White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.: Study
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Mm mmmmm mmmm
Love me some fake news
Dr. Bergstein I'm CSA
Really tickles my tachyons.
More like, study finds Trump to defund public radio.
literally who?
>Mr. Shekleberg, I'm CIA.
Timothy McVeigh...
Exactly. I just saw a link with "HAPPENING!' that might as well have been
what, per capita?
>since 9/11
Oy vey.
Good one
Labeling them as white is just as ignorant as saying Muslims are terrorists.
It is about extremism and terrorism. This is about the radicalization of extreme nationalism just like Islamic terror is the radicalization of Islam.
I honesly do no know if Trump appealing yo fringe groups have made us safer or more in danger from radical militias and their domestic terorism.
We say about never forgetting terrorist attacks, but we sure have forgotten about Okalahoma City's tragedy.
I lived in a major liberal city for while. Among other axieties, one factor giving me panic attacks that kept me inside too much was terror attacks. I worried about attacks from white nationalists as much as Muslims. Especially when you can have a single nutjob or two attacking. Hell. Lemme just say it was Boston and back during the bombing I said the suspects could just as well be white as be brown. Well, it turned out they were literally Caucasian Muslims.
Also let us not forget that America helped promote Islamic extremism and Jihad warfare back when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Plus maybe even other conflicts in our Cold War mindset, not to mention the wars we have promoted and fought in for our Israeli and Saudi overlords.
Bullshit, the US gov is the world's biggest terrorist threat as well as financier of terrorists
We create threats and then knock them down and expect to be praise as the hero.
We are, as Bill Hicks said about Saddam Hussein, like Jack Palance in Shane. In the movie he was a tough guy who tosses someone a gun then shoots him, saying, "You saw him. He had a gun."
Wow. That study defines Jihadis as American just because they have US citizenship or residency, and then PRI reports them as White because the study called them American.
This is journalism in the United States.
Do some reading senpai. Hint: they were always terrorists.
This certainly is a fair and unbiased source.
>This is about the radicalization of extreme nationalism just like Islamic terror is the radicalization of Islam.
This is the leftist party line now. They lost so badly that they're trying to make Trump supporters, whites, "nationalists," or whatever vague bogeymen of the political right they can get any purchase with into the equivalent of the muslims.
But the truth is there are no militia attacks in America. There never have been. There is no nationalist terrorism. The Oklahoma City bombing was a one off shot over twenty years ago in retaliation for the very real government terrorism of Ruby Ridge and WACO.
"White nationalists" just don't carry out attacks in America. You can name like two, and only those because the media so desperately blows them up to scare you.
And then you blame America for muslims, which is rich considering America is less than 250 years old, but the muslims have been murderous for 1400 years.
Keyword: threat
Current terrorists are muslims and blacks.
You piss whites off enough and they can do much more damage. This is why they are the biggest threat
Still makes my blood boil thinking about Waco and Ruby Ridge. Glad Janet reno is dead, hopefully smoking a fucking turd in hell right now getting fucked with a pineapple.
>niggers literally keep 90 percent of the population on their toes daily
>gubberment is afraid of whitey
Really made me drink.
I like how this article touts eating random pills dropped from a drone flown over the polish border is a "safe form of abortion."
*as a
Funny...whites make up a huge percentage of the population and THEY are the ones usually attacked.
How many attacks have there been by White Nationalist? Dylan Roof? A cop getting murdered? There has been more death from BLM affiliated individuals. Islamic terrorism dwarfs both those threats. The truth is that Black Power groups are much more dangerous than White Power groups, and neither hold a candle to Islamic groups. All the disparate KKK groups have killed like 15 people since WWII. The BLA killed 20 in like a five year period. BLM has killed how many in just the past year? And before you say that liberal clap trap about BLM not being an organized group, so the cop murders can't be tied back to the movement, the same could be said about the KKK.
The secession plan I just filed with the confederacy lists me,Alabama, Mississippi here, but only one of you! First one to leave, gets to stay on my plantation.