Statement from Chelsea Manning:
Has anybody else read this dramatic spy-novel tier shit? Any take on who did this or why it happened?
Statement from Chelsea Manning:
Has anybody else read this dramatic spy-novel tier shit? Any take on who did this or why it happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Did she get her dick chopped off yet?
Pretty sure the dick is still intact.
won't load for me, for some reason, can we get a cliffs notes version, op?
Brad got caught leaking dox and ended up a bruce jenner science experiment for the pleasure of fag military closet queers.
Here's the same document on another site. Can you see this?
Short summary: A group of 3 people "break in" to the prison Chelsea is staying at and attempt to "break her out" for reasons unknown.
Were they trying to entice her to commit a crime? Are they trying to make her go insane?
Faggots ITT
think they wanted to get chelsea to willingly attempt to escape so they could add more changes? what I read before at least
I saw this faggot when I was in Leavenworth. Got in trouble in 2011 for weed in the Army. They have him totally separated from general population.
>Brad got caught leaking dox and ended up a bruce jenner science experiment for the pleasure of fag military closet queers.
Maybe they wanted an excuse to kill her? The way they've been arbitrarily putting her in solitary confinement could make a person believe they were trying to drive her to suicide.
>Were they trying to entice her to commit a crime? Are they trying to make her go insane?
It's a psyop, designed to break the subjects psyche.
I've seen shit like this happen before.
The name "Jessica" is also familiar in regards to this tactic.
IT took the page a while to load, but yes it eventually did and I read it.
>think they wanted to get chelsea to willingly attempt to escape so they could add more changes? what I read before at least
That's a possibility... are they afraid that Chelsea will be released if more charges aren't added?
Can you explain what you mean by the name Jessica being 'familiar in regards to this tactic'?
seems so... manning parole isnt far off
>Can you explain what you mean by the name Jessica being 'familiar in regards to this tactic'?
I have seen tactics such as this recreated several times, and the name jessica was attached to it.
I'm not entirely sure WHY the name jessica was used, although I have a hunch that it has something to do with trauma based conditioning.
it's a little hard to explain, in fact, as there is a LOT of detailed information that is required to even scratch the surface of trauma based induction/behavioral conditioning.
The "False Escape" narrative is a common hope destroying tactic, used to break a subjects psyche with the continual creation of hope, and then constant let-downs.
However, this may or may not be the same thing that Chelsea went through, and is merely what I have observed of these tactics.
Again, it's super hard to explain.
>forget who the faggot is
>search on wikipedia info
>whole article refers to him as "she"
Fucking hell, I'm triggered.
That is super interesting. You say you have observed these tactics before. Are there examples on the internet you can show me?
>That is super interesting. You say you have observed these tactics before. Are there examples on the internet you can show me?
No, it's really subtle stuff. The tactics are all made to be subliminal (below the threshold of conscious perception of most people) and typically they aren't used on enough people for a threshold of awareness to percolate through the population.
Typically, subconcious archetypes (simmilar to jungian archetypes) are created by the mainstream media (hollywood, etc) that become a part of the collective consiousness/unconsiousness, and are used as stimuli for the induction of subliminal "Stories" for the purpose of behavioral modification.
I really wish I could explain further, but I would have to start teaching about some rather in depth psychological stuff, and it might take hours.
IT is part of the whole trauma based conditioning thing (amnesia walls, alter personalities, etc), and I think this "Jessica" persona is supposed to be a part of that.
Manning mentions movie slang being thrown around. Maybe it really was them hoping to induce some deep subconscious level where he let it play out like a movie?
he doesn't and didn't want to be a girl he was tortured into it.
>Manning mentions movie slang being thrown around. Maybe it really was them hoping to induce some deep subconscious level where he let it play out like a movie?
Well, that's basically how it works.
Trauma based conditioning is an exploit of a mental defense mechanism that humans have...
It the trauma is too powerful, the mind sort of "Forgets it", but the memory clusters are still there, and if specific stimuli related to the trauma are used, programming (psychological programming) can be embedded behind this amnesia wall, to be called up at a later date.
It is how they create splinter personalities in the subjects mind.
Use trauma to create a schicm that is blocked off by amnesia (protective mechanism) and then use near subconcious stimuli to add psychological programming to that portion of the persons mind.
Effectively it is a form of weaponized "Multiple personality disorder"
Hollywood productions are absolutely FULL of this kind of shit.
>he doesn't and didn't want to be a girl he was tortured into it.
That's what I think the "Jessica" programming is about.
>That's what I think the "Jessica" programming is about.
This is absolute horseshit
>This is absolute horseshit
Then go post somewhere else, instead of shitting up the thread with 27 posts about how anyone who disagrees with you having schizophrenia and being paranoid.
That's gonna give me nightmares. Since you said you've observed this before, do you mind if I ask why/how you were in a position to witness something like this?
>make her go insane
he's a fucking tranny m8, it would be like shooting a squirt gun at the ocean
>27 posts about how anyone who disagrees with you having schizophrenia and being paranoid.
I have done no such thing, sir.
You are full of shit however
>do you mind if I ask why/how you were in a position to witness something like this?
That's a little complicated as well.
Also, more than just a little bit classified.
Basically, mind control is just an advanced form of psychological conditioning, and it is being used against most nations on the planet.
It's difficult to attack a nation that has a more powerful military than yours, unless your attacks are so secret that they can be dismissed as something else.
Basically, if you were in a Goifted and Talmuded Edumacation program, you have trauma based conditioning.
They are trying to weed out the intelligent goyim, and use them for "Wetware CPU's", while preventing them from gaining any power or position that could threaten them.
IT is an extremely complicated from of germline warfare.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
>I have done no such thing, sir.
Nor will you.
but how does CERN fit into this
whats the end game
There is no fucking way they would send you to Leavenworth for weed, unless you were into some crazy huge grow operation druglord shit. They would kick you out under chapter 14-12c with an Other Than Honorable discharge.
t. Soldier who spent 2 years chaptering shitbag soldiers as my whole job when the budget cuts hit.
stop spilling trade secrets asshole
You're talking to a skizo mate
>stop spilling trade secrets asshole
Are you scared the jews are going to get a hold of them and use them against your populous?
DING DING DING, we have a winner.
It's literally your only tactic against someone talking about your mind control techniques, isn't it?
it's your funeral retard. you know what the minders are going to do to you.
dead man walking.
Give me some books.
Hey focus.
Large Hadron Collider.
How does it come into play in the coming happening
it doesn't stop being dumb
Beware of "System One" people.
>Give me some books.
I don't think there are any, at least none that are publically available.
Research "Monarch mind control" or "Trauma based mind control", there's a lot of good information out there, but there is a lot of disinfo as well.
>Hey focus.
>Large Hadron Collider.
>How does it come into play in the coming happening
IT literally doesn't.
CERN has nothing to do with anything except accelorating particles.
Anyone telling you any different (dorway to hell, other dimensions, time travel, etc) is using distraction techniques and psyops.
CERN is literally a non issue.
hey retard its not CERN its KEK thats fucking everything some fucking research. Japs lived in paper houses fifty years ago and yet we trust them with advanced technology, and it always bites us in the ass, see Fukushima
Youre part of the cover up operation about CERN arent you.
I knew you were a fucking shill
>Youre part of the cover up operation about CERN arent you.
Oh, shove it you divide and conquer shill.
Nice tactic you have there.. I called you out on the whole "Schitzoid" attack you usually use, before you had a chance to use it, and now you are trying to derail the convo by talking about this CERN-Doomsday bullshit.
Just an idea on the Jessica thing:
Dune saga is pretty interesting as mental conditioning goes. Will need to reread it someday, now that I am a bit more knowledgeable about all the MK Ultra related stuff. From what I remember, the mother, Jessica, is part of the cult (secret rulers) but betrays them..
Also, Game of Thrones, Ramsey Bolton conditioning Theon Greyjoy, basically finally breaking him by setting up a fake escape (after loads of torturing) which only leads to him being brought even deeper in and convincing him that there is no way out and that Ramsey is too powerful..
yeah, I see you.
Im winning and youll never stop me. You'll never teach the goyim!!!!! As we speak, mossad is triangulating your internet pipes!
>Dune saga is pretty interesting as mental conditioning goes. Will need to reread it someday, now that I am a bit more knowledgeable about all the MK Ultra related stuff. From what I remember, the mother, Jessica, is part of the cult (secret rulers) but betrays them..
The bene gesserat... witches that are conducting a "Secret breeding program"
Yup... Herbert was a MASTER of subtle storytelling.
The spaceing guild is the global oil cartels.
And you can guess what the spice is... it's only found on the DESERT PLANET, right?
Read here:
also recommends relevant books on there somewhere..
>Im winning and youll never stop me. You'll never teach the goyim!!!!! As we speak, mossad is triangulating your internet pipes!
You are too weak for The Golden Path
>You are too weak for The Golden Path
I make my own path, fool.
Okay now you've blown my mind.. Am I to understand you as saying that "Jews" are are trying to herd the masses into a biological supercomputer?
>Am I to understand you as saying that "Jews" are are trying to herd the masses into a biological supercomputer?
Not the masses, no...
The jews want to be the smartest people on the planet, so they are targeting all of the smart goy to keep them out of the gene pool.
They decided that turning these Goifted and Talmuded Edumacation students into wetware CPU's was profitable, so they are doing THAT in lieu of killing them.
The majority of people they just use their brainwashing and propaganda on, in addition to the population replacement from nations with low IQ's.
As a system, the Wetware CPU thing on ly has a limited bandwidth, so they can't really hit everyone at once with it.
So, for the masses, it's broadwaved propaganda through media.
And for "Special Targets" (including smart goy, politicians, media personalities, others of power and influance) they use more powerful, but less pervasive forms of control.
And yes, they steal ideas from smart goy to make money off of, and to keep money out of the hands of these smart goy.
The goifted and talmuded edumacation program was hijacked shortly after inception to be this.
And now they are using this trauma based conditioning on all of the smart goys (except the psychopathic ones, that can be turned for money, power, etc...)
>be a traitor to the US government
>u-u-uh I'm TRANSGENDER guys!
>political immunity
>thousands of supporters
Woah, really exerts the almonds.
>so they are targeting all of the smart goy to keep them out of the gene pool.
The media psyop was to use social proof to get people to hate those with traits that were common to most all intelligent goyim.
The term "Nerd" was actually used as an insult tyhe first time on "happy days", by the "Cool" fonzie character.
The purpose of this psyop was to normalize and popularize attacking intelligent goyim, and thus the destruction of their confidence, social skills, etc... making their overall probability of reproducing MUCH less.
Combined with the zersetzung tactic of "Romeo Agents", they could effectively weaponize cockblocking for a small percentage of the population.
Preventing the smart goy from seeing through their deception, and also slowly making the goy populations average IQ decline.
Coupled with the population replacement strategy from low IQ nations, their eventual goal was to create a population who the tactics of deception worked on at 100% effectiveness and efficiency.
Since the beginning of this psyop, the term "Nerd" has lost some of it's sting, so they have resorted to using other derogatory labels....
Such as "Autism", which is heavy metal poisoning from vaccines (mercury, and now aluminum based preservatives)
These heavy metals basically become ions inside the human body, and are drawn to places of heavy neural growth, which occurs more often in children whose brains are growing the fastest (smart goy)
They call them "Autistic" to mask their tactic, and to imply that the "Problem" with these children is Genetic, and that removing them from the gene pool is a "Good Idea"
>They call them "Autistic" to mask their tactic, and to imply that the "Problem" with these children is Genetic, and that removing them from the gene pool is a "Good Idea"
You will note that Israel has a MUCH lower prevalence of autism than the rest of the world.
Dont care. My tax dollars have been paying for its hrt. Kill it or let rot for all I care desu
somewhat interesting theory. clearly autism is not genetic or it would have been identified much earlier and the link to heavy metal, aluminium,etc. seems somewhat likely.
Different question: Did the Wachowskis get punished into transsexuality for their original matrix ideas exposing too much of the plan?
>Did the Wachowskis get punished into transsexuality for their original matrix ideas exposing too much of the plan?
Very yes.
Did you notice how the first matrix movie was awesome, but the sequals were absolute horseshit?
That's how long it took (((Them))) to notice, infiltrate, take control, and subvert it from it's original intention.
question : I get using Gifted and Talented as a "filter" of testing on goys. I took the tests - how did they use my test results against me?
by seeing the results and knowing to keep a tab on me?
>how did they use my test results against me?
To find you.
They infiltrated the departments of education, and they just use it to find all of the smart goy, so they can target them with these tactics.
Song related
If I failed these tests on purpose to avoid extra homework, did I escape them?
did they pay neighbours to harass (bother with noise) gifted people?
gonna have to check that!
How exactly are individuals co-opted into acting as wetware cpus, by the way?
>If I failed these tests on purpose to avoid extra homework, did I escape them?
Probably... but it's not the ONLY way they find smart goy.
How's your life?
>did they pay neighbours to harass (bother with noise) gifted people?
Oh, no... usually they just use mind control on them to make them do things that fuck with you.
It's all very clandestine, they rarely use actual Agents who are "In the know"
Compartmentalization being the key word.
>gonna have to check that!
That's not the only one, I have more of them.
This one is related to enders game as well.
sort of a failsafe plan in case they lose containment.
Google the greenbaum speech and listen. Get Dave McGowan's Programmed to Kill. Learn about MKULTRA and it's sister programs.
If you think what's being discussed in jere is bullshit, you are wrong. The psychological war on the population is at its peak. If you're not aware of it yet, make yourself aware.
>How exactly are individuals co-opted into acting as wetware cpus, by the way?
Stealing ideas from you, conditioning you to think about shit for them through behavioral conditioning, spying on you all of the time, patenting any idea you have before you can, backdating the patent by a few years to avoid suspicion, keeping you too poor to afford a patent, etc...
There are some more complicated tactics, but it's all highly classified.
The one in this pic was made for me, specifically.
Do they push smart people to be fat, and tired more than the average consumers?
>Brad got caught leaking dox and ended up a bruce jenner science experiment for the pleasure of fag military closet queers.
That's not even slightly accurate.
It helps to read the article.
interesting, do tell the Enders Game one. I love the whole saga, first book is class though.
Wait, I think i can imagine it now, anything to do with Call of Duty and the fact that drones are operated with XBOX 360 controllers?
Also, I was checking your impressive quads, not saying i have to check your story. Maybe you do have more digits though..
check the doobs, my doods!
It's just as likely; in my opinion more likely, that this is a delusion that occurred as a result of psychological attacks.
The "plot" as described in the account, seems very amateurish, even if suspicion on the part of Chelsea was the desired result.
Switching people around is a subtle game that can be played with a fragile psyche, but it could have been done merely by facility staff.
It could have been a meticulously planned interation for all I know, but keep in mind that some, most, or all of the account could have come from Manning's imagination.
I had to post like that to evade the "Spam" filter.
Watch the Ramsey/Theon compilations from game of thrones
>Do they push smart people to be fat, and tired more than the average consumers?
That is part of the heavy metal poisoning.
>interesting, do tell the Enders Game one.
If you fight them, and win, they will replace you with "Peter" (muh dick)
When is this faggot just going to admit he's gay?
>this is a delusion
Oh, do tell.
>could have come from Manning's imagination.
Dat damage control.
Keep trying shill, I know you are trying to block me from posting.
yeah, that "spam" filter has been fucking with me on occasion, like when I was trying to post a helpful link on the pizzagate threads. Wtf is going on with that?
Also, you really do have more digits.. Really gets the faith neurones firing...
>Wtf is going on with that?
Shills with access to spying systems, preventing you from posting by making it look like an accident.
IT's censorship.
"You receive the heaviest flack when you are over the target"
>When is this faggot just going to admit he's gay?
as soon as you admit you're too autistic to comprehend that gay men LIKE their sex
trans, ironically, have more in common with heteros like you
>Keep trying shill, I know you are trying to block me from posting.
Damn. I guess you caught me. Well, back to the torture chamber then. Wouldn't want them to die of thirst.
>Again, it's super hard to explain.
No it's really not. You torture somebody either physically or psychologically until they form an alternate personality (and their original personality is "submerged") to deal with the trauma and compartmentalize it. Then various techniques are used to program this new persona as well as conditioning it to exert control over the actual person on cue.
It's literally been the plots of movies and books and the particulars were released as part of the Senate Intelligence Hearing's "Family Jewels" documents. It's real.
>Height: 1.57 m
How do you even get accepted into military when you're a turbomanlet
Unfortunately, I posted some of the pictures in this thread BEFORE, and posting them again without altering their essential qualities (filename/filesize/dimensions) triggers the spy system to flag a shill to come to the thread and "Shut it down"
They ARE here now, looking for ways to stop the thread, count on it.
>I guess you caught me.
Hi soros/hillary.
>The "plot" as described in the account, seems very amateurish, even if suspicion on the part of Chelsea was the desired result.
But the US military is NEVER amateurish.
I subscribe to the increasingly prevalent theories that state that transexualism is simply a complicated form of body dysphoria.
whatever it is — it's pretty much the opposite of being gay
Bill Clinton let fags into the military in the 90's mang
Mossad owns most of the communications companies that the NSA contracts with to spy on us.
>Bill Clinton let fags into the military in the 90's mang
DADT led to far more gays being kicked out
sorry to burst your fantasy there
anouther thread I was posting in just 404'd
I don't know really. I'm lazy, disenfranchised and don't want to work anymore so I just sue telemarketers to get money and continue to live with my parents.
I see... is there a way to fight back?
I'm apparently not a smart enough goy to understand what's being implied in the picture you posted.
You're doing a good job of laying on the paranoia. Is that not an effective way to alter personality?
When you step back and realize this is a Chinese cartoon website