ITT: We solve the NEET problem

In the USA 1 in 8 males from 25-54 have dropped out of the working world (no job and not looking).

In the 1960s only 1 in 29 working age males was not working or looking for work.

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forced labor

until your statistic is correlated with race i won't be interested

is that fucking pedobear on his shirt


Kick him out of the house with a grand or two. Wait for five years, he'll come back relatively normal after a while. Don't give him any cash beyond the initial seed money. If he blows it all and spends a week or two starving, he'll learn a valuable lesson.

If not, nothing of value was lost.

Imprison them in work camps.

That's the most depressing picture I've ever seen. They just want their boy to have a good time. And he's dead inside.

you sound like a boomer desu

Automatically register them for the draft and submit them to mandatory training and service for 3-6 months a year until they get a job.

>They just want their boy to have a good time. And he's dead inside.

>Make a concerted effort to remove male role models from boys lives
>Make a concerted effort to discourage and demean boys from being masculine
>Make a concerted effort to deny boys educational opportunities and even trick them into going $100K into debt because "gotta get a degree to be successful"
>make a concerted effort to remove any incentive for a man to become a successful provider to a wife and child
>make a concerted effort make to being a husband and father more risky and unpleasant than playing Xbox and fapping


Required military service works great for other countries, I'd be okay with this so long as both genders have to participate.

Have women that didn't took a mile of random dicks during her early fertile years for them that would make good wives, give them sex whenever they want in exchange of maintenance of her basic needs, bear them a few children and can't leave them for any or no reason taking everything he worked for plus kids. Build societal laws around the idea of protecting the interests, well being and honour of these unions of people..

There, I fixed your problem user.

That could be so great. They could learn something for which there's demand. Mechanics or whatever. Something the military needs and teaches anyway. And then help them find work. It would keep them in shape too, which you should always be. I wish they did this for me. Would have saved me from wasting years of my life. I would have resisted though.
>so long as both genders have to participate
PLEASE NO. Too many women would ruin the whole thing for everyone. It doesn't even matter if they're NEETs.

NEETS: You are depressed because you are unemployed, not the other way around.

You were probably told you were a "gifted" child and expected the world to bend over and pucker up its succulent butthole for you. Success was never something to work for, it was given.


This is one of the most depressingly delusional NEET things I have ever read.

It's okay, the adults here are trying to help you.

Working isn't that great. You'd know it if you tried. I'm thinking about dropping out of the workforce in a few years and just going NEET for a decade with the money I've saved up. And I like my job. It's still slowly killing me inside. I was much happier as a NEET who couldn't afford shit than someone with a job who doesn't get time to enjoy shit.

Thanks for the platitudes dad.

Women are 100% the cause of NEETness. You may argue if it was the women themselves doing this or jews that enabled them, but the demoralization brought by the """liberation""" of women is the cause.


I'm glad I can exclude an entire people from a conversation, especially when they never have anything insightful to say.

I only care about them if they are on government welfare. If their parents support them I don't care.

NEETS aren't depressed, it's the depressed people who are depressed. I'm not depressed, I don't have social anxiety and I still loved being a NEET. Why wouldn't you want to be free, it's like you enjoy being cucked by the man.

all great points. but what's the answer?

Nah, I can work hard. The problem is that aside from low-skill low-wage jobs, employers aren't hiring people fresh out of college.

There just aren't any opportunities. I've sent out so many resumes and can't even get an interview.

I got a 3.8 in an engineering degree so I can't be that lazy.


Do jobs for free just to get experience. If your field is competitive, you're expected to do that these days.

You're wasting your time.
Sup Forums is still full of pussy serving traditionalist cucks

If your college didn't offer you job opportunities right out of the gate you were scammed. The day I got my bachelor's there was a job fair waiting right that was offering positions with bonuses. Colleges pride themselves on "employment after graduation" percentage. You are fucking lazy.

>You are depressed because you are unemployed, not the other way around.
I wagecucked for a while and I almost killed myself. I've never had a tolerable job. It's really just the people you have to work with often. I wish I could just zone out doing physical labor or code. I know how this sounds. No wonder I have problems. Maybe I'd need drugs. I'm contracting now and it's great, but I'm kind of poor. Which is OK.

It all comes down to getting /fit/ first. Once you start noticing a change in your physique you will want more, and gradually everything else comes full circle. Surprisingly, being a fat neckbeard is a depressing and unrewarding lifestyle.

t. Former NEET neckbeard

>It happened differently for me, so that means you fucked up!


dyel virgin detected

Genetics ruined this poor guy. No serious chick would ever sleep with this twink. I'm guessing he was probably ignored in high school and whatever few friends he has left, are all playing video games online.

Man raised by single mothers, unlimited porn, women sexual liberation all lead to this.

No women interested, no kids, why even?

>bullshit excuses


Literally EVERY COLLEGE IN AMERICA wants you to have a job. It helps them just as much as it helps them.

Sorry your liberal arts degree couldn't land you a real job, you piece of trash.

What you say is true but honest question here, do any of this affect you in Turkey? Do you actually have all the poison that women liberation brought to the west there?

college is a meme

STEM is a bigger meme.

Is that based in fact, or is it that your excuse for being uneducated?

In just being completely honest. I went from 270 to 210 this year from very little cardio and tons of calisthenics. Once I made that change, I noticed people started looking at me different and it made me want to keep trying. Didn't take long for me to land a job at the local library after that either. Shit works out once you get /fit/.



I have a better education than you. drop out before it's too late

Holy shit you sure convinced me.


I just told you I got a STEM degree with a 3.8 and latin honors.

I did get fucking scammed. Fucking school didn't help much. I couldn't go to the job fairs because I was working on my senior design project all by myself because my 4 other teammates were entirely useless and didn't do anything.

Like I've said, I've been sending out resumes and can't get interviews. It's not like I didn't do internships during my undergrad either.

uninstall Sup Forums and steam

>tfw never was fat, but always was NEET

poor kid.

STEM is completely saturated with 3rd world immigrants that have created a massive surplus of labor. Stem jobs are paying less. in the last 10 years, engineers have seen a 10% decrease in starting salaries.

It's a total joke. I busted my ass in engineering school and I work as a lab tech for 23/hr nights.

at least I can shit post while working though.

I think about killing myself every day.

more bday cake pics pls

im dyin

t. neet

>get /fit/
Yeah, lifting helps a lot. If you're a NEET you should lift. I mean, you've got time. The discipline and exercise really did me some good. I guess any exercise would, but lifting is more motivating, you boost your STR stat noticeably. It's supposed to help with confidence too I guess.

same here user

You are either a complete liar or a moron.

Any credible college makes deals that offer fresh graduates job opportunities. Corporations get skilled labor at low wages, colleges get to claim that their graduates are guaranteed employment. This has been the case for decades.

If you expect companies to seek you out and throw job opportunities at you because you have a 3.8 GPA with latin honors I literally do not know what to say to you. You do not live in reality.

engineer major?

>We solve the NEET problem
Encourage entrepreneurship. I used to be a NEET, until I decided one day to try stock trading. My first trade netted me $1000. After making a decent profit from daily stock trading, I then switched my attention to establishing a business. I am now the happy (and profitable) owner of a payday loan store.

>you boost your STR stat noticeably.

don't worry. you too will soon be an unemployed engineer.

Great job, leaf. You became a Jew.

Who is this?

>tfw this is LITERALLY me every year
Just fucking kill me. I wish I weren't such a NEET loser.

Yes. Cardio is horrible and just seems to boost some hidden stats I don't care much about. Lifting is best exercise.

at least dad has a job

The red pill rage helped motivate me...I just need to get one of those 'job' things.

Mr Anime.

Bro just do push ups. Every time I do 10 push-ups I get a new line crease in my arm.

The Jew life chose me.

The whole system is fucked up beyond belief right now.

First the high schools indoctrinate students that college degrees are whats important and are the only reason you exist is to go to college.

Colleges for their part are largely state run and love the captive market. But heres the beautiful part: they can set the rules for their captive and life inexperienced students who don't know any better and fleece the shit out of them. Fees here and there, mandatory dorms or meal plans, etc really put the razor the the juggular of incoming students. But thats not even enough, the loan system is also run by the government and its interest rates are high and are structured so that you become a debt slave if you sign the loan.

You can't get rid of it. So in theory the debt slavery should lower the interest rate as the risk is lower but nope FUCK YOU.png

So some kids try to work in the real world for a bit out of necessity in things they don't like. So they may start stocking shelves at a store somewhere or microwave things at a fastfood joint and guess what? Those lovely debt slave loans PUNISH you for having made money on your prior tax forms. So they fuck you in the ass either way. But wait it gets even more hilarious.

The kids that drop out or don't go to college get to live in a world where not having money means you can't make money. Want to make your own startup? FUCK YOU the bank needs to see a physical business location with a rent because they aren't about to loan you business money to your home address for something you run out of your home or car.

But it gets even better than that! Because if you try to manufacture something yourself you'll realize people in turd parts of the world feel proud to earn 15 dollars a day and you'll never compete with that. so what do you do?

You find a cheaper beer you like and drink the fuck up and pretend life isn't a miserable disaster through a lot of things that simply aren't your fault

Yeah but what if I just don't like to work.

The neets will be my army

my personal arm- oh wait

Cardio makes you into an ANIMAL.

Most pro fighters aren't super beefy.

Obviously you cunt, who IS he though? He seems to have killed his family apparently.

Make money in whatever way you can to give yourself the means for a life that you can be satisfied with. That's all that matters.

Sounds like the methadone clinic is in his future.

Its the best route to take out of NEETdom. Getting /fit/ starts to make you feel good about yourself again, plus its just not a bad hobby to have. Once you are confident its not hard to go a gym and start socializing and begin working on that front. Everything comes full circle.

cause in the 60's the population was 95% white burgerbro

Bro, my parents don't even throw me birthday parties. Rock bottom nigga.

Dropping out of college before I got caught in the scam was one of the wisest things I've done. Now that I'm experienced and can see the utility of education for specific fields I'd like to find a way to go back.

Well I'm not lying.

I went to a state school. It's not like colleges give a guarantee that they have to find you a job when you graduate.

>colleges get to claim that their graduates are guaranteed employment.

Sure colleges would wish that all their students get employment but that's not how things work out in reality.

But let's just assume you're right. Shouldn't it still be easy for me to find a job if what you're saying is true? All these companies would be looking for people like me to pay low wages.

>If you expect companies to seek you out and throw job opportunities

I already have said that I've filled out countless job applications.

No, you fucking retards. DO you dumb neckbears realize that the reason that part of the population isn't working is because NO JOBS EXIST THAT WOULD ACCOMMODATE ALL OF THEM?

Even if they wanted to they can't all be put to work.

This. I did stupid amounts of push ups every single day. Unlike lifting, with calisthenics you really can't do "to much".
You will just get more cut.

However the military drug tests, so if they fail a drug test they get kicked out.

How do you prevent that?

how much money have u risked to get 1 grand?

in a way they are doing you a favor

>t. boomer
A grand or two won't even cover the initial month of living, it might cover the next one but you're forgetting that even if the NEET does everything correctly there's still a deposit to pay when renting somewhere so he'll need two months rent up front.

That's actually a good point

I have thought a lot about going back but the lulziest kick the nads is that i didn't have a good time in high school and the colleges think I'm radioactive despite having a normal life after I moved out on my own.

Its horseshit how expensive these colleges are and its even worse in a way that special little snowflakes who had all the advantages get in at some sweet discounts while I'll be told to be grateful for paying out the fucking ass.

I'm dead inside. I used to seriously think about killing myself but now I'm convinced I'll get a life of hardship and maybe I'll hustle a startup into an actual business one day. Life fucking sucks and I feel like a modern day thid class helot to the university and liberal elites I encounter.

Failed mass shooter Trey Sesler.

One of a number of small time youtube anime reviewers making videos about the same time gumpyjisan was getting big.

This speech, while inspiring, is not going to solve ops issue.

Now again, how should society solve its neet problem? Inspirational speakers like yourself?

>i didn't have a good time in high school and the colleges think I'm radioactive despite having a normal life

The fuck did you do in high school?


Instead of kicking them out just put them into mandatory rehab, if they are found using a second time after that prison.

Can't solve this problem without being a bit authoritarian.

>Complain about NEETs existing
>Then make it a living hell for them to try and get a job

Fuck off faget.

I lived in a home where my dad beat the shit out of things he didn't like and my mom covered for him, I was rebellious and a bit distracted. I ended up with a 2.8 something overall and the college officials I've talked to feel I should be honored to be allowed to enter campus to enroll through the front door instead of some probationary acceptance.

Either way I can't actually afford school and the loans are scary as fuck.

I mean I guess that works but then you would just have them in prison rather than being neet.

Isn't them being in prison and costing tax money worse for society than them being neet and living with their parents?

I don't believe anything anyone here claims about stock trading after going on /biz/.

So much lying and bullshit.

what percentage of NEETs are niggers/spics/asians?

Bitch nigga