If Germany had won WW2, would the world be a better place today?
If Germany had won WW2, would the world be a better place today?
>literal Nazis
Anyone who says otherwise is from plebbit.
Could it be any worse
you wouldnt be a live unless ur a spic
you're missing croatia from that map
Croatia is part of Hungary there
JIDF already got caught red handed posting the politics strawpoll and yet Fascist+NatSoc beat almost all the other categories combined, and I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they opened our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes hell I could even lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot to ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
>No UN
>No EU
>No multiculturalism
>Communism ended early
>No wars for Israel
Sounds good to me.
Why does our flag still have to consist of leaves?
Ding ding ding
It was the "N"DH for a reason though.
According to "The Man in the High Castle", it didn't work out so well.
If Germany won WW1 it would be better than Germany winning WW2.
If you go by "The Greatest Story Never Told" then yes, it would have been a jew free paradise.
>according to holowood propaganda, the enemies of the jews are bad!
yes,western save germany
eastern save japanese
perfect world ever
Because otherwise we couldn't say A FUCKING LEAF.
Philip K. Dick was not Hollywood. Just keepin it real.
If you are white then yea it would be hella sick right now.
Yes, and
I love all of you.
Seriously, stuff like this is giving me hope that we're finally going to turn things around and make the world great again.
No scheming kikes will turn us against one another ever again.
Sieg Heil meine BrĂ¼der
Most likely
Germany wouldnt be able to occupy many countries for very long. Theyd eventually be dealing with a bunch of rebellions.
Serious question. Are you for anti-jewery or also for all non whites to be killed off?
Hello greatest ally, Axis forever :)
nazi europe
>not nigger
>not madslim
>not cultural marxism
>not feminism
>not war
this is evil,really?
>No League of Nations
>No decolonization
>No Treaty of Versailles
>No Yugoslavia
>Croatia gets to have a border with Bulgaria
>Woodrow Wilson ends his presidency in disgrace
>USSR is cut off by buffer states that gives the Central Powers an excuse to slam them if they try anything
On the downside though:
>Ottoman Empire gets to keep crawling along for a little longer
except for any european australians that are now supposedly under Japanese imperial Rule
Same difference, it's like how people say Trump is bad because he's like Voldemort.
>wish the nazis won
>change history that much probably wouldn't even be born
Kek's dilemma
It's not about who won. It's about western countrys throwing their young men into a meat grinder twice causing a period of cultural stagnation.
Wouldn't have been such a meat grinder if Anglo and burgers didn't supply and ally the commies
No one is for non whites being killed off
>wish the nazis won
>trump elected
>leftists say he's literally hitler 2.0
i guess it worked out after all
Then what are the modern pro-Nazi folks for exactly? Genuinely curious especially after watching the greatest story never told.
I know that if they would have won there wouldn't be genetic displacement levels of immigration in Europe.
Also I think a currency backed by labor is worth a second look
getting them the fuck out of europe and all white countries and making border control much, much stricter
Why do English teachers pretend to be Japanese?
I wouldn't say all white countries. The US is a special place...But out of Europe...Europe is where white people are made.
What about Russians? Considering that they were over run by jews as well, would hitler have rid the jews from Russia and made peace or would he have punished them like he did the polish?
Yes, because Greater Finland would exist
pro tip : they did.
we are over run.
Serious answer.
Yes i'm a literal National Socialist.
No i'm not saying this ironically.
Yes the Germans were the good guys in WW2.
Definitely yes, i think the world would be a better place had we won. All politics aside, i don't think the world could be any worse and disgusting than it currently is.
Now to go to your main question, all this talk about the evil Nazis hating every non white person is pure jew fiction.
So no, i don't hate non whites, i don't want to exterminate them all, i don't want to turn everyone German and neither did Hitler or anyone else in the 3rd Reich.
The differences between races are undeniable, with any race having high and low points. And yes in general some races / nations are objectively better than others because they added more to society / science / art etc.
But there are still plenty great and respectable people in every race / nation.
The whole "you have to go back" meme is serious, yes. But the intention is not meant as a punishment.
Marxism /Globalism / Multiculturalism / Diversity or however it's called this minute is pure cancer and cannot work out, ever. It never has through out history because it's literally impossible.
So we need a strict seperation of the different races. With the best and brighes of each race in charge of their own independant country. This would not only benefit whites but also everyone else.
We could still trade goods and knowledge. We can still travel and exchange culture in a positive way.
This is the only way for all of us to be free, healthy and happy.
Every non white nationalist living in his own country, wanting to preserve his own culture and heritage by beeing free from foreign influence has my full support.
I do know that Europe has a population density problem. I know that Europe doesn't have a lack of middle eastern problem, the middle east has a lack of white people problem.
The world is upside down. what the middle east, America, Mexico need is autistic white people doing what they do best. Autistically building things. Cleaning shit. Fighting entropy.
Not a historian, so I doubt I can give you a real answer, but...
>Germany doesn't fuck with Russia until Europe has been schlonged
>The US pulls out, Germany has to focus on Europe
>We develop the Atom Bomb, share that tech with Russia when Germany inevitably starts on them in a few years
>World is basically embroiled in WWII, extended edition, with China, Canada, and South America getting dragged balls-deep into the mess with the rest of us
>eventually the countries who waited the longest to commit win by attrition, taking the superior tech of their allies and adopting their infrastructure
>China, Russia, or China and Russia take over the Eurasian Continent and drive the Japanese and Germans into endangered status
>The South American nations decide that with almost all of our men dead that the US is up for grabs, and start competing for it
>Canada militarizes in a hurry, India stays a shithole, and everyone just forgets about Africa and Australia for the next decade
this is how you know white people have gone too far lol. I guess I better prepare my gook ass for world war three and hope we're on the good side.
This is high quality post.
I'm pleased to see that there are still some good Germans out there, keep up the good work, user!
China and Russia are most likely gonna nuke the U.S. Maybe think of moving back to the Asian nation of your ancestors.
No, the USA as well.
The US needs European migration not a purge of non Euro's
Would anyone really argue about letting 1 million white people, half a million white chicks in a year?
The Japanese attacked the mainly white USA in WW2...........don't pretend that every culture hasn't done crazy shit before.
Most 3rd world natives cut heads off during wars.
Gehngis Khan the mongol asian was one of the most brutal and is one of the greatest mass murders of all time, and you probably have some of his blood in you if you're asian.
>would hitler have rid the jews from Russia and made peace
Probably. He was already helping the White Russians to set up a state to overtake the USSR. Look up the Lokot Autonomy.
Russia won't nuke the US, and China needs us to buy their shit, so I don't see that happening unless we restrict all trade from them and their economy collapses.
Free, homogenous nations for all people.
Yes the US is a special place because compared to most other places, especially Europe, it just doesn't have that long of a history. The land itself belongs to the natives, but the civilization there now was build by whites.
So what should happen to the US imo is, all the non whites should be sent back to their home continents, except for the native Americans. They should be given a fair slice of land and form their own independent nation there.
Thousands of Russians voluntarily fought for Germany because they wanted to free their country from the communist kikes. And thousands of Russians today wave Reich flags or have swastika tatoos and so on for the same reason.
Those stories about us hating Slavic people are just as false and retarded as the non white hate stories.
Croatia, Slovakia and Ukraine were our brothers then and they are now.
South America was pretty much US puppet states at the time.
>China in warlord mode
>South America basically American puppets at the time
I don't think you thought this through. If anything the end of the Monroe Doctrine would just lead to South America being recolonized by spics and japs.
Europe wouldn't argue, because only experts would hop over to make some money, and all the deadbeats dreaming a dream of america which won't come true. Oh, and the gyppos. Do enjoy getting all of our gyppos.
Only if Italy remained (unlike today) a strong, independent nationalistic state that ruled the Mediterranean, and Japan was left to do its own thing. Hell, if Japan had won ww2 I'd be speaking Japanese today, seeing as NZ would be a Japanese Island and all that
Hitler had an admiration for the Muslim world (Suprise), Germans have an amazing ability to self cuck when they're just starting to do well. Italy would of been a safeguard.
Better in some ways, worse in others
anyone who has actually taken history classes will see through your dumbass logic. But okay. How is Japan attacking the US considered to be crazy shit? How many tribes / and their total populations actually cut off heads? Gehngis Khan was a conqueror, yes, but you stated that he was 'brutal'? What? Calling him a great mass murderer?
Are you for real? Do you not realize that China and Russia are not in some kind of secret pact, and both are totally rational actors?
Jesus christ.
Absolutely, and I'm not being ironic. Liberalism and Marxism and those responsible for it are poison to our world.
This map is broken.
Australia would never have been beaten, ever.
At least the Gyppos would have a chance here. There is too many people in Europe. The population density is to high.
Stop letting in migrants, deport every fucking one who has came in the last 10 years... and start migrating out.
dumb americunt
You need to read a book about Gehngis Khan there are some good ones out their, he was vicious.
most of the american natives, african, and polynesian tribs beheaded enemies, or as sacrifices.
and yes it was crazy for Japan to attack the USA directly considering we weren't even participating in the Pacific theater at that time, but focusing on the European theater providing ships and weapons. The japs could have taken most of the Pacific and australia with no contest really.
You know blacks were better treated in Germany than in the USA during that time period.
See Jesse Owens
Thumbs up.
>much classical liberal vs. American Liberalism.
They are the antithesis of a liberal but they call themselves liberals...No matter what you say to them
Liberalism in the united states means leftism in europe.
why white people hate nazi?
nazi is white people savior
Thank you mein Freund.
Kudos to you as well, be safe and keep fighting the good fight. No matter how much they try to silence us, remember that we have the truth on our side. So we are bound to win.
And i also am often ashamed and angered by the stupidity of some of my countrymen. But trust me there are still sane people here.
Which is kind of a miracle, since we lost our freedom in 1945 and ever since we're occupied by foreign forces, by military troops, by a state controlled media, by enduring extensive reeducation (read brainwashing) by forcing hordes of 3rd worlders onto us and by a complete lack of personal rights like freedom of speech.
But we're still here, the eternal nemesis of the "chosen people"
>itt: 3rd reich dindu nuffin
Why you mad?
>draining the mediterranean
only wops would think this a good idea
No, because then the jews could slowly infiltrate and rot Germany from the inside out. If Hitler won, a strict policy of nationalism and the purge of jewry would assure a longer, more prosperous and more advanced future.
Killing poles and other slavs wasn't very nice desu
sorry lad you had your chance to join germany a bit before ww2
Recognizing or even admiring someones strenghts doesn't mean you want to watch them screw your women.
Hitler didn't want the muslims to move into Europe. He wanted a healthy relationship with them in the future.
That's not bad and muslims back then were different back then.
Just listen to Leon DeGrelle explaining it
You're not completely wrong, but on the subject of Japan beeing crazy for attacking you, you're missing vital information.
They didn't really had any other options because of your embargos.
The US was participating in the war on the allies side, long before Pearl Harbor.
Roosevelt was either a kike or the dumbest man in the world. Either way he's the worst traitor to your people ever.
Nothing wrong with picture. Croatians can't wait to be someone's lapdog.
Yes, it really would be. People would be working and our education and health would be improving and actual research would be funded rather then researchers having to beg for money.
To all intents and purposes, Germany did win WWII.
But germany already won
More than any europ country
not really. there would be a cold war between the reich and the USA. the USA would still be a dmeocracy, in fact it woudl likely be moar left wing. in our timeline the US went right to resist communism, in a nazi world there is every chance they would go left. most of u amerifags would still be stuck in a liberal democracy
>The US was participating in the war on the allies side, long before Pearl Harbor.
I said that, we were helping England for years. I just said that we probably wouldn't have gotten involved in the Pacific if the Nips didn't directly bomb us. We pretty much were just in the Atlantic. Then when France came calling we helped them on D Day etc etc.
I hate Churchhill, that mother fucker wouldn't make a peace treaty with Hitler cause "muh Anglo pride and empire", fuck him and his kike bankers controlling him, he sent the white race back decades and lead to the world we have now.
The only reason Hitler went into France was he was pissed about WW1 and wanted to pull that train car out and make those fuckers surrender like they made the Germans in WW1 Treaty of Versaille.
Maybe for white people, but I don't like big government and socialism so I'd say anarchy would be better for all of us.
What they won?
Bing replaced by niggers and muslims?
If Germany had won WW1, the world would definitely have been a better place
Yes, but stop dwelling in the past and start fixing the future.
Godspeed you, man. You got the right idea.
Hard to tell, realistically.
If the NatSoc policies stayed the same, and were spread globally, then yes absolutely. However if, like Communism, human corruption took over, or there is some unforseen circumstance of NatSoc on a large scale, then it's hard to tell how successful it would have been.
It'd still be better if they had.