Why isn't the U.S /comfy/?
Why isn't the U.S /comfy/?
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Visit Maine or New Hampshire
I've been to somewhat comfy cities in the US but yeah that pic looks comfy af.
Austria user you actually called that. I'm proud of u
is austria /comfy/, salzburg looks great
I'm fron CA and it's the most overrated shit ever. Theres maybe 5-8 expectable states in the U.S and even then it's not that nice
>tfw going back to the comfy English country side next year
Living in Southern California makes you forget what rain looks like
Salzburg is shit.
If you want to go somewhere /comfy/, google Murau, St. Blasen or Neumarkt in Steiermark
I imagine American Cascadia is as comfy as Canadian Cascadia, which is pretty fucking comfy.
Too many sh*tskins
Rain = green grass
Ireland and Norway have good looking country sides because of this I think.
Thanks user
It is. The Kitsap peninsula is max /comfy/, syrup bro.
this is comfier
go to areas where there are no minorities and you're good. Those spots are comfy, im going to New Hampshire to see family Wednesday and its beautiful there.
Most of the country is pure and natural. Even California has those beautiful redwood forests. Also, upstate NY is perfect
Americascadiabro here
Comfy as fuck
Lets ditch the beast coast and sail on to the bright future
yes.. they live in such a bubble in the north east that they voted for clinton... so theyre doing something right up there
but it is user.
can't think of anything more comfy than living in a rural area, owning guns, growing food and looking after livestock. not to mention all the huge swaths of land where you can go hiking for days without encountering another human.
american gods is my top comfy book of all time. that section that everybody hates, where shadow fucks off and lives in a small town for a while is one of the comfiest things i've read
You're out of your mind fag
Flyover states look like shit, deserts make me want to kill myself. Redwoods are overrated and most of the houses up there have dumb shit around them like bear statues carved from wood, they're tacky californian hillbillies.
I like the U.S but aesthetically unless you're talking few few places our country isn't good looking.
Maybe it's what you grow up with isn't as appealing but I'd rather be poor in a /comfy/ english village then make 200k a year in Sacramento
Too new, too big, too tacky
Your picture is awful lad
pure bliss tier
>our country isn't good looking.
This nigger cannot be serious.
If you're in the mountains, it's very comfy.
bollocks it is
Go to Colorado or texas
Yeah the old buildings are good.
Be real with me though user, how much of your country actually looks like this and is it insanely expensive?
CO was the go to spot, I heard it crowded now also Texas is probably the worst state besides Florida and humid swamp states
>deserts make me want to kill myself
>Redwoods are overrated
You should be literally be deported for those statements. They won't be able to fuel your Crystal Ice and Coke addiction in an English village, you fat tub of shit.
>Crystal Ice
Crystal Light, must have been thinking of Natty
Come to Norco or jarupa Valley faggot, it's like the old West, pretty comfy to me if I can ride my horse to the local bar and back
Have you been to the redwoods user?
I couldn't think of a more unappealing place then a desert.
Desert property is cheap as fuck because humans don't like living in that climate.
The reason San Francisco and other CA cities are so expensive is because of industry wanting to move to them AND because coastal weather is the most sought after weather.
no u didnt, you're used to talking about meth you trash faggot
user you make a good point, if you're raised around it or it accommodates your lifestyle then you're killing it. Personally I think the old west looks depressing but I can't argue it's not a great place for you
Not particularly impressive
That's a medieval street, its the best preserved of its kind. Though many streets do look similar in the old parts of cities and historic towns, for the most part it is a rarity.
You can have large areas where heritage is priority and everything has that old English feel but you also get large industrial areas and grey looking cities.
Not too expensive though, depends on where you live really. I get by comfortably on a low skilled job, we have a culture of living outside of our means, it kind of works.
>falling for the old (((build a village on a hillside Jew)))
Psshh not likely
U.K isn't a bad place but I feel like Scandinavians edge you out
you guys
>have muslims
>trashy geordie shore culture like us
>dont like yanks
and it seems like England isn't in a weird spot right now
Come visit Kentucky. We have a castle.
>Have you been to the redwoods user?
Yes, Muir Woods, I loved it.
>I couldn't think of a more unappealing place then a desert.
I never said they're easy to live in, I said they're aesthetic and part of our national character. It's great that we have so much uninhabited land, uninterrupted cities and suburbs would be a nightmare.
Do you really want to play the architecture game?
>I never said they're easy to live in, I said they're aesthetic and part of our national character. It's great that we have so much uninhabited land, uninterrupted cities and suburbs would be a nightmare.
and im saying atheistically they look like shit
cities aren't great but towns are nice
why do you have a castle user
It's where we plan to retreat to when the shitskin hordes finally overtake us.
Seabeck here. Can confirm, maximum comfy.
Looks like a nice place to have a tank battle.
user living like the roadrunner sounds awful
sorry buddy
>immediately posts something inferior
Not much of a game tbqh
None of that is true. You just haven't traveled around the country very much. Very different from seeing it on your computer screen. Well, that or you just have generally awful taste.
I don't know what to say if you can't even appreciate this from a distance. I'm not saying your pics are shit, but I love the different types of landscapes we get in this country.
I haven't traveled that much but I've been all along the west coast and redwoods are overrated.
Few states are good looking although there might be a good looking part of every state, the majority of places suck dick
and I'm not say I want no guns and some tea but England is a much better looking country
user it really does look bad
where would you rather live, my pics or yours
where are these places?
No idea user
I know the second one is in France I believe?
I got them from /his/ sorry my man
>Few states are good looking although there might be a good looking part of every state, the majority of places suck dick
>and I'm not say I want no guns and some tea but England is a much better looking country
But how can you honestly believe those things without having done a significant amount of travelling? Have you even been to England? Shitting on your own country without even having seen most of it is pretty cucky and a little bit autistic.
Live? Yours, there are houses there. Visit? Unironically mine.
Google maps street view is pretty accurate but you're right I can never be too right also it's subjective
im not even saying all of england is comfy in fact its not even in my top 5 comfy list
agree to disagree
yours looks like shit and i hate u
Both france according to google
I do think the American countryside is better than ours but you England and Wales are pretty fucking comfy outside of northern industrial towns and infected London
Ever visited before?
>Google maps street view
Get out of your fucking basement holy shit
American Areas that are true comfy-core:
>All of New England,
specially Maine, most of it is so old and old architectures are pure comfy core, and don't even get me started on NE during the autumn.
>The Upper Midwest.
Im kind of biased on this cause I grew up in Northern Illinois during my youth. Remember Evanston in those John Hughes movies? Thats basically where I grew up. The people are nice the small towns are not as old as those in NE but the overtly nice atmosphere from the people makes up for it. The strong as fuck winters make are actually during the holiday season.
>Northern California
Sup Forums hates Cali, probably for good reasons, but not everybody is a raging libshit and the vast wilderness of California, while dry as fuck, makes for a comfy drive/stroll. Also SF is true comfy core, mainly because its always cloudy and for some raisin, I always identified comfy core with cloudy weather. Also the seaside bay area towns is pure comfy; its nothing but big cliffs, wilderness, oyster restaurants full of old people, and Robin William's had a house there.
YAWN. I can find this shit in the Harry Potter section of Universal Studios.
im 19 and poor user, i can only travel up and down ca fag
and street view is pretty accurate but it doesnt take into account culture etc
No, I've never visited, but I've always wanted to. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the U.K. is extremely beautiful, I'm just triggered by the fact that that other user is so willing to take a shit on his own country without having really seen it.
Wait, people hate that part? That's my favorite.
English culture is literally just going to the pub with the lads, watchan footie and bantz which is pretty comfy I guess but how does that differ to America?
I know us bongs take it to another level but do Americans not go for drinks after work and slag each other off for fun?
Yeah I mean it's objectively a dumb thing to say as due to the sheer size of your country you have literally every climate so you kinda win by default
it differs from state to state and even groups within that but it's not like a ritual the u.s does
sometimes we do
however what we do not have is hooligan fights which i unironically think look great
A distraction thread to take everyone's mind off the fact hillary will win
Czernobog, is that you?
Bullshit! Looks comfy as fuck!
well, people on /lit/. now that you mention it, i don't remember looking up other people's opinions on it.
In terms of natural beauty, sure, but I've always been very jealous of European cities.
>/lit/ mattering
Those pretentious fucks hate in anything that is any fun. It's cool to hate Pratchett on /lit/.
I think we can agree that the upper and lower basin states are some of the best, especially if youre /k/ /out/
Gods country
t. AZ
check this out
You don't see a lot of grass planes in new england, not like the ones you see in europe.
You need a certain amount of grasslands to be extra comfy.
You get it user
user is everyone from israel just using a something to change there ip
Try the tyrol and visit the Christkindlmarkt in the Winter.
There is nothing more comfy than Glühwein and Blatln mit Sauerkraut.
Thanks for the reccomendations Austria user
overall you enjoy Austria?
Part of it is.
kek, always thought it was weird he used the Polish spelling, when I think the family was supposed to be Russian. maybe "cz" looks more exotic than "ch".
oh yeah, no, i don't give a shit what they think. i'm just not sure if itwas only there that i saw the hate for that part or if it's agreed among gaiman fans.
You eurofags gotta realize the size of your entire country is the size of a single state (minus new england)
Lots of different terrain in Ol' Glory
Not enough trees to grass ratio.
We have literally everything, user
Is this better?
Yes you do. I live about 15 minutes drive from a city but if I go 15 minutes in the opposite direction there are vast areas of beautiful grass planes and in not even talking about the south.
Read that wrong, nevermind
If you don't like The Kansas Flint Hills or Kentucky, how about West Virginia?
Which American state is similar to England in terms of climate and geography?
The aptly named new england?
You know england better than I do. Just start searching for images of New England, and let us know.
New England
Look for states that fall in the deciduous forest belt and find one with appropriate weather conditions
Nothing but Coal: The State.
My house in upstate NY sure as hell is
There's also ATK. But what's your point? We were talking about comfy places to live.
Possibly Washington state
>beautiful church
>absolutely dwarfed by that disgusting sky scraper
North east of the country. Any rural up state area away from cities.
New England is actually closer to Sweden climatically
Makes me want to put a straw in a coconut and just relax
I'm sure that sort of thing happens in London too
>posts headquarters of Mitten's Magic Underwear Cult
Yes, I enjoy the west of it.
I don't really like the east. The east is quite flat and boring.
But a lot of people also like Vienna (even though I don't)
People are overall nice and the tyrolean alps are comfy.
Living here is expensive though, but it's worth a visit.