Could Trump and the Republicans reverse legalization efforts?
Could Trump and the Republicans reverse legalization efforts?
We are the legalization efforts.
I dunno, but I think their is more important shit to worry about than DUDE WEED lmao.
Nope, it's all up to the state and it will never become federally legal as long as the DEA exists.
It's as equally important as any other, the only limit is your hatred of American liberties.
Reverese legaliziation? Bro it's Illegal in the entire country. The Democrats just stopped enforcing federal law.
Will the Republicans shut down dispensaries and enforce the law?
Would Trump be in support of it?
Would Trump change the DEA?
If liberty is your concern why not focus on stuff like the Patriot Act and other various things such as civil asset forfieture instead of a meme plant only libcucks and nigs care about?
Trump doesn't care about it and will leave it to the states. He's really a centrist. 10 years ago he would've run dem. Just because he ran as a republican doesn't exactly make him a traditional republican.
Hasn't he consistently said since forever on all of these minor issues like dude weed and dude gay abortions that it should be left up to states?
We'll hopefully see federal decrim, and then more and more states will start legalizing it for dat tax revenue.
I pay attention to multiple issues at a time. Is that something you're incapable of doing?
Trump lightly talked about it being up to states and not federally illegal. It probably won't be top priority
They could do literally anything they want. The establishment slowly consolidated power to the executive to the point where the president is nearly a dictator. People like Ron Paul talked about it all the time. The establishment thought they had streamlined things, why bother trying to control all of the legislative branch if the executive can just do whatever it wants and they can easily control it forever. Well they were wrong. Through president they have setup the executive branch to be a near dictatorship and now they will cry, powerless as Trump does what he wants.
What purpose does this have? Pic is my bowl. Does this bother you?
God, I hope so, pothead Jew puppets need to fucking die.
I can't wait to smoke a bowl after your ilk is liquidated
Everyone who has a medical card will be charged with a felony in 2020
Millions of liberals will lose their right to vote practically overnight
Shits gonna be so cash, I can't wait
What does that mean? Translate your post to layman's, porfavor. Gracias, seƱor.
Are you retarded mr numale
Nice nails. Where did you get them done?
I have a question.
Why 2020?
Why not 2019?
Why not 2018?
Why not 2017?
What the fuck? Do you smoke the little branches in the bud and the leaves?
Are Americans retarded?
I'm too lazy to debate it but the short answer is no. If you know the law you know the enforcement is moot in legal states otherwise they would've already tried before. Loretta Lynch was very anti-pot when she first game into AG office.
Uh, that person is just retArded or lazy.
this is a DNC/ CTR/ Soros shill. it is here to distract us, using a Division tactic.
I doubt the new presidency would be against something that will bolster domestic crop growth, create jobs, and pacify the violent and liberal sections of our society.
thats some shit trees m8
Yeah, maybe you are right. Those liberal shit for brains would have to eat their words if marijuana was legalized and it made lots of jobs under a Trump adrministration.
your hero the nigger cracked down on weed more than bush
Nevermind, I just saw the rest of the picture, it looks like a mentally ill tranny or some shit
Keep me posted
smok wad anyone?
>Trump literally says on many occasions that he will leave it entirely to the states
fucking my concern
Because more people will have registered themselves by '20
The more get caught in the net the better
Nobody will actually go to jail, you'll just have to be a registered felon