Brit/pol/ - GOOD MORNING edition

>A renewed Ukip has Labour in its sights

>Government plays down Brexit notes pic

>Paul Nuttall elected as UKIP leader

>Brexit plans REVEALED? Downing Street blunder gives glimpse into May's exit strategy

>'We have had ENOUGH' Populist leader condemns EU for making Italians 'SLAVES' of Brussels

>Ed Balls rules out return to politics after Strictly Come Dancing elimination

>Stop asking us to deliver the impossible, trusts urge ministers

>Sexual abuse of girls in schools is accepted as part of 'lad culture', government report warns

>Minister heckled over his response to humanitarian airdrops in Syria

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Imperial Leather

Why do they pretend to leak stuff when everyone knows they clearly did it on purpose?

A real tune to start your day

>when everyone knows they clearly did it on purpose

Not true. Just look at Brit/pol/; when Theresa May's team "accidentally" leaked those rumours that she might, maybe, if the wind is blowing the right way and she feels like it, try and open some new grammar schools, they went absolutely apeshit screeching about how based she was and how they knew she was a real conservative all along, a true patriot and lover of tradition... snore... etc etc

What became of that "policy", I wonder?

Morning lads

who /just home from wage cucking/ here?

When everyone lies routinely and openly all that's left is plausible deniability. They still just about have to pretend

>"expand" existing grammar schools
>Half of Tory MPs are against it

Give me a shout when the HoC actually repeals Blair's laws banning any new grammar schools from being opened, until then it's just hot air and wider hallways for ones in Kent

What they try and go for and what they'll get are two different things

>It's a 'shift my stance and pretend that's what I meant all along' episode

I don't think they will even attempt to get a hard brexit. Not with May in power anyway.


Just woke up for work lads

>The Polish prime minister has spoken to Theresa May about the possibility of teaching Polish as a language in British schools during a bilateral meeting between the two leading politicians.

>Beata Szydło said she also raised the possibility of cooperation between universities in the two countries with hopes for a Polish chair at Cambridge University and more student exchanges.

>“I hope we can reach an early agreement on this issue, providing certainty for Polish citizens here and British people living in Europe.”, said May.

>teaching Polish as a language in British schools


Reminder to bang death metal and find inner truths before you think you're hot shit on Sup Forums

Is Nuttall any good lads?

Is he going to Make Britain Great Again?

Good morning.

Bow down before my superior sleeping schedule

tbf Poles are better than most immigrants, they just need to learn to speak English mostly.


You expect them to spell out exactly what they're up to?

We don't know for who's eyes this information was reveal or how it was supposed to make them react.

Not sure how else you expect them to do this sort of leak desu.

>Polish chair at Cambridge University
>more student exchanges.
>possibility of teaching Polish as a language in British schools.
Nothing wrong with this part though tbqh, it's no more pointless than teaching French.

Nuttall is Eddie Hitler.

He's a joke, mate.

Great. We should secure the north with him, and it prevents Evans the infiltrator from gaining leadership.

Is this a picture of the mystery Scottish racist?

Nuttall is a Neoliberal, he's doomed in the North.

Is Nuttall hip to the Paki issue?

I always got the impression that Nige liked to focus on Poles and other EU immigrants rather than the real problem.

With Paul Sykes and Arron Banks gone they aren't going to be securing fuck-all, they're bleeding money

There is a blog article by him calling them rapists and monsters somewhere, I will have a look if you want more than just my word

Not if he focuses on issues like crime and social policy, he's very in tune with the working-class on those

let them come

Well, both Nuttall and Nige wanted to end EU immigration (white Christian Catholics from Poland) and replace them with selected immigrants from the Commonwealth (black and brown Muslims, mostly).

doing a poo

You're talking shit, fuck off.

Nigel was aware of the Paki issue (look up Nigel Farage Islam UK or UKIP in Rotherham) but he very much did avoid the issue. Nuttall is aware of the Paki problem, not sure how vocal he'll be though.

Has potential of killing off labour in the north.


Any proof to back up this insinuation whatsoever?

"Nigel Farage confirms that he’ll be returning to USA next week to meet “all sorts of people”."

What a fucking disgrace he's become.

Godfrey Bloom warned as far back as 2014 that chasing fame would be the end of him

Looks like they are pushing for the right the remain for expats on both sides.
So don't expect any Poles to leave.

Given we're looking to close our borders with them inside they're probably here forever.


Nige fucking said it.

Vote BNP, or fuck off.

I miss Bloom. They shouldn't have kicked him out just because the media made a fuss about an out of context remark.

Nothing wrong with that. What makes him a disgrace?

The BNP will never be elected. You're living in a fantasy land.

He's doing more harm than good now, needs to fuck off home and retire desu.

A vote for UKip is a vote to stop white Christians moving to the UK. A UKip vote is a vote for brown Muslim immigration...

Fuck that.

The fact that he spends more time in America for the BTC and alt-right circus crowd than he spends here actually fighting for Brexit.

You posted a Catholic

He had to go in the end, his ultra-libertarian stance was electoral poison. I remain convinced that traditionalism and the free market to the extent he encouraged aren't compatible, and traditionalism always gives out first in the cases of these people

>Waste your vote, or fuck off


He is better over there in my opinion. He has quite a bit of influence over Trump, for an outsider, anyway. UKIP is slowly falling apart, and would have done so even under Farage.

We need to focus on getting ourselves a better Tory PM, instead of that bitch May.

UKip have one fucking MP. They stand zero chance of getting another.

Whereas the BNP!?

The BNP have fuck all, you delusional fuckwit.

Fighting for white people in the UK. Not encouraging more brown Muslims.

So, you're ok with voting for Ukip, a party that wants more brown Muslims?

>Fighting for white people in the UK.
>He says, while shilling for mass slav immigration.
Some 'nationalist' you are.

I vote Conservative.

>wants Muslim Pakis over white Christians

You are the problem.

Wew lad

You will be first to die in Nuttall's execution stadiums which are just large-scale reconstructions of Hillsborough

>I vote Conservative.

Then you're a Neoliberal cunt.

Can't believe shills still push this line

mornin lads

is it just me or has Sup Forums been fucking boring recently?

I would die as a proud Conservative.

you realise we already teach french, spanish, german, italian etc

im assuming you went to school lmao, surely you already know this


You don't like the truth?

>Pretends it has to be a choice.
No, YOU are the problem Pawel.

Based Eric pointing out rightly that the rate of noncery in faggots is far higher than in the general public

>tfw you're ready to crash out and you find a bunch of cold ciders in the fridge you forgot about


>surely you already know this
YKTD is brain damaged, expect nothing of him or you will be disappointed.

It's not just you.


get a job you drunk

So I know what Corbyn said about Castro, but what did other party leaders say?

I hope none of them said he was great, I still can't believe that statement Trudeau gave out from Canada

>"proud Conservative"


>Forgets that she was forced out of office by the Pro-EU faction of her own party who then took over completely and have only dug their feet in further ever since

UKip publically support selective immigration from India and Africa; they've said they want more blacks in the country.

You support this?

you, uh, get a job

Farron was actually quite fair, criticised castro for human rights abuses

SNP were jizzing themselves over how great he was

please don't post BLOODY RACISTS in reply to me, thanks x

Well said, civic chum!!

>SNP were jizzing themselves
Just had to look that up, good god what the fuck is wrong with these people celebrating him? They surely have to be mentally deficient

The problem with Thatcher is that all the good she did has been reversed, whilst the bad she did still effects the country to this day.

She also did fuck-all about Labour's damaging social reforms despite having an open goal to do so for several years, as well as conspired to make sure that they didn't get replaced by the SDP

what did he mean by this?

Die in a fire, you anime loving faggot.



The IDs - what


Technical difficulties, now fixed

Why is hank hill the epitome of evolution?

ban evading?

Good riddance.

Not so fast phoneposter

>May is a based conservative like us!! She'll save the country!!! Haha Mummy May! Hahah!

Of course not, or the tripcode would also be banned. Just internet troubles, part and parcel of having shite access in the post-industrial wastelands

>Phoneposter using named .pngs

Theresa May is scum and I can't wait for the day she leaves office.

t. "Proud Conservative"?

Who else would you have preferred out of interest, it's very rare you meet a Tory that isn't rabid for May at the moment