It's almost Christmas and I've always wanted to know Sup Forums's opinion on the historical Christmas truce. So, what's your opinion Sup Forums?
Christmas Truce of 1914
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It was a nice thing.
It was a pleasant thing.
It was a positive thing
It was an okay thing.
It was a gay thing.
It was a leaf thing
men fighting a war they didnt give a fuck about just trying to stay sane
We white people are the epitome of warriors. When we fight each other we cast aside differences on days meant for family. We turned war to an industrial meat grinder yet can lay down arms on a particular day.
the last act of chivalry in the west
It was an agreeable thing.
It was a decent thing
it was a pretty good thing
It must have been very awkward. I doubt they got along well, after losing friends to them.
It was a miraculous thing
It was nice. After all, we won most of the football matches.
White men fighting a jew war stopped on a jew holiday.
Well the Germans won the football match 3-2 apparently, so some things dont really change
it was a magical thing.
This is probably true but I think both sides harboured more resentment to the people making them do it, than the guys across no man's land shooting at them
the battalion (I think, not too sure of size) of soldiers from here in Liverpool just killed the Germans as they approached because they knew they would be back to killing each other the next day anyway
It never happened or is greatly exaggerated
Christian European brotherhood, in opposition to indifferent elites who only want war.
One of the great moments of WWI.
It was a great thing.
It was different on different sections of the front you twat, some parts of the trenches didnt even have a truce. Those that did usually had commanders that were far away enough from HQ to get away with it for a day or few hours
Only whites are capable of such thigs
you are going to die some day anyway, just kill yourself now
I want to know who took a football
It was a swell thing.
A lot of soldiers refused to fight after the truce knowing they will kill the same people they had a discussion few hours ago , so they got moved somewhere else . Fucking war
Why am I not suprised
why play football with someone who is likely going to kill either you or your friends when you can kill them and stay alive
scousers are savages, I do not dispute this
They Hayes their own officers and governments more at that time. Each side realized that the soldiers in the other trenches were just like them. Christians wanting to celebrate Christmas.
The whole war was a waste of Europe.
This actually made my night, hopefully the next as well.
Europeans are incredibly beautiful, inside and out.
Then why didn't you do it in 1915, 1916, 1917, and 1918?
Bolsheviks were absolutely correct about WW1, meaningless war where poor die and rich make money.
All nationalists on both sides were pro-war and only commies were redpilled.
Actually infantry for the most part went out of their way not to shoot at the enemy in WWI and WWII. Turns out most people who aren't sociopaths don't want to kill. Especially not other Europeans.
They made such truces capital offences afterwards.
Cucks and defeatists
The christmas truce is just propaganda
The real story of ww1 is live and let live
>This behaviour was found at the small-unit level, sections, platoons or companies, usually observed by the "other ranks", e.g., privates and non-commissioned officers. Examples were found from the lone soldier standing sentry duty, refusing to fire on exposed enemy soldiers, up to snipers, machine-guns teams and even field-artillery batteries.
The Higher Commands, Division, Corps and Army Commanders and their staffs, were aware of this tendency towards non-aggression, and would sometimes analyse casualty statistics to detect it. Raids or patrols were often ordered to foster the correct "offensive spirit" in the troops.
Once again dying for government and corporations is not noble at all
Tolkien took a while to warm up to the idea that Germans weren't evil, the average brit probably never did.
t. Stupid cucks who thought there was anything romantic or honorable about war
Funny how the truces stopped when the shells started flying and the gas started rolling in
Except they then began continously warring against their neighboring countries themselves, only this time it was for jewish communists rather than rich folks and noblemen.
It was a holiday thing.
All the fags of Sup Forums, sorry I meant flags of Sup Forums will be tilted in a show of camaraderie. Burger will converse with Turkroach, Aussie will discourse with Leaf under a thousand points of light in a kinder gentler moment on the board of Peace. The Christmas truce of 2016. The crowning glory of a truly marvelous year.
Actually, it would be interesting to see a "Sup Forums Christmas Truce of 2016" event.
After all, the Great Meme War isn't really over and it could be great bantz.
You are now aware that the christmas truce was attacked by the jewish media in germany and this is indirectly part of the reason for low german morale during the war.
>Burger will converse with Turkroach
Or a Christmas Truce with CTR and the whole sjw crowd .............. nah. Sometimes Christmas can be taken too far.
Turkroaches don't believe in Christmas so they can get fucked
Is that you Karl
I wouldn't imagine a Christmas truce between the Turks and the Anzacs. Maybe I'm wrong.
>One of the great moments of WWI
One of. One of the other ones must have been the 1917 mutinies and multi-national deserter camps. How much of a thing were they? Not like 'the Man' is going to advertise that sort of shit.
That's proof that goys who are fighting in war are human, and kikes who are causing war are not.
Therefore kikes must be gassed.
Men telling their governments to piss off and reminding themselves of the enemies humanity for a day.
Such honor has been lost to time
You wouldnt understand, you'd have to go real far out of normal to understand.
Firstly there were those who shared your sentiment and refused to fraternize; they kept to themselves. But for most of those guys, they had been through fucking hell, shattered any previous held concepts of normalcy. Football was something that tethered them to "Back home" something which allowed reprieves from the psyche shattering horrors of watching guys you knew get killed. Even if it was with the enemy, it helped maintain some sense of humanity, and in another sense, helped maintain theirs as well.
And if you're that far in a christmas truce, fuck it, why not play football? Gonna get court martialed for stopping fighting anyways
>a Christmas truce between the Turks and the Anzacs
Kek no that would never happen, hell muzzies dont even have the same holidays. They respected each other as tenacious bastards on both sides, thats about it.
The way Christmas should actually be celebrated.
Not with fucking spoiled brats lining up to see some bearded pedophile in a red suit at the local strip mall.
The Christmas Truce was such unbelievably bad publicity for the pro-war lobbies that commanders on both sides made truce and fraternization with the enemy a treasonable offense.
By 1915, soldiers were basically under orders (on pain of death) to kill the enemy under any circumstances and give little-to-no quarter for captured or wounded enemy soldiers. The fighting became so dishonorable, bloody, brutal, and barbaric that even if soldiers were allowed to offer truce, neither side would have been willing to hold up their end of it and would probably gas or open fire on each other.
The piles of dead Jews, POWs, Roma, Japs, and miscellaneous Slavs would suggest otherwise.
it was a unique thing
>All deaths in WWI and WWII were caused by infantry
>Once again dying for government and corporations is not noble at all
Yep, this war was absurd (more than most others anyway) and the soldiers rapidly realized it, despite the propaganda.
It really activate my almonds when I hear that French soldiers died for our country, because truly they died for fucking nothing over fucking nothing apart the blood thirst and the avidity of the elites.
Casting a vote of support for this idea. Something to push for in a couple weeks.
In some alternate universe it spread everywhere and war was abolished forever. Humanity pooled its resources and intelligence to achieve interstellar flight, colonizing other worlds.
Beautiful but stupid. You convince soldiers to kill by dehumanizing the enemy. You make them spend Christmas with each other, goodluck convincing them to shoot their new friends. Only whites are capable of such empathy and that is why we're being genocided
Does this look like the work of a tank, aircraft, or warship to you?
>some commie jew fuck getting his head blown off
Please do post more, I need to expand my masturbation folder.
Do you not realize war is the reason we got so far? War breeds innovation, and only the strongest culture wins. If we were at peace all the time, we would never change. Greece would've never spread its philosophies. Rome would've never spread its technology. And so on
The last moment whites were united despite the Jews' meddling
Tip top edge you dumb fuck.
War destroys. That's what distinguishes it from peace. You don't get richer from blowing up things that you own.
Go join the army and die yourself if you think its so important.
The orders on the German side at least were to fight, not make peace. The participating soldiers should have been shot for disobedience.
Discipline has to be maintained, after all.
No it wasn't, in fact it was the laugh dying breath of an old era where shit like pitched battles and gentlemanly agreements were somewhat common in war.
a few moments of sanity in what was otherwise hell on earth
spot the line officer
Sup Forums is a board of peace, and like all the non-psycho people here I think it was a thing to be proud of.
It could have had huge consequences if more soldiers had known some sort of lingua franca to communicate with others. Communication is the key.
I've read that the real reason of the truce was that soldiers, even if they couldn't understand a word, recognized the memetic Christmas melodies they shared.
Don't let your memes be dreams.
Pretty much in every war, technology advances. Why we invented the rocket. Why is both our countries exist. It drives nations to out do their enemy in order to survive, giving them the push they need to invest in developing new technologies. So in that way, war does create.
If I was an officer during WW1, I would have lured the Aryans into No man's Land with the pretense of a truce, then have my machine gunners open fire on them when the Aryans are sufficiently close and without weapons to defend themselves with. Bayonets would be used to finish off the survivors. We celebrate the great victory by drinking away Christmas with the booze captured from the enemy's trench.
After the truce the officers were ordered to make sure it didn't happen again, (((they))) wanted to make sure as many goys kept fighting and dying as possible.
>The whole world had gone insane and the infantrymen knew it.
"hey let's all die because some slav killed some austrian guy", britain and france were just trying to play world police
Spot the leaf who studied history on comics
No more fratricidal war :(
Was waiting for someone to post this, Sup Forums never fails. Kek
You Europeons are too civil in your wars, in America, if our enemy isn't a smoking crater, then the job isnt quite done.
Yeah, tell us about how many wars you fought!
Pretty damn neat. Reminder that humans can act humane and even nicely towards their enemies.
I wouldn't talk, the Swiss always benefited from wars, be it selling mercenaries, or hording jew gold
It was a conspiracy funded by the Rothschild family.
t. pol
As a country who have successfully make three european peoples live peacefully together for centuries, I think that we are pretty much able to speak for European cooperation.
These wars have contributed to the state of the world today. Switzerland is affected as much as any other country.
You from TRS?