Why do most Americans fear Mexicans?
Why do most Americans fear Mexicans?
It isn't fear it's acknowledgment of what they could do
It's like owning a bunch of very expensive china and you keep it on display in a room. Then one day a monkey comes in and starts to play with some of your china and breaks it, you want to kick it out but your wife hates her species and protects the monkey's "right to be there". You don't fear the monkey, you just hate it because it can destroy your shit.
T. Mexican intellectual
I hate cholos
i don't like living next to rabid dogs
the word you're looking for is hate.
mexicans aren't half as scary as they like to think they are.
Take a look at Mexico.
because all hispanic majority countries in the world are absolute shitholes... and all the hispanics are trying to come here and make our country majority hispanic too
Racism, plain and simple.
This, I'd take a pack of niggers over a pack of cholos any day.
Fear? No, more like distrust. I distrust Mexicans that can't speak English well, the working legal citizens are alright.
Amerindian scum are not scary. They are just pathetic and useless and ruin our nation.
sorry the real mexicans make us look bad. i'm 3rd generation and consider myself white. same with all my friends. they assimilate, it just takes a few generations.
Nobody fears poop.
People avoid poop because it's disgusting, unsanitary, bodily waste.
most americans dont fear any one group. Most americans fear a threat to their way of life by people who immigrate here, and refuse to follow the rules. Furthermore, they activly seek to just create a duplicate of what they had back home instead of contributing to their new country.
We fear parasites, both internal and external. now you know. fuck off.
Because they are savages. The worst gangs in the Southwest are Mexican.
probably bc he has a shotgun...
>i'm 3rd generation and consider myself white
you have to go back
Idk man the only real problem I have with them is they vote Democrat, other than that nothing. For the most part they don't rape our women like niggers do, they keep their violence in their own neighborhoods, they actually have a culture unlike nigs and muslims, their girls are OK, actually work, and secretly admire the white man. But dammit they vote blue
I'm not afraid of Mexicans. I just wish they would shave, wash, wear a suit and speak my language. If you think that's racist then you're a fucking idiot.
>Aren't half as scary
There still pretty fuckin scary tho
I can give a fuck what you fuck think, I actually went out and served this country I love on 2 tours in the army, one Afghanistan and one more of a vacation, but I still did more for this country I live than most of you Fags, I also voted for Trump. God bless America
The guy in the middle needs to learn to keep his finger off the trigger!
>all hispanic majority countries
This isn't true I've traveled to Colombia, Chile, Peru, DR, even northern and central Mexico they had their transportation issues and stuff but overall it wasn't close to the doom and gloom Ann Culture presents
Where the fuck is Hector, he should be posting by now..
Even Mexicans fear other Mexicans.
The same reason we fear the Zerg.
I do t fear Mexicans
I want them to stay in Mexico and do some goddamn work to make their own country more like the US.
That's a nice collection you got there. Wanna trade?
Mexican nationalism would look pretty awesome
the only testimony that matters is that flag above your post. Would you want your grandkids to grow up in Colombia?
demography is destiny
This is so true, fuck narcos
Mexicans are far poorer than americans. Poor people are more likely to be rapists, murderers, drug dealers and some even carry third world diseases. They don't belong in America, they belong in their own hell hole.
Fucking kek, he's holding a hi-point.
If Mexicans want to visit the US, nobody wants to prevent them from doing so. If they want to become US citizens, nobody wants to prevent them from doing so. We've had immigration laws for quite some. It might not surprise you to learn Hillary was all for deporting illegal aliens when Bill was in office. She only gave a fuck about Mexicans because she wanted their vote. She was pro Russia as well until she realized she couldn't get anything out of them. This is not to say Trump hasn't pulled 180's and continues to pull 180's. They're both power seeking status grabbing cunts who care about themselves before anyone else. We had some good presidential candidates, but they weren't Hollywood enough to bring in the ratings.
Who will mow my lawn?
Nobody should be scared. We are ok.
Because we are more macho, than you American cucks. We hit and rape women, we shoot for fun and we go though all the law loopholes and bankrupt the shit out of them until no more money then we move on or revolutionize. This is coming from a spic that Americans are not doing their job protecting themselves and the country.
Mexico is in America ya stupid American.
Dont worry the fact you are here on this forum shows that the plan is working. Have fun surviving the next century snakeeaters
Fake image.
If these were average mexicans their heads wouldn't still be on their shoulders.
My sides
We don't fear you Pedro, we just want you to be American first.
we have the best food. Our plan is to extint whites from america in 2030.
That's actually very true, damn nigga now I'm craving carne asada.
they're not really scared, just annoyed they will be competing for the majority in the future. the mexicans and aryans have a mutual respect just based on business for the drug trade. but when shit does eventually hit the fan it'll probably start off in the prisons
good job burger you make underrated post
Trump wants to ship the illegals in prison back first.
>You have to quit saying that
Not every single beaner is illegal ya know
I also voted trump so he could deport the boomers
Those cartels are pretty savage.
>mossberg shotgun
>hi-point pistol
>Tfw when I own both those guns too
>Tfw I'm mexican
>orale homes we cholos now
not this one, if he doesn't escape first
because they're dangerous psychopaths. they broke into my house 2 days before christmas and stole the most trivial shit and caused damage just for the sake of it. they're also incredibly ugly
How do you know they were mexican?
Do you really need all that faggot tact shit on your shotgun?
stop acting like a nigger
he is lying
Everything except the pistol grip and side saddles is currently offline. My wife got me the whole kit for Christmas so I threw it all on to take a picture to make her happy, and that's the only one I have with both guns in it.
white people are scared of everything
desu, the illegals are poor and uneducated (for the most part). all the legals that i know are pretty decent and tend to be educated.
its bc you came here killing and raping injuns and niggers.
>sorry the real mexicans make us look bad. i'm 3rd generation and consider myself white.
You mean the mexicans that live in Mexico and don't ever go to burgerland?...Nah go fuck yourself ''Mike Hernandez''. You are as white as Argentina claims to be.
All that shit will just get you killed while fumbling around turning random lasers on. Take it all off ,trust me.
All people with more that 25% spic blood are literal subhuman trash who are not even worth trying to connect with. Niggers are far better than the bottom quarter of spics
Why are so many mexicans bald?
My Mauser is worth 10x both of those guns and it sits on my wall
Hell my bayonet is worth more than both of them
spanish genes.
The same reason so many australians are bald. Genetics, hormonal acitivity and metabolism cunt
They shave their heads to look tough.
>Did you do it so you could hold some moral highground?
>Are you signaling virtue with this?
niggers better than us?
look central africa and compared it to latin american and spain
Why do you not live there then?
All that proves is they are better at survival than you are too.
>tfw you are conquered because you think white people are Gods
Sucks that one of us made such a bad impression on your beta-ass :(
they don't want to turn into south america 2.0 can hardly blame them the only things south america exports is corruption and dictators
I am not an aztec, I am white.
>muh dick
Literally nigger tier.
Mexico is in North America.
How is that a bad thing?
you whiteys born with little winnies, thats why you are so mad at hispanics and blacks.
You've come to eat out our substance. No better than locusts
Low IQ. Aggressive. Pack mentality. Demands welfare. Incredibly lazy. Criminal predisposition. Awful culture... I could go on.
They're wild animals. Genetically inferior, smelly, spanish mongrels. I pity them really. So uncouth.
Completely understandable why Americans would hate such an unruly beast. You have my sympathies.
I'm 6 foot 190 pounds with two white children. I have already known success that you could never even dream of
Because they use hipoints. *gag*
Who is the qt on the left? I'd like to impregnate that.
They can be invaders from south.
Who would be afraid of an entire race of overweight manlets?
At least Amerifats are tall.
He's right though. You really do have to go back.
Blas de lezo.
still south american tier lets not pretend otherwise
we are different to those simians.
Don't address someone of higher status in your primitive language you filthy beaner.
Shut up leaf
I am Spanish like him stupid nigger muzzie.
Mexican ashamed of being mexican
>pack mentality
Stay mad my brown friend.
The majority of mexicans have spanish blood.
you are the agressive ones stupid crackers, you killed all indians in the planet hahahahahha
Majority of Americans have non American blood. Still American. Mexican.
i bet he held that shotgun up to his face and got a face full of steel ahahaha