>Sup Forums thinks the alt-right is a legitimate movement
Sup Forums thinks the alt-right is a legitimate movement
We don't
Hey it got one of the most hated men in the world elected so yeah I'd say it's quite the movement.
We got a guy elected president.
Obvious troll is obvious
>Soros isn't signing their checks any more
>still spreading lies for a globalist kike
Since the first day Sup Forums has rejected being labeled as alt-right
>it's an OP thinks Sup Forums is one person thread
Lol I'm willing to debate you alt-right fags on your cognitive dissonance and pseudo conservatism. Let's here you guys justify the alt-right as a legitimate movement. No ad-hominem attacks.
I like posting frogs and jew cartoons and then the media called me alt-right
Sup Forums actually did make it though. They just suddenly got amnesia when the media started using it in a negative way.
Sup Forums just plays identity politics like SJW's. They're the right wing version of SJW's where they don't know shit they just think shit should be a certain way without anyone facts to back it up.
>tfw media literally think Sup Forums to be one person
Media these days are total joke. They just labeled everyone that hates PC to be alt right just to force people to succumb to PC
How is living in a country ruled by female rasputin?
How does it feel to be DISGUSTING AMERICAN PIGGU
>no ad-hominem attacks
>calls them fags
You already lost.
The /pol-shpere counts many branches & tendencies.
>Sam Hyde
>Remotely functional
>tumblr thinks the alt right even exists
it's made up so people who can't articulate motivation can have an enemy.
Stop playing identity politics user
>Sup Forums thinks the alt-right is a legitimate movement
Pfft. The machinations of normies on twitter are of no concern for us. Let them play while we pull the strings.
After all, Sup Forums always has the last laugh!
I like the concept. But Sam and Styxx need to be pushed right a fair bit.
>Still trying to get us to call ourselves alt-right.
Jews, jews, jews.
It's funny because shapiro is the most competent person there.
Look at this dude
> Alt-right actually real
> Sup Forums
Nigga think we "alt-right" XD
Nigga dont know about the different schools of conservatism
> Fucking buying into the alt-right (((MSM))) lie XD
Not even once XD fucking hell lmao!
Ty user, for the laugh. much love (((CTR))) or whatever your (((Orginization))) is called now.