemon movie.

A prof I worked with as a TA for a few years and took many courses with went missing for a week and it turned out he had killed himself. The funeral was very sad. I knew his wife and kids from departmental functions and from church. I bumped into another TA in the parking lot and we went into the church together. In the narthex was a little table with snapshots from his life. It's unnerving, the other TA sit close in the pew. We sing the funeral service and hymns. I know the songs but they are tough. I get choked up a few times. The funeral is nearly over
>Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace:
your word has been fulfilled.
>My own eyes have seen the salvation
which you have prepared in the sight of every people
I have never felt like such a liar.

It's the man's place to make sure his kids outlive him. The only reason to cry over a father is if he was such a failure that his child died before him but you the child will be dead if that happens.

it's fine to cry
just don't cry around anyone
do not share your grief with anyone

>if Sup Forums had lost the great meme war


This puppy gave me no response. It is not cute. I don't think that about a stupid cute puppy.

Never. Literally fucking never.

Crying means misery took you by surprise, which means you think life is fair, which means you're a fucking moron.

When a man feels like it


or you are in grief or pain Fucken retard

Sometimes I really appreciate Russians.

For pride.

ivan here is correct. Deal with it on your own. Best case scenario is that everyone else has their own burdens so don't bother them with yours. Worst case scenario it makes you look weak, so someone tries to kill your wife and fuck your dog. Or kill your dog and fuck your wife. either/or.

This is true

Depends. Women look to men to be the grown-ups so that they can indulge in extremes of emotion. A woman never forgives a man for crying. By the same principle, you could weep every hour in your life that you are not in front of a woman, and it would be okay. Really we would have to get into why you are crying.

>you're a pussy if you cry over the death of a good friend
>you're a pussy if you cry over the death of your father
Want to know how I know that you're a fatherless, friendless loser?

When getting the succ

>tfw beagle is almost 16 years old
Got her when I was 4 years old and she was a month old pup, first and only dog.
How hard is it gonna be bros?


Words which mean misery taking you by surprise.

If I stab you with a needle out of the blue for no reason, you'll recoil from the pain. If I stab you with a needle because you're ready for an injection, it'll barely bother you.

You already know everything is going to go to shit sooner or later so you have no excuse to not be ready for it.

Emotional pain? Maybe. Don't do it in public. Depends on what kind of event causes it.

Physical pain? Never. Suck it up pussy.

Losing a good doggo is overwhelming. I'm sorry about your pupper

can you not actually think of any example of expected trauma?

putting your dog down?
taking a loved one off life support?

not to mention that not all trauma is emotional, physical pain can cause people to cry

Cry in private. Stop being a bitch

National anthem. Death of ma or pa. When life goes to shit. Baptism. That's it.

When thinking about the future of the white race.

Yeah this too

With pain I was talking about getting shot or tearing a muscle.

Have you considered suicide?

>anxiety caused by pol
you have to go back

I've never cried as a result of any of those things and both happened recently.

They were exactly as painful as I expected them to be, but I did expect them.

>physical pain can cause people to cry

This doesn't happen to adult males. Even ones dumb enough to cry at the other shit you mentioned.