Serious question.
Also, general shitting onto sweden thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Most of them are blinded by political correctness that they forget that it will spell their end.

Ever since they lost the Great Northern War they have slowly devolved into extreme liberalism and socialism.

Pic related would cringe on how far Sweden has fallen since he died fighting for their right to be protestant.

there's been nothing to harness them, no war, no poverty, nothing

Yids flooded there during WW2 since they were neutral. They now own all their big media corporations.

Seen a pewdiepie video lately? Sweden accepts you're apology

interesting...do you thing sunlight/hours ratio have had any impact or not at all?

also, is there any sort of bantz between you and the eternal swedish?

who's the guy? some king they killed?
>during WW2 since they were neutra
didn't knew it...so pretty much they were hitler's sympatizers? this might put them in a slightly better light desu

Marxism and it's variants known as progressivism, and liberalism.

I saw a thing somewhere about Scandinavia and how they are a trusting close nit society which means they are very peaceful and empathetic but this also means that they are sheepish and will follow the heard because they trust it no matter what.

Also one Jewish family owns most of their press.


because jews, how new are you?

in our jokes the dumb character is always swedish, but swedes hate danes more than norwegians
also norwegians do harrytur (roughly translates to tacky trip), which is taking a trip to sweden to buy cheaper stuff

jews own mass media in every country, no country is as cucked and autistic as sweden tho

>in our jokes the dumb character is always swedish,
nice, would you mind sharing some?
>but swedes hate danes more than norwegians
inferiority complex much?


>as progressivism, and liberalism.
might be some truth in it actually: the more one is a self proclaimed progressist the more he goes full retard...there shoudl be some kind of correlation


srsly tho, why is sweden such garbage

Whites are easy prey for jews because of our highly altruistic nature. Swedes developed a culture with a high degree of social cohesion based on altruism. When you apply white altruism meant to strengthen our own societies and kin to scheming merchants and welfare dependent non-whites the result is Sweden. Swedes must have been the most highly-evolved whites.

Or maybe they just had more jews.

yeah but I guess it is heavily correlated to christiandom as well..that's why jews can prey onto us: for them forgiveness and nobilty stance towards enemies aren't values

I know it's just a meme but you guys realize we have it really good here right?

Oh shit sorry, that's not fun enough. Holy shit we are cucked and everythings burning and I don't know why by a woke up in the middle of the night to visions of a leaf shaped anus progressively approaching my totally cucked out face.


Autism is rampant everywhere. This guy is good at satire though.

>we have it really good here right?
lol, can't imagine how can anyone be so literally cucked, pic related

This is what happens when a sheltered people gets overrun by socialistic jews.

A great social experiment that I unfortunately had to endure

>by socialistic jews.
those tricks didn't hang up so much and to such extent in less autistic countries tho.
also, what would happen to you if you were to express contempt or worries about refugees? would your social circle/job be at stake?

Hundreds of years of Protestantism.




Among other things...

>be sweden
>winter comes with snowfall and everybodys suprised, as usual
>stockholms traffic is in chaos
>everybody wonders why
>the feminists running the cuckold capital had ordered that sidewalks must be plowed from snow before any roads because women use bicycles and sidewalks more than men and plowing snow from roads first is sexist

>mfw i read about this

Swedes aren't autistic and cucked, though I guess it's easy for a shithole like Italy (which is overrun with niggers) to feel a little better about its failure by mocking one of the most successful countries in the world.

Did sveden even help amerika stir shit up?
I thought they were neutered.

I mean neutral.

>Be a swede
>hate myself
>hate niggers
>everyone hates me and calls me nazi
>Malmö has 179 different nationalities

>most successful country in the world
>3rd world in 10 years


>meme stats are real


this should really be a sticky i think

>import millions of literally the worst type of niggers (((somalians)))
>thinks it's meme statistics


The definition of a triggered cuckold is you.

shut the fuck up you privileged piece of shit you probably living in a nice neighborhood so you're one of those leftist faggots living a bubble

try living in gbg and going to centrum and it looks like fucking mogadishu

fucking hate swefags like you, the day of the rope is coming for faggots like you

the kek calling the pot cuck

>not fun enough
Your country is a laughing stock that will be forgotten. How fun!

licquorice. It lowers testosterone. It's everywhere. Also, good-natured genes made a peaceful, cooperative society but also allowed extreme naivety. Winter depression makes people more inclined to want to help others because it makes people have excessive sympathy. Giving money etc makes them feel good.

Many reasons.

Also, psychological manipulation from charities. pic related

Swedecucks on the Vietnam war.

What do the norwegians think of us mongols, other than that we are alcoholist.
Ive always tought of norway as a top-tier country

Im so fucking happy i live in a small village where people still hate niggers as much as they should.

kek I thought sweden was neutral.

>tfw I finally escaped that shithole

Överdriv inte. Området kring Nordstan, speciellt Emo- och Lejontrappan, på kvällen är inte så kul men dagtid är det mer svenskar än mörkermän där.

kek pic related

det är negrer och äckligt arbetslöst folk överallt i brunnsparken hela dagen fram tills 5 då svenskarna väller in efter deras arbetsdag

det är vidrigt att ta en lunch och gå bland dessa människor i nordstan/brunnsparken så snacka inte skit jävla sosse

>Supporting the winning side

Pick one.

Natural selection in a harsh environment made them more altruistic aka gullible. All White populations suffer from this, but Swedes got it the worst.

It's a result of more than half a century of brainwashing. If you've never lived here then you have no idea how shamelessly left-wing everything is, from the media to all branches of government to our education system. When I grew up there was always a huge emphasis on sharing and that everyone was equal and most of my teachers (nearly all of them were middle-aged or older women) were incredibly biased and zealous in their teaching.

The Swedish people are also naturally very altruistic (a trait of living in an enviroment that favors cooperation over competition) and that coupled with over half a century of being one of the world's safesty and wealthiest societies left people incredibly naive.

They've been told all their lives that all the people coming there has a right to be there and that they're worth just as much and any dissenting opinion is publicially ostracized (this is extra bad because Sweden is very conformist and non-confrontational) and demonized, often resulting in a loss of a job and friends.

If you've read 1984, ask yourself why the proles live like they do. If they've been brainwashed since childhood by an all-encompassing system, is it really such a surprise that they act the way they do?

>in a harsh environment
well, first of all, one have to be an autistic faggot to chose that place as a good place for a settlement...fucking hell every sane person would have turned his back and walked the way back...I think they are inehrently autistic from the beginning.
look at we wuz roman and shiet: they squatted a place full of forests, streams, rivers, where one can plant grape, olives trees, pretty much every vegetable. surrounded by a lavish sea...god how can olof faggots see a deserted freezing shithole and think "mmm...noice, I think I'll settle down in here"...autismo at its peak

estrogen in the water in combination with constant brainwashing by swedish media

I hope you guys actually know that we are one of the most successful nations in the world.
I hope you dont believe in all of these memes.
White men, stop being fucking retarded.

>implying this is bad
Fuck burgers lmao

>often resulting in a loss of a job and friends.
so, is this really true? among my friends it's pretty common to talk shit about negros and mudslimes wherever we catch up...I mean, it's not a nazi thing, but it's pretty usual to show contempt toward them..would you really loose friends if you'd do it in there? also in job places, we don't actually talk shit bout negros because everyone knows they are no good and you can't actually put them in charge of any complex task, but it is a widespread knowledge...it would be like stating water is wet, shoting at the red cross..pretty interested in this self-censorship if you'd mind to elaborate a abit

Remember the slutty girl who ran the @sweden page for a week a while back? Well...

Sorry bros, we're trying to fix it

Lol we barely have somalis here.
There are maybe a few thousands, but millions?
Guys really why are you retarded

stfu italian faggot u were the mexicans of the 20th century along with the irish XDD

>estrogen in the water
why are you all talking about this thing? even your national website is proud of the tap water...is this some sort of conspiracy or are there substantiated facts on it?

Dont you dare talk shit of my qt Italy you pathetic cuckold.

>I hope you guys actually know that we are one of the most successful nations in the world.
>I hope you dont believe in all of these memes.
this should go into the dictionary under the definition of wishful thinking

but srs note leave them alone>
. Mfw my 1st sweedish friend was half indon half black

ok faggot, you're the only country in this thread that were actually conquered by muslims XD

Det är illa men för helvete inte så illa som pol vill få det att framstå som.
Det här är ju bara löjligt, dem snackar om Sverige som om det vore Syrien eller Irak.
Det här är för fan löjligt.
Om de bara visste vilket jävla fantastiskt land det faktiskt är.

If you say the wrong thing and word gets around to the wrong people (HR department) then chances are they might lay you off to save public face, or SJW might personally try to ruin your life by contacting your employer.

>hate myself
Change that shit, that's what (((they))) want for you.

Can confirm, you Italians were the niggers before the invasion started, and still are, just lumped together with the rest of the shit now.

Whatever dude, read up on acutal facts and statistics, you know, reality, not pol memes.
How did they let your ass out of school?

I have never heard about this.
What did we do?

True, forgot Sweden is a muslim country already, no need to get conquered.

>the mexicans of the 20th century
>literally ruling amerifats culture and politics
nice try tho

liquorice lowers testosterone


>. Mfw my 1st sweedish friend was half indon half black
kek'd irl

>read up on acutal facts and statistics
I'd love to, care to share?
also, pls explain this pic they would have been lynched and put on fire themselves in every sane country

4.9% of the population is muslim
yeah totally man

Hey fags, make yourselves useful and translate what your countrywoman is saying in

give some medical aid to the vietcong.
It was mostly because the impopularity of the vietnam war among the swedish population

>If you say the wrong thing
but would the wrong thing be along the lines of "niggers are of inferior intelligence to me" OR "I think we shouldn't import any more migrant"?

There are over 2 Million foreigners here.

>only 4.9% is muslim

Sure thing Bjorn.

First will definitely get you in trouble, the latter would probably only result in a slap on the wrist.

love this blatant propaganda...why don't you hijack them?

"Aw, with colleague, was movie night, with more beer"

Pathetic Swedes surrendered the moment the first nigger entered their country, the only time you faggots will fight is when Ahmed pulls his cock out of your ass and beg for more. Sad!

i want to fuck an effeminate swede

this is in the 21st century you fucking idiot
you were as bad as niggers 70 years ago

they probably went there when it was summer and started settling then the winter came and that's when they realized the fucked up but they had probably already set up their cucksheds and went along with it

It's pretty much the same here. The brainwashing, group think, and thought policing is absolutely astounding. Fortunately our name seems to scare some of them off.

Yes, 1 million of those are finns.
The rest are other europeans.
The muslims make out 220 000 of the immigrants.
100 000 of them are getting kicked out this and next year.

lol wtf are you talking about man.
Why do you ignore the reality? 4.9% man, thats nothing.
And what niggers?
We barely have any niggers here?
Where the fuck do these memes come from?

thanks for clarifing
also, mfw I casually let the first one slip to a woman ceo I worked for in paris and landed another gig right after it...kek, sorry to hear that tho bro

Here is the OECD index for sweden, please read it before posting again.


Sweden shows the true powers of Marxism. This ideology has systematically been implemented since ~50 years ago.

>The brainwashing, group think, and thought policing is absolutely astounding.
will I ever be able to score with some iceland qt if I were to shit talk niggers and muzzies or would that make a paria out of me?
also, is it true woman are pretty promiscuos? is it indoctrination from marxism or just a cultural genetic kind of thing?

hang in there bro. Lift, learn, save. If u cannot make a better life there, come to Canada