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music is haram
they're subhuman trash. what do you expect, syrup nigger?
I wouldn't stand for that gay bullshit either, lol.
I thought Canada prided itself on being a post-state state. Wouldn't overt nationalistic rituals like playing a national anthem and *gasp* standing in unison while its playing be considered completely anathema to what it means to be Canadian?
That's our prime minister. The majority of Canadians are Nationalistic.
Good point. Those Muslim dogs want to make a point though. They want to deliver an insult, and there's the issue.
We're not. It's relative. Compare us to the yanks. They're off the scale compared to us. Don't kid yourself.
But those women who voted for him because he looks like a Disney prince and the disgusting brown hordes all have a vote equal to yours, and they made their voice heard.
Why would or should they?
There is no god but god.
The Quaran and the word of Mohammed is the only law.
Obeying laws set down by infidels literally makes no sense.
Jehovah's witnesses don't do it either.
Either way, Islam is a supremacist political religion/movement that has no place outside of the Arabian desert.
>The majority of Canadians are Nationalistic.
Not true in the slightest
>hose Muslim dogs
Are you a poo or an afghan faggot or what?
Only commies and ragheads use the word dog as an insult.
You got cucked in the ass
1. You invited them there. It's your duty to provide for your guests, not the other way around.
2. Your Prime Minister, the man who holds the highest office in your land, has said there is no such thing as Canadian identity or Canadian culture. Why respect something that doesn't exist? You are part of a global community, and your anthem is only relevant to a small sub-set of former British colonists. It's not important or applicable to Muslims.
Aboriginals too.
>Standing for leaf nation cuckanthem
>Why would or should they?
>There is no god but god but Allah is not God.
>The Quaran and the word of Mohammed is the only law, because we will murder and torture until it is.
>Obeying laws set down by heathen satanic muslim ragheads literally makes no sense.
Fixed that for you.
Muslims are duty bound to believe that the only legitimate institutions on earth, including legal ones, must be based on the revelation of the Koran and the example of the "prophet".
They furthermore believe that following any other law code than the one "revealed" by "God" is a form of idolatry, as it attributes the power of legislation to a party other than "God". Therefore, they cannot, from a religious point of view, be loyal to an entity other than a legally constituted caliphate which derives its authority from religious legislation.
They usually lie about this in order to increase their number in any given country until such time as they do not have to pretend anymore.
This is all expected. Muslims are our enemies.
Dr. Peterson I thought you loved Canada
When in Rome, do as Romans do. And in this case the targets are wogs. I'm looking to twist the knife here, Paddy. The gloves are off. No more Mr Nice Guy.
> foreigners exercising their right to shit on Canadian values
These fine Muslim gentleman could not be more quintessentially Canadian.
This is not a meme, guys, this is all true, this is what happens when you mix Religion with Politics and an Economy System all in one, it becomes fundamentally incompatible with everything else.
who cares, you hosers havnt shown your country the pride it deserves for a long time. cities overrun by mudslimes and mungs, cucked leaders.
honestly at this point, you just need to let the country finished getting overrun or have a serious revolt by canadian nationalists
>Allah is not God
Muslims believe he is and OP is talking about Muslims.
>because we will murder and torture until it is
That's how strongly many of them believe it to be the supreme law and system of governance.
>Obeying laws set down by satanic ragheads etc etc
Makes sense to Satanic Heathen Ragheads, obviously.
Again - You can disagree with them - But Canada invited them in and respects their culture and beliefs.
Woah there, muricans becoming more creative than using the classical Michael Jordan meme, I am impressed, may Kek bless your efforts my child.
>that look of slight annoyance like his wife is going on about how she misses her cliterous
nothing to see here goyim just some jetlag
I guess Junior hasn't made enough apologies.
Leaf BTFO. From now on it will only get worse.
I know this is b8 but im curious for the rebuttal. Why is the only of a god being right? Why are we not simulations, why are we not a dream, why are we not a figment of imagniation that our perception of time distorts? Fuck off with God A is right God B is right. Nothing knows
this is the best meme
Also in the video, there were other Muslims around them clearly standing, just those three decided to sit
>and respects their culture and beliefs
This is rather debatable. The fact of the matter is that Canadians systematically misrepresent their beliefs so as to maintain the illusion that genuine cultural and political conflicts cannot arise.
The inherent compatibility of every system on earth is the core myth at the earth of the multicultural ideal. All manner of distortions must be inserted into our appraisal of the world in order to maintain it, because we it comes the myth of universal peace.
Canadian do not respect Islamic culture but merely the distorted image they construct of it. This lie cannot be questioned on pain of being declared a heretic of the church of diversity.
If SJW actually knew cultures they wouldn't be SJW
They integrate so well
Please import more of these future doctors and engineers
Ungrateful fucking savages
Tru dat. No more moonman for me I guess.
mudslimes please explain, I want to have a genuine discussion about the reason of submitting to an ideology without considering there are infinite answers to human and all existence.
I actually agree with you though, OP.
If they aren't willing to be good citizens of their adoptive country then they shouldn't just leave, they should be forced to leave.
Step 1. Be relatively subhuman to begin with
Step 2. Be spoon-fed that shit from birth
Pretty simple really
>Calling us yanks
Are you a cowboy in the late 1800s?
That is a question that isn't limited just to Muslims but to all people of faith, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist
Lol no
t. born and raised in small town NW BC
Thanks for replying, but I want a genuine explanation from the people who genuinely believe and follow it. I understand the indoctrination part, but I don't get the blind obedient savagery and I want to hear from someone who does the inhumane thoughtless savagery.
It's less important for the Christian and the Buddhist since their faith is less political than Islam is. Islam seeks to impose itself quite forcefully on the rest of the world and so it's more important to challenge it.
What is your religion? You defend them by that statement but provide no rebuttal. Please defend against the opinions that are held properally against those you defend.
What do you people honestly have to be proud of? Syrup? A bustling seal trade? The privilege of being next to the US?
Honestly, what do you have to be proud of?
>muslim men at a school board meeting
Must have been there to complain about the pork in the school lunch.
Your leader said he respects Islam.
He also said Canada is just a geographic location with many different cultures with their own beliefs and governance systems.
Ignorance is no excuse - the information is freely available. The Quaran is one of the most popular texts in the world.
No the liberals invited them to ensure the minority vote. The state run media (((CBC))) is manipulating the public into believing it's the "right thing to do".
>once they run out of the 12 months of gibs they literally have no marketable skills besides labour.
The real issue hasn't quite shown it's ugly head yet, but it will and I can only hope something will be done.
Acts like this are quickly dissolving the generosity Canadians have shown and their welcome will run out.
>the gibs do
> Buddhist
Ha like ANYONE would pick on a true religion of peace. Have you ever heard about buddhists getting shot? Starting riots? Forcing their shit on other people? Thought so.
Parliamentary tradition. Individualism. Common law. French heritage. Peacefulness. Low criminality. Non corrupt institutions. Personal freedoms.
Standard western stuff that's not actually that common and is melting away everywhere on earth.
It's ok burger, we're your punching bag because you hate your home life. We get it. It's ok that you need to vent your pathetic and depressing home life into national matters on a Latvian Butter churner postboard
It's not b8.
Islam teaches that there is no God but God. That the prophet Mohammed is his chosen educator on how Man should live.
The Quaran and Mohammed are the highest authority.
Any other authority must submit to Mohammed's teachings. Hence the words root being similar to the Arabic for "submit".
To deny this is heresy and makes you an infidel.
it's only a matter of time until you're kneeling and bowing to some fucking durka durka crazy yelling prayer noises on a towel instead of a national anthem.
That ignorance is no excuse changes nothing to the fact that they are willfully ignorant, as are our leaders, and that this ignorance is encouraged by the Muhammadan enemy himself.
Our leader is wrong about many things concerning both Canada and these pedophile enablers.
more b8 but i'll bite. You read a book from centuries ago that says this dude is prophet of god becuase he says so. Why do you take this to heart? Because your parents told you to believe it?
It certainly seems your country is in a pickle - You are a post nation, with no national identity, according to Trudeau.
So in lieu of a national identity, people will revert to ethnic or religious identity, or at least this has been the standard throughout human history.
Without Canadian national authority, a Muslim has more incentive to turn towards the authority of his church.
Yes. I've also seen Buddhists killing Muslims. Their religion and it's various offshoots is very open to interpretation and in fact, can prompt violence, as seen by previously very violent cultures like Japan.
Though I do like the memeness of;
>Even Buddhists commit massacres when they have to live alongside Muslims
>Country let's you in out of the kindness of their cucked hearts
>Give them the middle finger when you get your gibs
>I wouldn't stand for that gay bullshit either
haha this.
They changed the anthem from "In All Thy Sons Command" to "In All of Us Command", in the name of "diversity". I wouldn't stand for that either tbqh
Your leader is not ignorant. He simply believes that Islam has a right to exist within his geographic borders.
He himself has said he does not see Canada as a mono-culture, but rather an economic zone that is open to all, regardless of beliefs.
He is very popular in your nation, so many of your fellow countrymen probably agree with him.
>Why do you take this to heart?
>Because your parents told you to believe it?
That would probably be the primary reason people to adhere to religions. Cultural and social cohesion and norms.
Islam has an especially low threshold of entry. You merely have to show up. Unlike Judaism in which your character must be vetted and your knowledge of the religion and it's practices increased massively by lengthy education, Islam requires nothing but attendance. The Imam can educate you at mass about all matters.
>Because your parents told you to believe it?
This is correct. Islam also provides a simple dual categorization of the world between Muhammadan and Infidels. Everything falls in either one of these categories and they form the basis of the Muhammadan beliefs. They provide meaning to his life in the form of struggle (jihad) against the believer in all his forms.
The system itself is a tautological trap out of which it is very difficult to climb. On the one hand, the people who agree with you, which form the totality of your social network, are interpreted as the good guys, why every piece of contradictory evidence or diverging views are interpreted as being the work of Satan and thus also "confirm" the Islamic system.
The system is satisfying in so far as it provides something simple to which to conform on top of providing an outlet for hatred by justifying the systematic denigration of the infidel, which is nothing more than the classic out group needing to be eliminated in the name of "justice".
From the point of view of concrete evidence, there is no reason to believe in Islam. A man had an hallucination. This hallucination is no more convincing than the one Saint-Paul had.
here's trudeau getting booed at the grey cup
If you were in my country I'd blow your head clean off with my 12g shotgun if you did not stand
Nipponbro gets it
>Your leader is not ignorant. He simply believes that Islam has a right to exist within his geographic borders.
Trudeau does not believe Islam to be a totalitarian theocracy that allows pedophilia and sex slavery. Therefore, he is ignorant and so are most Canadians concerning this subject.
Here's some OC guys, hope you like
I refuse to stand for it too. Fuck you syrupnigger
>Trudeau does not believe Islam to be a totalitarian theocracy that allows pedophilia and sex slavery
Your "individuality" comes at the cost of bending over to the collective as you cannot express yourself in the public square if you are anywhere to the right of your shithole of a pussified country. And your personal freedoms only exist for your protected classes, while you are busy paying alimony to your girlfriend.
And how being a peaceful, parliamentary afterthought of a western country (with a weird french cousin) is anything to be proud of is beyond me.
You are a punching bag because you are a joke. A country led by a man who does nothing but appeal to anyone but Canadians. A country that is trying it's damnedest to burn itself at the stake in the sake of social justice. A country that only our worst threaten to leave to, yet stay because even they know you more than a few steps down from us.
>Your "individuality" comes at the cost of bending over to the collective as you cannot express yourself in the public square if you are anywhere to the right of your shithole of a pussified country.
That's not a consequence of individualism but of pussyfied diversity worship, which is not one of the things we can be proud of.
Isn't it a coincidence Canada now allows sex with animals to be legal now that these mudslimes are coming in?
Good for them, Canada is frozen shit and your presiden't is a cuck baby.
Why don't you go and blow some muslims in your country then faggot? Maybe find the ones in the video and do it.
You're making Canada sound like the Meg Griffin of Western countries
I was about to ask a question about why the christians don't defend themselves and their people. Then I remembered and got depressed. If war comes to my land, I will fight to the death for my people and ideals, but if my people are current Cuckcanada and fight the Jew Wars, I will only be defending my loved ones, not my country itself.
Not my intent but it is accurate. How would you describe us?
The shitty part is that as a leaf we are grouped in as those that picked turdfuck to win. Many, especially prairies, who are Canadas only income hate libs and the east. Ontario has twice the debt of Cali. Alberta keeps them living, but Wynne stays her lib garbage shit that makes Ontario a laughing stock to everyone.
Did you guys just appoint your first female muslim news caster allowing her to wear her head scarf?
>moves to a foreign country
>does not stand for their anthem
god now I realize why the germans hate us. I am glad I petitioned to remove my turkish citizenship and changed my name.
Senin ben anani sikiyim, comar
in Toronto, which is basically Libshit Central of Canada
oh I thought she was nation news.
Now you start to get it. Shitskins leave their shit country to come to glorious[insert first world] but demand that new country does what shit country did to them. They are too stupid to understand
Not standing for the new (((anthem))) is patriotic you bluepilled fuck
It disgusts me, don't get me wrong. But just cuz some Sup Forums faggot post some thing sayin ohh this group is bad and then blindly following it is as bad at tumblr faggots. Read it, then follow evidence to ensure the truth. Blind followers are just as bad.
>Parliamentary tradition. Individualism. Common law. French heritage. Peacefulness. Low criminality. Non corrupt institutions. Personal freedoms.
Fuck off underageb&. Talk shit on Sup Forums, go ahead and fill your fantasies. You will never act on it. You project your shitty life. Grow up and learn.
I wonder if Trudeau knows how ridiculedd he is on this board, it would make me happy to have him come here and re us bashing him and his policies.
there's a huge thread about this video on r/metacanada if anyone's interested
Hey thats my old school district