Are fraternities redpilled or degenerate?
Are fraternities redpilled or degenerate?
they only exist in burgerland, so I'd have to say probably degenerate.
Many fraternities have some kind of masonic faggotry in it, so degenerate.
Degenerate, they use the philosophy and concept of the alpha male for hedonistic pursuits that undermine social values
Without a doubt degenerate. If doing hideous hazing rituals is the only way you feel you can experience "brotherhood" you are a fucking FAGGOT.
Most kids deserve to get hazed. It actually benefits most of the preppy kids who've never experienced hardship. I think it gives kids some perspective
As if eating some guys shit is going to teach Cody the virtues of hard work or whatever. Get them to work a proper job, go to church and be celibate for a year or something.
Redpilled, last bastion of masculinity on college campuses.
what about co-ed societies?
Generally totally degenerate, normie, high-school tier circlejerks. But there are certainly tons of exceptions depending on the school, the fraternity in particular, and the people in the frat at that time.
in general though they have gone to complete shit and are outdated shadows of their former selves. I guess a few decades ago they were good institutions though.
i hated the main frats/sororities at U of MN but that was years ago and I'm sure the 'good' ones weren't so noticeable
They seem way too superficial.
oh ya being a clean up bitch for a bunch of retards and wearing a butt plug to class for kicks is totally redpilled
Iive with a frat guy. All his brothers are 100iq idiots that seek social acceptance and conformity. They question nothing. Indulge in promiscuity and intoxication of all forms. They all suck the Jews fat cock. And actually pay for friendship.
Redpilled. 85% of the Fortune 500 companies executives belong to a fraternity. Hazing is good and teaches discipline and respect (70% of it is just bs though), you learn better social skills and it's one of the last bastions of masculinity.
Sorry you guys didn't get a bid.
Degenerate is a nice word for frat boys
TKE is redpilled
Everything else is degenerate
Saying that you pay for friendships in a frat is retarded
Im sorry. Their parents pay for it
False machismo instead of real manliness.
Jew male/numale hyperaggressive "aggressive fishtank", buttfucking, radicalization (martyring your pride for the rank within your group) training.
Similar to the yiddish "stop snitchin" culture sold to the blacks so they would be more easily emotionally manipulated to work against their own personal interests and the interests of their communities... to the benefit of the brutal gangs run by (((profiteers))).
This. The contrived "brotherhood" element is what makes them so overwhelmingly try hard and faggy. Genuine brotherhood is something forged through genuine adversity (warfare, dangerous work, exploration etc). To think that you have some type of "brotherhood" because you did gay hazing with someone and then drank some beer together on mommy and daddy's dime is absolutley degenerate.
This. Although, like all things redpilled, it eventually got corrupted by faggotry. Picking the right fraternity is pretty important.
Hazing is a meme nowadays unless your entire school is degenerate (see: WVU)
ITT: geeds that didn't get a bid. I'm sorry you're unattractive, poor and uncool. Don't blame us. Like 90% of frats are republican, almost all white and extremely red pilled. The only conservatives on campus. Yes we have our vices (whores, drugs, alcohol) but who doesn't? Gotta live a little. Also good luck getting a job in the business/finance world without frat connections. Btw the girl you end up marrying was getting fucked by guys like me in her prime during college.
the (((alt-right))) would be smart to establish fraternities that stress sober living, studying redpills, having lots of white children, etc
that way the right doesn't lose the grip it's currently strengthening on culture. the last culture war was won mostly because the left subverted academia, which is how we got to where we are now. whoever controls the minds and information of the young will end up the winner
Before college was highscool 2.0 frats were manly
>Burgers larp about muh democracy
>literally have a nobility class you are born into
Why is this allowed? I thought all men were created equal.
Im upper middle class. Attractive. Intelligent. And Alpha. Fuck off u follower. I got solicited for your gay clubs plenty.
Only a retard claims the US is democratic
We are a republic. When we win wars we install a "democracy" that is easily controlled by a reasonable system of government, like our own republic.
Germany is one example of such a state.
If fraternities are so redpilled why are they the first ones to motivate women into "sexual freedom"?
>you learn better social skills and it's one of the last bastions of masculinity.
>sorry you guys didn't get a bid.
This is part of the reason no ones like you, dude. Frat guys are the fat wrestling kid in high school turned social club manchild that thinks hes not shit because he responded to a flyer posted on the fifth floor that 3/4 of the other guys on the floor passed up
Its not all bad, but your little club and connections don't mean shit in real life. Youre just going to be that 35 year old dude as a best man at a wedding in Illinois looking like a dumbass and singling your college boys club song
Its not nearly as "cool" or masculine as you retards claim
Only Skull & Bones is real
I would say its mixed, I have a bunch of friends in frats, some are chill, others are the way too hard try-hards who just lost their virginity, as put it, it's basically right time right place, hence why I never bothered to rush, plus greek life in the UC system is really cucked. I joined a sport and pretty much get the same thing, minus having to suck some repressed homosexual's dick.
>fraternities that stress sober living, studying redpills, having lots of white children
This is what an average member of that frat would look like
You stupid fuck, only liberal retards believe in democracy and that "all men were created equal" scheiße they teach you in school.
We were never meant to be a democracy. Our founding fathers hated that idea; America was always meant to be a republic.
And of course there are different classes in our society, we aren't communist like the obese roleplayer Karl Marx's idea of Communist Prussia, and we never will be.
The actual jewish frat at IU killed a guy
Then how are you any better then the dune coons you hate so much?
You're making it sound like anyone can get into the top tier frats, you're wrong. You need money, good looks and sometimes legacy connections to get in. Its for the elite of the elite. If you hang around losers, you're a loser. Sorry that's life. Most US presidents were in frats, most fortune 500 CEO's were in frats, the list goes on.
Frat guys in college scream mediocrity. They are literally joining a club. Not quite alpha as they claim
But they partner with a similar group of mediocre girls who also joined a club and suddenly now they be totally alpha and gettin bitches son
Only the bluepilled idiots think the US is all about democracy, sorry you fell for memetic trickery.
We are better than the dune coons who are your countrymen because we have social mobility that fits within a structural hierarchy. It allows freedom while actually being able to get shit done.
Only red pill one is the tri-kap
You couldn't be farther off. I'm a CS/math double major and excel in my courses. I could've just as easily done it being a sexually frustrated autistic fag who complains about everything. Sorry I like to have fun, being sociable isn't something you can "study". It's invaluable to learn how to get along with a diverse crowd of people.
TKE? you must be a fag lol.
>be me
>8/10 conservative christian white dude bro
>in a fraternity
>heavy references to masonry
>just in it for drinking, broing out, and pussy
>everyone i meet doesnt like fraternities
>has philanthropy
>good social network
>academic support
>beta male faggots that didnt get in whine about it on Sup Forums
quit being fags, we're on the same side
>Frat guys in college scream mediocrity.
Then why are the best looking guys on campus in them? And the most wealthy? And why do all the girls go to frat parties to hook up with them every single friday night? You're jealousy is showing geed.
y'all should take testimony from actual frat dudes (me). its a lot of fun
>top tier frats
but anyways you come off as a fag.
>muh money and looks
Ya Im sure your little sigma pi friends or whatever are really going to help pull your resume off of careerbuilder in 2 1/2 years if you actually graduate
Unless you were literally in dubyas harvard club its not going to do shit. And even in that case I have no interest in you and jebs homoerotic rituals.
Youve been sold a bill of false goods
we want to survive to fight another day
You don't get it, do you? A fraternity attracts a certain kind of mindset and is exclusive.
And if you haven't been redpilled about society either, "money and looks" are what matter the most. Good things happen to good looking people.
What fraternity are you in user? I'm a deke myself
Degenerate globalists
>best looking
>most wealthy
Dude you sound like Elliot Roger
The "best looking" and richest dudes that crush all the chicks in sight don't actually go around talking about how good looking and rich they are. You do understand that right?
When you say over and over that youre rich and good lookings its try hard as fuck
tips fedora*
Don't be jealous that you are a fucking loser and could not get a bid even if you went out for one.
>good looking
thats because dudes with looks have confidence. in order to get a bid, you must (usually, depending on the chapter) project confidence
I'm a pi kapp
Actually, we do in a very sarcastic manner and girls love the confidence. Try again. People like Elliot Rodgers wouldn't get in a fraternity, hell, he'd kick him out of rush.
And good lucking and wealthy "alpha males" don't have to join a fucking club
Thats all im saying. Im not shitting on the good times or whatever brotherhood aspects you guys have. All im saying is that im not a kid and am in on the secret that most frat guys are fat stoners/drunks/losers
Again, nothing necessarily wrong with it unless you think you are as clearly deluded as the elliot roger frat funposter in here. And im not saying its everyone but you cant sell it as some sort of alpha club when its not as evidenced by the 80% of dudes who declined to even rush and just came to your open house for free drinks
George Bush was drinking and doing drugs in Skull & bones fraternity and he became the president? lots of free alco and pussy there too
redpilled? I think so
I dont really know what to do with this
Youve all said the exact same things six times in a row
If it was so awesome youd have a line of applicants out the door, but as it stands you have to post fliers and recruit socially awkward or lonely kids, even at the biggest party schools in the country. It is what it is
Actually, Brother Bush was first a Deke. And since it is a tradition at Yale for the DKE Phi chapter pres to get "tapped", he and his father were admitted to be bonesmen.
No they don't. Germany also has fraternities bit they are fucking cringe incarnate and mostly frowned upon because many of them are right wing as hell and borderline nazi clubs.
Sup Forums would drool all over it but keep in mind German fraternities force you to practise fencing (academic fencing not the cool olympic fencing). Instead of stabbing each other you stand in front of your opponent and whip his head with a dull sword. First one to move loses. Also, you have to attend daily meetings where beer is drunk but not in a cool way but rather like a business meeting in the 1800s with paroles and wanna-be songs from the fraternity.
True, the members are very tight-knit in a German frat but the whole traditions thing is really retarded here. Google German fraternities and traditions and have a good laugh.
>we do
>girls love the confidence
Did you pull that out of one of (((Green)))s books or get it off pick up artist reruns
Men who are popular with women don't talk like this. Men who want to be popular with women talk like this. Go through rodges videos for refrence
Brotherhood thing is fake. They might as well get raped in the ass by a death squad rather than proving their "superiority" APO in here should just get tossed in the rivers since they encourage degeneracy.
>could not get a bid
please bro. it's not that hard to get a bid. even if you're the stereotypical unwashed CS nerd one of the community service or pre-___ will take you. the socials will take pretty much anyone who isn't a complete dweeb, too.
that said i do kind of regret not rushing for any frats but i was 25 when i had the opportunity and just felt too old for the whole thing.
>girls love the confidence
it's not like being a brother gives you more game, it's just that being a brother makes a certain type of girl want the dick, the same type that goes after anyone with "status".
how would you know dipshit, you never been in a brotherhood
Top tier frats don't recruit lol. You either have "it" or you don't, its a different mindset. Winners attract winners, losers hang out with losers. That's how the world works friend.
you can get the exact same "brotherhood" from a club sports team m80
>it's just that being a brother makes a certain type of girl want the dick
Yeah, that type is "attractive". Have you seen some of those sorority chicks? Not wife material but smoking hot.
My neighbor has been on one. He keeps begging me to join it but i refused since its all false machismo. If you want to experience brotherhood, follow the way of The Lost Generation. They are rich people that went out their way to fight for their country even if they have the option to refuse it.
yeah, thats why sports teams pay dues, haze new members, and fuck whores too.
Are you even a university student?
This. They are also psychotic most of the time. They would even tell you stories on how they make a man dick so swell by dropping candle wax on it.
frats here devolve into some kind of flip chad exclusive street gangs
Had no idea there were frats in the philpenis, fucking cool.
most are douchbags, but there are some really solid organization that break the sterotype and will give you quality livelong friends.
if you are interested make sure you shop around, dont pick a shitty group jsut because its the first house you visit.
This. Best frats don't tell, they do. APO UP Oblation Run is an embarassment to the country.
>All the butthurt geeds ITT
It's the last place in college that non-liberal opinions are accepted, hazing is a meme, and there are no nigs.
The issue is you posted this at 3:00 AM in the US.
>implying fagipinos are capable of being rightwing conservative scholars
>fucking cool
they're degenerates though
Sure thing unless you are an actual fucking student or have ever stepped foot inside of a school of business
Jesus Christ you fags are all either full of shit or completely deluded.
I go to the University of Illinois, roughly 70% of the business majors I've met are in Greek fraternities/sororities/societies.
Yeah most frat guys are business majors. Like I said earlier the business/finance world is dominated by frat guys. If you major in anything business related and aren't in a frat, good fucking luck son.