You're not truly redpilled until you've learned that capitalism as a Jewish system that tears down borders in order to make it easier for cheap 3rd world labor to move into 1st world nations.
Daily reminder
Which is why we need Fascism.
>he believes in the socialist meme
but the left fights to give them equal rights and even flirting teachers?
also how do they get around the nat min wage laws?
left and right are outdated terms desu. The "left" of today is nothing like the left before the 1960's. What matters now is if you're a nationalist or a globalist. The people you're talking about are basic bitch liberals who don't really care about working people. Race has been improperly conflated with class.
As for minimum wage, it doesn't matter if the people being hired aren't legal.
You're not redpilled until you realize that any large scale economic system is inherently flawed and that there is no "ideal" way to do it. Economic ideologies are just as pointless as moral ones, but we have to adopt something that works well enough.
Pragmatism and compromise are the only way to get shit done. Anyone who wants to sell you a package of precepts to cure all of your woes is full of shit.
Analyze the problem at hand, adapt your current system to address it, then repeat forever. This is why we need a monarch. Someone who can make the hard decisions quickly and unilaterally without the slow process of government.
A dictator is better than a monarch. Dictators take power through elections or revolution, meaning they must have some qualifying traits in order to be in power in the first place. Monarchs are just born into a position of prestige without having to fight for it. It's like leaving a spoiled fat kid in charge of the chocolate factory.
Not really true.. You can have capitalism on a global scale where capital flees to the lowest cost.. or you can have it on a national scale where it's held within the borders of the nation to ensure domestic production.
Markets are markets.. you can make them whatever you want.. You can simplify them between capitalism and socialism if you want, but that just shows you need to learn how markets work outside of it "I like money".
God dammit, I gave up porn, stop doing this!
>Not really true.. You can have capitalism on a global scale where capital flees to the lowest cost.. or you can have it on a national scale where it's held within the borders of the nation to ensure domestic production.
Capitalism will always lead to globalism. Once national capitalists get rich enough they use their financial influence to push for deregulation which makes it easier for them to move companies overseas without suffering any penalties. The ones that don't move companies abroad just end up hiring cheap labor brought in from the 3rd world.
>Markets are markets.. you can make them whatever you want.. You can simplify them between capitalism and socialism if you want, but that just shows you need to learn how markets work outside of it "I like money".
Not really sure what you're getting at here. Are you conflating markets with capitalism? If so, you can have a market outside of a capitalistic economy.
Jews were behind the communist revolution
I want to see her get blacked
>implying "the Jews" are the only ones who created capitalism and abuse the system for cheap migrant and international labor
You stormfags need to get off your hangup. There might even be a disproportionate number of Jewish global elities running these corrupt systems, but it isn't "the Jews".
Here. Have more ginger puss and calm down.
>not wanting cheap labor at home
it took me two seconds to find a source using the Google image search tool. Just click that little triangle next to the post number, newfag.
Got lost on your way to /r/politics, commie?
>pic related
All Sup Forumsacks should know this.
>Checks vids of Lucy O'Hara
>Only lesbo shit where she's sucking strap ons & masturbating
>No taking of real dicks
Why is this allowed?
Communism has it's own set of problems. Mainly Marx's autistic commitment to internationalism.
Sorry don't know.
It's always the Jews user.
See above.
That's a thick redhead
I am summoned once again
post more
money in a way is a form of control, people can easily turn on the puppetmasters but teh money lul
annoys me to no end
They might not have originated the idea of the free movement of labour, but they took the idea and applied to to 3rd world mudpeople coming into Europe and America.
America didn't even want to annex Mexico because it would have endangered the white majority in the 19th century.
I'm with the people who claim watching someone else fuck is psychologically destructive. I'll allow myself to be aroused by still softcore, but I'm not fapping to it and I'm not going to think about it later.
Like other user said, use image search, it's clearly professional produced and shouldn't be hard to find. I was being serious about not fapping to it.
Oy vey the goyim know.
>"Jews invented capitalism"
>ctrl+f "Adam Smith"
>0 results
The (((merchant))) class literally became the ruling class after they overthrew the aristocracy during their Masonic revolutions in France and the U.S.
in socialistic society people as Soros were impossible
>one form of capitalism is bad
>this means all forms of capitalism are bad
>wanting to fill your limited base with E rank kikongo-speaking soldiers
this is what you're saying right now
>Adam Smith invented capitalism
he only put on paper a system that already existed
modern capitalism developed mostly in Amsterdam anyway
>real capitalism has never been tried.
literally a meme tier argument.
it also wasn't my argument
what OP described is globalist free market capitalism and is not indicative of all forms of capitalism
kind of described what you're talking about here: Capitalism is capitalism.
Why is it that red heads like that do things to my benis that other girls can't do? Seems like fascism is needed, but then you run into problems with absolute power corrupting people.
I have no problem with using 3rd world apes for low-skilled labor, because I'm not competing for low-skilled labor positions
Which is why I'm a national socialist
All capitalism ends up being crony capitalism no matter how you try
You don't actually know what fascism is, do you?
It is nothing about blood and soil.
Fascism is government rule by corporate finance. It is the fastest way to tear down land borders, because corporations are multinational and have globalist interests.
Ignorance is a dangerous weapon.
I ĥope you've bating, if not, you've a moron
is it just me or do you guys get the feeling that these "national socialists" are just undercover leftists trying to normalize socialism, and make it more appealing/attractive, by associating it with nazis/fascism.
something smells off here...
>something smells off here...
your jewish ass
>>capitalism as a Jewish system
you will die poor.
your mother's poes, hohol. you socialists faggots will never infringe. my farm not yours, as is said. then again you faggots supported every nigger rebellion in africa.
*goy hating intensifies*
are you fucked in the head? literally (((socialism))). we fought your asses here during the all the border wars you nigger sympathizing cunt. yeah you a troll fuck off i'm out.
It's hopeless most of Sup Forums asumes that being anti-capitalist=socialist=sjw, internationalist open boders cuckoldry
cry more dicksucker
so how isn't capitalism the system that encourage and rewards jewry and greed among both jews and non-jews?
at least i'm not cucked by kikes.
you guys are just jelly becouse you work like slaves for shekels that wont hold you for a week. what you dont realise that you guys are basicly niggers. too stupid to adopt to the new world.
neckbeard virgins as you cant be cucked
A truly advanced form of society would take the best from both the "left" and "right" ideologies.
>A strong, almost unchangeable constitution guaranteeing basic freedoms to every citizen
>A small, elected government with dictator-like authority
>baisc Housing, food, water, energy, education and logistics (streets, local transportation, bridges) are in the hand of the state
>Deregulated economy
>Simple entrepeneur lawset, low entrepreneur barrier
What stock is that? Also what scope? Thanks.
>You're not truly redpilled until you've learned that capitalism as a Jewish system that tears down borders
Oh lawd...Capitalism was defined and practiced by christians for centuries before communism. Communism is inherently jewish, it was created by them and their culture is collectivist. On a scale of economic ideology, capitalism is 1 end, communism is the other. When it comes to freedom, capitalistic societies sit on one end and communist ones on the other. The problem is with geopolitical ideology and the nature of globalism/nationalism. Communists are always globalist, socialists are usually so(excepting the nat socs), but capitalists which were usually nationalistic have been overshadowed by global capitalists. This mindset seems most prevalent in finance, where global opportunities are easily found and exploited much faster than other industries. I can dump money into a hong kong company today and draw it out next week, or buy bonds in america by borrowing money from japanese banks. It just becomes the nature of finance when their industry is basically moving at the speed of light. All information and actions are electronic and done with a mouse click, so "moving" to brazil or russia for investment is easy.
As finance has grown to a quarter of GDP, so has the role and influence of financiers politically. Industries like agriculture and manufacturing can't jump all over the place with such ease, nor can they turn a shithole into a growth machine like financiers can. Loans and capital investment from a few banks can jump start or crash an economy depending on which way money is flowing. Politicians see this influence and cater to the financiers, only increasing their influence further. As long as finance dominates economies, globalism will creep it's way back into the world. It's part of a leftist mindset but financiers just love to exploit opportunities so much they don't mind the nasty parts of globalism. Also jews.
But that's globalism you fucking retard
>You're not truly redpilled until you've learned that capitalism as a Jewish system that tears down borders in order to make it easier for cheap 3rd world labor to move into 1st world nations.
I already knew all that, except it isn't jewish in origin, but the natural way for all humans to behave.
Finally someone who actually knows what fascism is.
>What matters now is if you're a nationalist or a globalist
Not really, everybody is globalist by now, with some very especific exceptions.
Capitalism is the natural order. One man catches fish and another catches a deer. Neither wanting to eat one exclusively, they choose to trade some of each.
For something to be a Jewish system, it must first be a system of control devised by humans which deviates from the natural order. Nothing epitomizes this more than Communism and Socialism.
Seems like you dont know what capital is.
What you're talking about is globalism
Do you realize the sheer hypocrisy of merely using english to preach that stuff in an international forum on the internet using a computer that was built with materials, components, processes and labor from a number of distant countries around the world?
Dictatorships don't create a leadership clAss that is more or less trained from birth to rule like an aristocracy does.
>big government
wew, looks like we need to overthrow the government and install an even bigger government
wich is a natural phase of capitalism
how is it hypocritical?
The point is to trick the people into an orwellian nightmare and slavery
If you think globalism is bad why don't you stop using it's benefits? Why don't you live your whole life in Sweden, speaking Swedish with other Swedes and only eating/buying stuff made exclusively from Swedish labor with Swedish parts?
I mean, I believe the meat industry is somewhat wrong to a certain extent but I still eat meat, so I don't go around telling people they shouldn't eat meat.
people wheren't totally isloated from each others prior to globalization eurospic
just leaving this here
>pale women
muh dick
The same applies to nationalism
You can't both have the cake you want and eat it
faye reagan is a porn star m80
have fun
Shut up and post more irish qts
I had this revelation about 6 months ago, I'm glad other people are catching on
If Capitalism is okay then why is shekleberg wrong about manipulating our markets and political system? They have enough money, should they not have proportional representation for their business interests in congress too? You people are dumb if you think shekleberg will stop simply because you say "nuh uhhhh shekleberg, don't do that, that's being meaaaaan". The system we have is filled with corruption, we need to move back to the Nazi economy we copied after ww2
>TFW she looks like the grill I lost my virginity to and now I'm obsessed with redheads
It's Crony Capitalism that is killing us. Nothing wrong with capitalism as such.
Like all good Americans, I'm of mixed German and Irish heritage.
>TFW actually having a handle on boozing
>t. Jew commie
You're being an idiot. No one is promoting a cessation of trade of goods and ideas, nor are they promoting a system of cultural isolation.
What anti-globalisation types seek is an end to the unfettered free movement of people and capital, which has done nothing but rob most western nations of productive economies and job security, and brought about widespread stagnation of wages and strained public services.
That's without getting into the loss of cultural cohesion that mass immigration has caused for the small nations of Europe.