>calling is own country cucks
>calls buzzfeed cucks
>constant nazi and hitler references
>hearing trump hat
This can't be coincidence
Calling is own country cucks
Okay I thought it'd be a joke this whole "hurr PewDiePie is repilled" but I'm actually starting to think he might be
He is, can confirm
He talked about how when he was a kid he listened to "DJ Adolf" and blasted nazi music around the house
>tfw Sup Forums has made cuck become a mainstream insult
It's healthy for society.
Recently devalued but still quite rare.
I don't watch this guy, but if this is for real, maybe this explains why Gen Z is supposedly so redpilled. Because of relatives, I know younger kids basically idolize this guy.
Cuck started from r/The_Donald.
He definitely browses pol
>we meme'd us into the mainstream.
We are gonna hate ourselves when 12 year olds start using cuck on a regular basis, right?
>from r/The_Donald
>gets a golden playbutton (something which every YouTuber brags about)
>it's broken
>literally sells it on the street
>makes a new channel which doesn't have any videos on it and asks his retarded fanbase to subscribe to it
>they actually do
>YouTube is now forced to give him a new golden playbutton for literally nothing
>he hangs it on his wall
Literally the Trump of youtube, I'm sure Google hates his guts at this point but they can't do shit against this glorious swedish bastard
Oh it's all real, even the fucking DJ Adolf part
From what I know, most Generation Z kids (at least the boys) like Trump unless they are taught by their parents that he's bad
Only if they use it wrong
If they start calling actual cucks cucks I would be happy
Pretty sure it started on Sup Forums with that shitty comedian.
He's literally the Swedeposter. How do you faggots not know this?
Any more videos of his worth watching aside from the clickbait one? I don't want to watch the ones where he screechea autistically about vidya for kids. Just the red pilled ones please.
the problem is that fags will try to normalize cuckoldry now, like they did with faggotry.
>Any more videos of his worth watching aside from the clickbait one? I don't want to watch the ones where he screechea autistically about vidya for kids. Just the red pilled ones please.
That's literally all he does.
There are no red pilled videos.
Bullshit, I've been using it for at least 2 years here.
So this was just an anomaly?
fucking newfag, it started in Sup Forums
I grasped onto the cuck nomenclature quite early infact.
Good. Let defective cuck genes be bred out of existence.
He most;y just says redpilled things in some videos, I dont think he would make a redpilled related video though
That was an entirely different meaning totally, Louie CK is an actual cuck. r/The_Donald was the first people to use cuck politically.
its from Sup Forums you cuck
This seemed pretty obvious, I assumed he furiously shitpost in private and had a different personality than his Minecrap shit
Holy shit this video is hilarious. He's gotta be redpilled as fuck.
I love him
No you're wrong. We have been using cuck like reddit does for longer. In fact I was there at its conception.
You're still wrong. Cuck has been used here before Donald even announced he was running. Just kill yourself.
Our Commander Pewdiepie Shall Lead Us Against The Muslim Hordes! God Bless Pewdiepie! To Battle!
>Ironically loves hitler
>starts to unironically love hitler
>brainwash kids to think hitler is fun
To think i used to hate this guy
>his early videos during gameplay state refugees and retarded people were a drain on the economy and rape was sometimes a womens fault if she got drunk at a party
These is a reason he deleted all his early videos
can he run for king?
Ahh very well
Cuck started as a fetish, it used to be that stupid meme where a nigger fucks your gf while you watches. It was us from The_Donald that evolved it to where it is today in the mainstream. Do you honestly think that Sup Forums of all fucking places have the power to influence people? We had fucking Donald Trump do an AMA with us, come back wen Donald Trump posts in Sup Forums. Fucking keep clinging to our coat tails.
He made a video a while back about how he would invade Norway
Here's your (You)
Sup Forums has been using cuck since Sup Forums harbor, almost a year before r/the_donald was ever created.
gas the reddits, meme war now
nope retard, cuck came about when faggot stopped being offensive enough because it was associated with 12 year olds using it
Lol I used to do that too. >DEUTSCHLAND!!!... DEUTCHLAND!!!
Best video he's done
1/10 made me reply
You guys might have used it first, however it was us that made it mainstream. It was us that made libtards butthurt whenever they hear it. We have all the influence, we have Donald's ear when it comes to advice since he always listens to us.
its simple. This guy goes with the current trend. where the money is. It used to be that being a silly liberal was what was hip with the kids. Now, thanks in part to both the right and the left here, its now edgy and cool to be a nazi and like hitler.
Not judging. This man is a businessman. And his business is entertaining adolescents. He's done well for himself considering.
See now you are posting Pepe because WE were the one who made it mainstream.
Everyone knows cuck started on BB forums Misc
nah...giving a shit what 2 adults do in private is one thing
try and push that on YOUR home its another
a lot of his videos are like that, like he'll leave a nazi book out or something, or call his doll goebbels
I thought this guy did autistic minecraft videos for kids.
I can't believe I'm finding pewdiepie funny.
They've been trying to do that for years already.
See now you're just deliberately baiting as damage control for being legitimately retarded
>live pepe
consider you guys lucky
The positition, as you should know, is hereditary.
Gustav Vasa became our king after we overthrew the Danish king of Sweden and broke of the Kamlar Union, we can of course do the same thing for PewDiePie.
don't let this pepe go to waste lads
>I thought this guy did autistic minecraft videos for kids.
he did but i actually find him funny now
You've all destroyed an otherwise normal goy enjoying he shekels Jewgle is giving him in exchange for his dignity and racial pride.
Look at what you've done to him, you goys!
>pewdiepie is unironically funny and based now
This timeline is too much for me to handle
Successful bait.
Goodjob man haha
forward to 0:30
Think it might be a bit older than that you little retard
>Played Turkey
>Thought Turkey didn't do anything
OH SHIT! Didn't know Svens have a talent for bantz. Maybe he's genetically Strayan.
How long till his "kanye" moment?
that was pretty fucking funny actuallly
Hail Pepe *does roman salute*
cuck didnt start in Sup Forums
Sup Forums meme was from 2014
cuck was being thrown around on pol since 2010. it was started by a lone nigger spamming cuck threads
I can't believe this guy is so popular.
what did he mean by that
Rare Pepe!
>Coming up with anything original
Being saying cuck for yrs. Still remember one of the first times i called some left fag a cuck, he was genuinely offended. Afraid it is losing it's "power" from over use though.
Reminder: He's our guy.
holy shit lmfao
the people staring while he blasts music
Up boat for you! Us teenagers got to stick together, Friendo!
I hope your family dies this Christmas and you are forced to watch. Their last thoughts will be about how they regret you since you ruined everyone's happiness.
Holy fuck I'm having serious deja vu. I swear I've seen this post and the exact same responses before.
>being this new
Rare pepe
Pretty sure it was popularized by bodybuilding misc forum.
When you're chillin' with the kids, you entertain them with a stupid sort of humour. It works. They love it. It means you're good with kids.
Pewdiepie is not stupid, he just knows his audience. And that audience is getting older. He's adjusting his humour accordingly.
This is not a surprising change. I bet that Pewdiepie has no trouble entertaining adults when he chooses to; he seems like a socially adept guy.
"Cuckservative" was the term that started it all off as far as the word being used in a political sence. If you weren't such a newfag redditor you would know this. But you probably think r_Donald started using that word too
Very abstract pepe, I like
please try harder