So, does this mean Colombia wins?


And nothing of value was lost

A plane is pretty valuable.


apparently only 10 injured wtf?

I heard no survivors.
Typical Brazilian football.

Still less of a loss for Brazil than the 2014 World Cup.

Brazil won.


Oh Pablo, you´ve done it again.... from the grave even that´s impressive

I came here to bost that.

If you crash your plane, the sky wins.

Please stop trying.

If you ram an airplane into the earth, the earth wins.

>Please stop trying.

Sure, then I win, right?

Yes. We don't want losers on Sup Forums.

Get them outta here.

How many were eaten?

>Select all airplanes

if you crash your airplane into some buildings who wins?

All of them.


Smells like Colombia.

Why do they love killing football players in that country?

>mfw I have a 21 hour plane trip in December
I'm scared guys

Depends on the play. Ultimately, when it happened last time, the United States may have won the first battle, but Osama won the war.

if a plane engine fails, the engine wins

thats some sweden tier shit right there


I'm going on a plane in two weeks, Kek keep me safe.

What is this gif

Just think of it this way: how many planes land safely every day?

Well, not your's this time.

Kek. Well maybe if there's a few plane crashes now, the bad luck will reset and I my plane will survive.

Joking aside, it's the safest way to travel.

Just not for me.

Like having your numbers pop up during the lottery, it's an extraordinarily rare blessing. But unlike the lottery, when your plane crashes, you win.