Will Canada's image ever recover? It seems like the whole word thinks poorly of them now.
Even my normie dad was talking to me after the Fidel Castro thing and basically said yeah Canada is a laughing stock.
Will Canada's image ever recover? It seems like the whole word thinks poorly of them now.
Even my normie dad was talking to me after the Fidel Castro thing and basically said yeah Canada is a laughing stock.
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The world is just now catching on to what Sup Forums's been laughing at for years.
Trudeau fixed Canada's reputation after Harper.
It's basically the Western hemispheres Germany or Sweden. It will be in the news more often for Americans to notice.
Just when I thought I couldn't be any more ashamed...
I wonder how this board would be if Trudeau was conservative
I'm glad this faggot went off the deep end. If he was only a little bit insane we'd never be able to get rid of him. Now that he's public enemy #1 in Toronto of all places there's actually a chance he might get the boot.
Harper took in 300+ million immigrants and refugees and Sup Forums loves him because he is a "Conservative".
Justin peaked in 2015 with his "because it's 2015" comment, I've been saying it all year. Only downhill for him from here
And how would that happen? Trudeau's will always be leftist country wreckers. To be conservative to Trudeau would mean to not be a Trudeau.
300+ thousand*
If this nigger keeps on saying this type of shit he'll get the boot.
This is good for Canada overall. Canadians are some of the most narcissistic people on the planet and simply voted for weedman so they could have the most attractive world leader. Turns out he's borderline retarded.
give us time burger bro we will catch up
The fuck is that guy talking about? Canada is a part of the Anglosphere and always will be. If there's any 'first postnational state', it's probably Belgium.
Don't mock our Dear Leader.
this our fucking countrymen are retarded
the amount of Canadians convinced this is the best country on earth and don't know fuck all about how our government and constitutions are rotten to the fucking core and we have no fucking values
I don't love Harper at all. He's a Zionist scumbag.
Whenever there's a Canada thread a very low amount of people think Harper was in any way good. During the last election it looked like people mostly voted Trudeau. Most of us know there was no good option. I was too lazy to vote but I'm glad Trudeau won in retrospect because we got a good meme out of it.
I think most people on Sup Forums didn't vote last election
The 2015 election was South Park 101 "Giant Douche Vs Turd Sandwich Vs Literal Satan (Mulclair)
No, he won't. Face it, you're fucked. If he was going to get the boot, it would have been over all the stupid comments he's said before, including the literal posthumous cock sucking of Castro, a tyrannical warlord.
You've sold all your gold, elected a good-looking retard, and are currently getting your money through a german company (same one responsible for Zimbabwe), while welcoming Mexicans and refugees with open arms.
You're gonna hyper-inflate and crash. The ever-so-smug Canadian, certain in his superiority over his southern neighbor will be forced to BEG for help.
>2 Australia's and Italy
>Canada isn't the chink
I did. I voted for the conservative party in my riding. I knew Justin was going to fuck things up. Especially when he said how he was going to run a deficit as a platform.
Pretty sure at least half of Americans on Sup Forums voted for Trump for the memes fampai
canada is the aquaman of the anglosphere
Well yeah, I know a few people who voted for the Cons because Harper said some vaguely anti-muslim things before the election, but I chose not to vote because there were the rumours of Harper engaging in North American Union negotiations and pedo stuff (Baird in Mexico) plus the homo rumours about the Harper government. That stuff made me decide not to vote.
currently all we can hope for in this country is to vote conservative and hope they fuck the economy less than the liberals
god this country is low fucking energy
Oh please, we're definitely the yellow ranger since she's fucking asian
fix your jokes cunt
Canada backed the perfect embodiment of the old order at the exact time the old order was about to crumble.
As usual Canada is eight years behind where the US and the rest of the world is in their cycle.
What is Trump going to say to this faggot when he comes to Washington? This might meeting might match up to the hyperbole the media always attaches to Trump.
looks like paul dano too desu
I sincerely doubt either will meet with the other. There's no real reason to, unless one thinks they can take advantage of the other, and while I think Trump would be eager to take advantage of another country, I sincerely doubt Canada has anything worth taking advantage of.
Aquaman is badass - too badass for Canada in fact. If there is an Anglosphere Justice League, we are simply the Robin to Britain's Batman. America is Superman, of course. Ireland is Green Lantern, of course. Australia would be The Flash. New Zealand makes a good Aquaman.
>There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada
I'm sure there was before leftist fags ruined it.
Funny thing is, I saw people going on kikebook and essentially selling their vote for popularity.
>"Who should I vote for guise???"
Rinse, and repeat. I think more and more people are voting to be in the "mainstream" group, whatever that happens to be.
he's such a fucking weenie
The only way we could possibly recover is if we get Canada's Trump. It's the only way.
and who's that
As long as it's not that faggot from shark tank.
>Make Canada Great for the First Time
They will meet. Justin wants to negotiate with Trump on NAFTA
I am thoroughly convinced of Justin Fidel Trudeau
No. Remember that Fidel Castro was in power between 1976 and 2008 and his legacy was total destruction of Cuba. Now you stupid leafs voted Justin Castro in, what do you think his legacy will be?
A border wall to keep Canadian refugees out.
Ted Cruz. Trump's rise will inspire him to Make Canada Great Again and his redemption arc means he can be Trump's greatest ally once he is in charge of Canada.
>As long as it's not that faggot from The Apprentice. He would sell you all to China (where he makes his ties) just to make a buck
shut up shut up shut up
plz nuke
>he doesn't think the Canadian Pm and the US President will meet
Canada better prepare its asshole, because Trump will likely treat him like a joke.
>Trump: So what do you have that we would want badly enough to agree to Free Trade?
>Trudeau: Umm... oil?
>Trump: Yeah. That's nice. We've got a shit ton of it off our coasts, as well as up in Alaska, and Venezuela needs help, so they'll probably let us fix their infrastructure in agreement for a set price for the next couple of decades. So what else do you got?
No one outside Canada even knows who Harper is.
Trudeu brought Canada out of obscurity in the worst possible way.
I can't wait for Trump to call him a lightweight.
Of course. When first AI girlfriend would marry Canadian. This was prophesied.
Leafs deserve better.
Harper was Based as fuck fgt
It's going to be like the "I feel bad for you" "I don't think about you at all" scene in the elevator from Mad Men
Why does everybody think Liam Neeson is treds dad?
Mao didn't make Han Chinese a minority in his own country.
Also he wasn't a gigantic pussy.
jesus fucking christ...
>black ranger
Because of Tyrone right?
I still maintain that Trump probably won't even meet with him. He'll be too busy to maintain a sense of civility with a literal borderline-retard that happened to get voted in as PM.
Don't abandon us burger. I get that you want to tell other countries to fuck off with their cheap shit that displaces jobs outside the West, but we're still good right?
Canada's Trump is Trump.
I want you to look deep in your hearts. You can keep fighting this forever, or you can just do what is natural and right;
Join us and become the next 10 states. Force the US to relocate our capitol from Washington DC to a new heartland in our greater country. A greater continent, military, and culture.
Together we can end the 1990s wrestling feud. We can all be one great big fucking leaf.
Oh shit
Both support Marxist cultural revolutions though.
Bc, Alberta, and Saskatchewan will only go if you refuse to take the other provinces.
Pierre Chang, the toughest lumberjack in all of Alberta. He made a billion dollars off the moose lottery.
soft wood
jesus the christ, leaf
Trust me you guys don't wanna deal with Quebec.
The Queebs would REEEEE so hard if Canada joined America.
Well, we wouldn't put up with their worthless "French" language. When the French don't know what the fuck you are saying, that's just special snowflake tier.
I'd be down for the rest of Canada just not the French ones.
Imagine the land mass
You can't do anything to make him look uncucked
>A member of the U.S. armed forces must meet the requirements and qualifications to become a citizen of the United States. He or she must demonstrate:
>Good moral character,
>Knowledge of the English language,
>Knowledge of U.S. government and history (civics), and
>Attachment to the United States by taking an Oath of Allegiance to the U.S. Constitution.
Only thing I'm missing is the 'good moral character'.
That's your problem.
The screaming of dying liberal ideology is why we must take them. It fuels the high energy.
Join us. Start the meme, tap into the leylines.
>Well, we wouldn't put up with their worthless "French" language
Well, you're giving Spanish quite the pass right now. When are you fucks getting an official language?
The day of the rake is coming leafs.
Fuck Trudeau and canada as a whole.
Our dollar has been dropping every year and our government rather focus on identity politics than economic growth
You idiots let him die before he could run
At least his brother is still alive
Member, if ya kill us we win faggot.
We'll celebrate your victory at your wake.
Justin Castreau*
Delet this
>postnational state
Did you know you have entire departments full of staff doing absolutely nothing?
Like, actually, NOTHING?
Friend of mine went over there to work, he's an experienced policy advisor and decided to try to pick up some work in Canada for a laugh. Got a job, went over and spent all his time traipsing around multiple government departments trying to find some work to do. It was almost impossible because between the small handfuls of motivated staff each department had they were ll doing the same thing, though the majority weren't.
Will you be there? Will you answer Canada's call?
Hopefully not.
Now that the dust has settled what has Sup Forums decided to think of Justin?
Mao seems like he was only a economic marxist. China today is nationalist as fuck.
Actual conversation that took place around the table when I had dinner at my parents last night. They're fairly ignorant about international politics, and just get their fill from the 6 oclock news bulletins.
Dad: who's that pretty boy?
Mum: I dunno
Me: PM of Canada
Dad: get out of here, he looks like that guy Mark I used to work with.
Mum: oh yeah he does. Wasn't mark gay too?
Me; I don't think their PM is gay. He's got a wife and stuff.
Dad: Gay leaders have to be married, remember Helen Clark. Anyway why is he in the news?
Me: He's been praising Fidel Castro.
Mum: what? Is the guy retarded? Doesn't he know Castro executed tens of thousands of gays?
Dad: nah user, I think you've got it wrong. He won't be their leader, maybe he's just an MP. A prime minister wouldn't say anything so stupid.
Mum: there's no way Canada would elect an idiot. They used to have some guy, he was a good guy, years ago... What was his name, French guy I think....
Me: Trudeau?
Mum: that's it, he was a good leader I think. Was always in the news.
I hate political discussions with my parents. Feels like I'm taking crazy pills.