is this really how most of you dress?
Is this really how most of you dress?
Get the kicks right
Work uniform or generic tee shirt +jeans combo. 100 dollars that would be everyone else aswell.
Why is Sup Forums a manlet?
generic tee, chinos, reeboks, leather hoodie and a beanie.
I hope you actually don't wear those
That haircut if faggy as all hell.
gee i wonder why
no, surely only 6'2 aryan chads congregate on an anime forum and anonymously shitpost for 10 hours a day?
You must be a big guy
You're a big guy
How was that flight with bane...?
>6'2 aryan chads
Don't forget that we're also all married with 5 kids and working a six figure job in finance.
I'm actually a /fa/ggot in addition to a Sup Forumsack. But I usually just wear a flannel or a t-shirt with a hoodie over top and some raws. I wear leather shoes or boots usually unless I'm running.
I'm /fit/ so I mostly wear joggers, hoodies, tight tshirts etc
hair is kinda 14/88 I suppose
I wear my grandfathers SS uniform everywhere I go because I am the face of the new soldier on the front line against degeneracy.
>This is unironically how I dress
>made the switch about a year ago
>before then I used to wear jeans and t-shirts like a every vidya aspie
pretty comfy t b h
I didn't realize that I looked like CIA until my friend pointed it out a few months ago. Something must've subconsciously attracted me to this choice.
You got me. That's how i dress 100%
I don't understand the appeal of name brand shoes, I don't understand why having a huge logo on your foot wear is somehow appealing or worthy of raising the price of the shoe
6'0 aryan white geologist with 2kids. doin just fine. i know what im fighting for
can't get much more cucked than this...You learn how to suck nigger dick at JEWniversity, libtard?
Sleeveless shirts
Only stop when its cold as balls.
Trucker hat
Longsleeve button up plaid shirt or plain t shirt
Jeans with belt
Long socks and work boots
I'm not skelly in full rick tryhard so I wear a white tshirt, jeans and boots everyday. Light or warm jacket depending on the weather.
Are there black white and red new wave shoes?
>new wave
new balance*
The colours are in the wrong order.
no, i learned how to assess oil deposits, and get paid 118k a year (before taxes)
Like this desu
Singlet, stubbies and double pluggas (cause I'm a bit fancy)
Hitler youth-ish hair? I cut it myself so it doesn't really have a specific name.
Skate or basketball american shoes
Slim jeans
Tee or plaid shirt
Crewneck sweatshirt/sports hoodie
Raging normie tier.
>Hitler youth haircut
>Single color Henley
>Levi's denizen jeans, dark
>Leather jacket
>Usually a simple cap
Don't dress like a feg
I only wear Abercrombie because I'm not a nigger as well as I haven't given up on me and still have hope that one day I'll have a really qt gf even though I'm an autistic cunt
I usually wear lots of milsurp and cheap stuff with panties underneath
>I only wear Abercrombie
Whew lad you are autistic
>not wearing a brown scapular
Are you trying to go to hell?
Such is the life and struggle user
Are you in highschool?
Well done
I'm a geologist too
Mel Gibson isn't exactly tall.
i support you leaf user keep it up get
your qt
Who /preppy/ here?
I want to be a geologist, please advise.
mufuggin lol
Nah, i wear full rick
Full SS dress uniform everday and I drive one of hitler's mercedes with zyklon B gas dispensers
Tell me infidel.
Which bazaar did you purchase this one from?
Every fucking liberal leftist has the hitler youth here. What is a pol approved haircut?